Thank you very much for your question and i want you to understand that i promise that i will be more honest with you and also want you to take it from me and i want you to trust me on it.
I want you to understand that there is no fee in this loan transaction,that means that this company don't charge so please there is something i want you to understand and i want you to sit comfortable and think about it,if it necessary or not and then pass
your judgment on what to be done.
There is a registration fee to pay and this fee is imposed to be paid because of the high rate of scam activities going on the internet so the international monetary fund (IMF) introduce this method to control scam victim in the internet so that will can terminate scam or fraud and that is the reason why you need to register this loan before will make the loan transfer to you.
My dear customer,i know that this may sound difficult for your understanding because of your past experience but i want you to know is the benefit of you the borrower mainly and the loan lender OK.
The reason for this loan registration are listed below:
1. To enable the borrower to know a legitimate loan lender or firm.
2. To enable the international monetary fund terminate or reduces scam activities in the internet.
3. To secure people from their hard earn.
4. To enable the both party to build trust and understanding for future transactions
No such fees like: Loan transfer fee,insurance fee,activation fee e.t.c
I want you to know that we don't charge fee which you already understand in my previous email but you must register the loan amount with the international monetary fund and also because you are a new customer in this loan firm which also you read and understand in my previous email and above content the reason why the loan registration is important.
According to the board of trustee of this loan firm,the loan registration fee will cost you the amount 655 Euro to register the amount of 10,000,000.00 Euro with the international body so that this loan can be secure and protected against scam act and activities so that both the loan lender and the borrower can build trust and understanding among them self for future reference.
Note: That the loan registration or any amount can/will not be deduct away from the total amount of loan the borrower seek because the amount have be documented.
Loan company act of conduct:In every loan company or a person or a group of individual agree to practice a loan institute,they must have all the facility to enhance a loan for a borrower without paying such fee,further more,how can a borrow pay for a loan insurance in another man country or security,loan agreement fee and transfer fee when the loan lender have all the necessary connection to practice a loan transaction.
Because of all those unnecessary fee impose to loan borrower to pay by greed loan lenders,that is the reason why the federal government introduce a particular method to control such act so that loan borrower can have a say because in a country that don't give out loan or do any international business never power exchange rate which is the basic matter in economy of a country because the depreciation and appreciation of a country economy lies on exchange rate so please i must let you know this, that the only kind of fee impose to be paid by the loan borrower by federal government to protect the loan borrower and the loan lender is the loan registration fee so that after a loan transaction is completed with the information the federal government will have about you, they will call you to know if you where satisfy and also to know if you pay anything more than the loan registration impose by them.
Thank you for your time.
Awaiting for your response.
Lovely regards
Mr. Jim Rhoads
[email protected]Atlantic Financial Federal Credit Union