by AmberK
Sat Apr 07, 2012 11:41 pm
I was think I was buying a teacup yorkie. I was told I had to pay for a tick of $250. I laid that it was through a money gram and to somebody in the USA so I didn't think any thing of it. But then they needed more money for shots for the dog. They asked for $500 then they told me it would be all refundable. So the lady who said she sent the dog paid for it. Then they said they needed $250 for a creat cost. All the money added up to $1600 and I paid $500 tottal and the lady who sent the puppy sent $1100. The only reasion I think it may be a scam is bc they asked me to send to money to camroon and sent it all through money gram. Once the puppy get here they had told me he had passed away from all the stress he had to go through. I'm very scared because I can't just lose $500 but I've read on some online sites that I will never be able to get my money back. I need help. The pet moving company was called swipt pet movers. They seemed real but now they say I need to pay them $600 to get a my refund of $9050 for the puppies death. I am very scared and very much alone. Help please!