Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
by Frost Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:23 pm

Posojilo ponuja med resno hitro zlasti v 48 h :
zdravo Mi smo združenje vlagateljev; Smo dajo na razpolago vsi iz posojila, najdaljši rok odplačila je 15 let, letna obrestna mera je 3 %. Kredit dodeli kdor zasluži določen mesečni dohodek. Imajo kapital za posojil za kratkoročno in dolgoročno od 5000 evrov 10,000,000 evro za vse ljudi, ki so resne, pošteno in dobro morale, za več informacij o posojilu ponudbo, nam pišite na ta mail: [email protected]
Plavec : 0033188522225 : [email protected]


Loan offers between serious rapid growth within 48 h:
hello We are an association of investors; We make available all of the loan, the maximum repayment term is 15 years, the annual interest rate is 3%. The loan granted to anyone who earns a fixed monthly income. They have the capital to loans for short and long term from 5000 EUR 10,000,000 Euro for all people who are serious, honest and good morals, for more information on the loan offer, please contact us at this mail: [email protected]
Plavec: 0033188522225: [email protected]

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Email: @

by Frost Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:24 pm
Spoštovani kupec

Vaše posojilo zahtevo vam potrjujem, da sem na voljo, da vam posojilo, ki ga želite izposoditi.

To je namreč posojilo med posameznikom in ponujajo posojila kratko srednjeročno in dolgoročno s posebnimi pogoji, pogoji in postopki so preproste.

Prejeti moj posojilnih pogojev bi vprašati, vas prisrčno povej mi znesek zahtevka, in čas trajanja odplačevanja posojila.

Moram vedeti znesek vaš zahtevek in čas, da jih pošljete mojega posojilnih pogojev.

Čakanje na vaš hiter odziv.

lepe pozdrave.


Dear customer

Your loan request I certify that I am available to give you the loan you want to borrow.

This is in fact a loan between individuals and offer loans to short medium and long term with the special conditions, terms and procedures are simple.

Receive my loan terms would ask you kindly tell me the amount of the claim, and the duration of the loan repayment.

I need to know the amount of your claim and the time to send you my loan terms.

Awaiting your urgent response.


Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Email: @

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