by David Jansen
Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:36 pm
This is a loan scam. The scammer makes it appear like he has a loan company which can offer loans with a very low interest. But in most cases you have to pay the monthly dues upfront, before the fictive loan will be send to you. Don't fall for these scams!
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"Mr Tony Adams" <[email protected]> [Add]
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I am Mr Tony Adams(C.E.O) I am a legitimate loan lender, we give loans to
serious minded individuals. We give loans to 3% interest, let's at least
€ 5,000.000.00 and a maximum of $ 120,000,000.00 as loansItching
secure financing for this project of your dreams? Have a viable business
but lack the funding necessary to get the discount of the feet? Do you
have ideas which worth millions but you lack the capital necessary to test
your idea? Have you been rejected by other lenders? You have the desire
for a house but you lack enough money to buy it? Do you want your dream
car now and yet you can not, just for your financial situation? Company is
the provision of microcredit are an opportunity to update his dream. If
you are interested in obtaining a loan, please contact us Today.
Loans available
* Personal Loans
* Business Loans
* Combination Loan
* Student Loan
* Credit for Investment
* Car Loan
* Consolidation Loan and Many More
1)YOUR NAME.........................................
3)YOUR COUNTRY...................................
4)YOUR OCCUPATION.............................
5)YOUR MARITAL STATUS......................
6)PHONE NUMBER..................................
7)MONTHLY INCOME..............................
10)LOAN REQUEST...................................
11)LOAN DURATION.................................
Be sure to contact us. [email protected]
Mr Tony Adams(C.E.O)
Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.