by robert kiel
Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:24 pm
i got this job offer and am wondering if it's a scam or not. here is the number i was called from the other day by this guy +81-80-4468-0514 it is clearly a tokyo japan number because i reverse searched it.
Sean Kinch
Dear Mr Robert
I have sent you an email before but no reply from you. May be the mail has gone to the junk box.
Anyway, if you get this message, please provide your phone number and available timings so that I call you from Japan and we talk about work.
I am starting new business in Japan and initially for 3 months I will need you mostly to work from the comfort of your home and help me with paper work with little work outside too.
Communication is not an issue so anyone can do this.
And if you have intention to stat long time in Japan, I can arrange long term visa, and other fringe benifits too.
Wait to hear from you
Sean Kinch
[email protected]
i hope this is not a scam
Sean Kinch
Dear Mr Robert
I have sent you an email before but no reply from you. May be the mail has gone to the junk box.
Anyway, if you get this message, please provide your phone number and available timings so that I call you from Japan and we talk about work.
I am starting new business in Japan and initially for 3 months I will need you mostly to work from the comfort of your home and help me with paper work with little work outside too.
Communication is not an issue so anyone can do this.
And if you have intention to stat long time in Japan, I can arrange long term visa, and other fringe benifits too.
Wait to hear from you
Sean Kinch
[email protected]
i hope this is not a scam