by AlanJones
Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:37 pm
hello XXX thanks for the information and i want to assure you that with all the information you send to us you are going to receive the loan successful. but what you have to do now is to paid the low interest rate height 2% which is 15,000 dollars to our headquarter bank in turkey before we can transfer your loan of 750000 dollars loan to you with your information successful.
there is our headquarter bank information you will paid the low interest rate height 2% which is 15,000 dollars to in turkey.
account name: Yemi Suleimon
account no: 0060059
swift code: AKBKTRIS
IBAN no: TR33 0004 6003 9200 1000 0600 59
Bank Name : AKBANK Bank
as soon as you paid the low interest rate height 2% which is 15,000 dollars into our headquarter in turkey. send the payment slept back here. immediately we transfer your loan of 750000 dollars to you with your information you gave to us.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon
my regard
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