Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
by falnsb Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:10 pm
+44 70359 74679
Motto: Giving out the best service in this part of the world.

SOLUTIONS is giving out a loan of 5,000Euros {Five Thousand Euros}
to the following Client. Am in receipt of your previous mail, I
apologise for the late response, I have been very busy in the
processing units sorting out some loan closing..{Hope you fully
understand my plight here}.I can lend you themoney, But once again i
want to be sure you are very serious and trustworthy in paying back
the loan when due as promised, I want to use this opportunity
towelcome you to this financial institute. I am happy to inform you
that your application for a loan from our firm(Cribbs Financial Credit
Inc.) has been granted by the verification and processing
Department/Units of this financialinstitute. Congratulations in
advance. Clearly stated below are your Loan Terms and Conditions.

Loan Balance:Euros5,000.00 Adjusted Loan Balance: Euros5,000.00 Loan
Interest Rate: 3.00% Loan Fees: 0.00% Loan Term: 3 years Minimum
Payment: Euros0.00 Monthly Loan Payment: Euros145.41 Number of
Payments: 36 Cumulative Payments: Euros5,234.61 Total Interest
Paid: Euros234.61

Note: The monthly loan payment was calculated at 35 payments of
Euros145.41 plus a final payment of Euros

{1} Failure to pay back the loan at this expected date/period, legal
actionswill be taken against the applicant by our company attorney
immediately. { 2 }
Applicant who is unable to meet with the repayment will be given 4
weeksmore as a grace period before legal actions will be taken.{2} You
must make sure you understand the conditions for this loan you
areabout to secure from us, before we then proceed to the loan
transfer. {4}The borrower must pay back at the rate of interest
within the stipulatedtime (years) after cashing the loan.{5} You will
not be allowed to request for more funds without evidence ofrepayment
of previous fund borrowed. However consideration will be given to
you if you have paid half of the previous fund borrowed.
{6} You must not have any current criminal records in any court of
law. {7} FSA: This Institution as well as this loan
transaction is associated with amaximum security guarantee. The
FSA(Financial Security Assurance) guaranteesall applicants requesting
for loan in this institution to be rest assured that thelegitimacy of
this transaction is 100%.
{8}: SECURITY POLICY: Due to the high rate of Internet insecurity we
have our own method to prevent Fraudulent people from obtaining a Loan
from us. This is why will have all your full details for legit and
clean verification.

Once this is received, we will inform you when your loan will be
ready fortransfer, If there is anything you will like to add do not
fail to bring it tomy attention, our loan program is very direct and
flexible as comply with theInternational Fund Firm.


*Full Name: * Gender:* Marital Status:* Contact Address: * Country:
* Date of birth: * Occupation: * Purpose of Loan: *: Phone / Mobile:

Hence, You are therefore advise to send a vaild I.D card or passport
for identity andverfication to present to the paying bank for the wire
transfer of your loanonce you comply with the said charges via western
union to the Head-Quarter toget your loan as soon approved after the
fee has been effected. Official Notice: Be informed that all the
insurance, tax and legal charges incurred in process ofgetting
the loan insured and processed is being taken care of by
thisfinancial institute which is Euros320.21U.S.D. The only fee the
borrower isresponsible for paying is the approval cost of
Euros190.23U.S.D to get your loan approved as imposed by
theInternational Approval Loan Government affiliated and registered
transferringbank and it will have to be paid before we initiate the
transfer of the loanfunds into your designated local bank account in
which deduction is not acceptable according
toSub-Section124,Vol:52-56. Be informed that as soon as we receive
your bankaccount details the process for transfer will be initiated as
you will berelayed with details on how you are to make the payment for
the effected charges. When due as the company's Attorney confirmed the
needful with legal signeddocuments
from both parties involve.

I……………………………… hereby Agree to the loan terms andcondition and with
this, In declaration of the loan agreement details provideby me and
document signed are real and legit. ……………………. Borrower Signature
Inline with the approval,This is to inform you that you will be
required tosend us your Banking Details regardless on your loan wire

I look forward in doing and completing this transaction with you in
good faith.
Kindly extend my greetings to your lovely and Wonderful Family.

Your Response is highly Needed.
Have a nice and Blessed day,
Regards and God Bless
Mrs Wellz Agudo
When things don't seem to be going your way,always know that God has
aplans for you.If you place your trust in Him,He will give you great
gifts.Wedon't al! ways know what God's plans are for us.We just know
that Hisways are not our ways,but His ways are always the best

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