Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
by Bankster Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:28 am
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Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 12:00:10 -0000 (UTC)
Subject: HELLO
From: "Mr Greg Mario" <[email protected]>
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Sent from - Peru, via - Saudi Arabia (open proxy), supposedly originating from - Nigeria
(Somebody has clearly gone through a lot of trouble to hide themselves.)

(The two dashes above mean "end of message, begin of signature". The actual message follows below, in the hopes that junk mail filters would leave the "signature" alone)
Greetings, I am Mr Greg Mario, private financial assistant from the
investment loan, we are legitimate lenders, loan and gave me a serious individuals.
We offer loans to those in need, we offer business loans, personal loans, car loan,
educational loan and medical loan. We also offer loans to companies (small or
large), we also offer a loan without credit check.Our mission of helping
individuals and businesses. Interested applicants should reply to this
email id below: Thanks and God [email protected] bless.I will offer you a
loan, as you requested, it should be noted that we are serious individuals only
attend if you sign this loan I want to we're serious about this, I also know that it is
getting loans from my company is 100% guaranteed, so it all depends on
you, you will want to fill in the borrower `s information below and come back to me
immediately when possible, so that we can continue.

Your Name: ................................
Your country:................................
Your address ..............................
Your profession :..........................
Your marital status......................
The current situation in the workplace :.........
Telephone number :..............................
Monthly Income:...............................
Loan Amount:...................................
Loan Duration :..................................

I await your prompt response.
Thank you and God bless you.

No reputable lender would send their offers by spam, attempt to hide behind a series of proxy servers in different countries and use a GMail address for their business.
Also note how "Greg" tells in detail what his company does, but the name of the company is never mentioned.

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