by valentino
Sun Mar 16, 2014 1:24 pm
This is the email that made me realize I was dealing with scammers. I had replied to an ad in forum of bengal cats for sale.
I am happy you truly love the kittens( kitten with my dog samy is a
male and that with my grand son frank is a female(F1) ) sorry for the
I have been sick for some time now
and it has affected my walking.
my husband was a registered breeder before he died 6 months ago.i had
an accident with my husband and i lost him since then i have been on a
wheel chair and it has a been a difficult task taking care of the
kittens so that is why i did the advert on the net so as to have any
body around the world who is willing to help adopt these kittens and
show it love.
I am already with family and the kittens MARYLAND
since there was nobody back home to take care of the kittens
I really want a good home for these kittens
they need much love and care, which am incompetent
to render since am inactive.
i would have been grateful, if you could come this week,
we can use a pet transportation agency, which will provide home
delivery services
to transport them to your home address. the kittens will be safe and
fine i can say so because when i was travelling with them to
MARYLAND they were very comfortable and safe, with the shipping agency
that transported them, so i will use thesame shipping agency to ship
the kittens to you.
immediately i have your delivery details,
i will send the kitten to your home address. without much stress for you and i
please note,
you are oblige to pay for the transportation fee
which is 220$ for one kitten
and 440$ for two kittens.
shipping and delivery will take 7 hours.
With the payment of this fee, the agency will provide the following
1)Flight ticket
2) pet passport
3) pressurized pet Crate
5)food list for shipping hours
i will need this information below to send the kittens
your full name......................
your postal code....................
your home address..................
your phone number....................
- I will use the above information to register the kittens at the agency
- The delivery agency will use this information,
to locate your home and deliver the kittens.
- This information will also be use, to draft the transfer of ownership
and adoption certificate for the kitten bearing your names
Name....... kaina gomez laura
Age ..................56 years
Marital status.........widow
Home address......MARYLAND
tel:002 37-98-38-58-09
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