by smileforever
Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:36 am
I was looking on pennysaverUSA for cheap english bulldog puppies. I found one that said they had puppys for $100 or best offer in my area so I contacted them. when I got the reply, it turned out that they were not in my location, they were in Tx. The seller gave me a story for why she is getting rid of the puppies and asked a few questions about my home. I replied answered all the questions and recieved a few pictures of the puppies. I was so excited to get the puppy I wasn't paying attention to if it could be froud or not. She then told me that all I had to pay was the shipping few was $250 dollors. It was more then $100 but hey I really wanted the puppy and they are expensive dogs. Then an e-mail address that was supost to be the company contacted me. They were Animal air Ways. The e-mail was weird to, it was [email protected]. I didn't really look at it to hard so I opened it and they asked me to varify my imformation. They also called me and I couldn't understand a thing because the reception was so bad. After I varified my information they asked for a money order to pay for the shipping of the dog. I tried to do it but when I went to send the money order the money order people made me varify what my money order was for. I told them it was for a puppy and they denied it saying it was most likly a scam. When I told the person I was buying the dog from that I was denied they told me to redo it and not say it was for a dog. At that point I re-read everything ad things just diddn't add up. I had to make the money order out to a completly different person, not a company. It said to make it out to a "Cashier" with the name Dianna Au. I didnt understand why I had to do it for a cashier. Then I noticed that the the company that was contaxting me had a account wich doesn't seem to be a real company account. Not to mention that entire time the seller was trying to pressure me to send the money because they wanted thier puppy to be at thier new home asap. I told them I would do it later but they were so persistant. I later replied to them saying I couldnt do it through money order they then said to send my credit card information, but they said that through an email and never gave me any propper forms to fill out. I want to say its a scam, and I'm happy I didn't sen any money, but I don't know if I'm just over thinking things. Please help!