Room for Rent and other rental scams
by Michelle Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:14 am
Andrea Sommer <[email protected]> wrote:

Kiitos mielenkiinnostasi olemaan minun vuokralainen.

Nimeni on Andrea Sommer ja minä olen 44 vuotias. Ostin tämän asunnon poikani aikana hän tutkimukset, mutta nyt hän on kotona Italia pysyvästi.
Ennen kuin voimme mennä pitemmälle haluaisin tietää jotain sinusta, kuten kuinka monta henkilöä aiot elää asunnossa, mikä on työsi, kuinka vanha olet.

Huoneisto sijaitsee osoitteessa Albertinkatu 16, 00120 Helsinki, Suomi.
Asunto on täsmälleen kuten kuvissa, täysin kalustettu, täysin varustettu, joten sinun ei tarvitse mitään liikkua (voit myös tuoda omat asiat huonekaluja jos on).

Kuukausivuokra on 800 € koko huoneisto lukien (vesi, sähkö, internet, kaapeli, yksi autopaikka).
Lyhyellä tai pitkällä aikavälillä vuokrasopimuksen ?! Vuokrasopimus on joustava, min pysyä 1 kuukausi - max 8/9 vuotta. Hinta ei kasva kuukausittain, se pysyy samana koko ajan, että sopimus allekirjoitetaan.
Lemmikit .. ei ole mitään ongelmia, jos on lemmikkejä, kunhan siivoamaan heidän!
Ainoa haitta on, että työni ei salli minun lähteä Bologna edes yhden päivän. Olemme juuri palkattu uusia henkilöstöä ja olen vastuussa heidän koulutusta. Mutta tämä ei koske teitä lainkaan.
Voin tehdä järjestelyjä vuokrata asunnon Bologna (minun kustannuksella tietenkin).

PS: Kun näit en puhu kovin hyvin loppuun kieli. Jos tiedät paremmin englanti, kirjoita minut takaisin englanti.
Odotan kuulevani sinusta pian.

From: "Andrea Sommer" <[email protected]>
Subject: Aw: Re: Albertinkatu 16 apartment

Thanks for your reply,
You seem to be a very nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems.
The apartment has been up kept properly and had a professional, top-to-bottom cleaning.
Like I have inform you before, the price you shall pay for 1 month of rent will be €800 for whole apartment and I want also a security deposit €1000 (the security deposit €1000 you will receive back at the end of the contract), with no extra taxes to pay. The rent, I want to receive them monthly to my bank account, so I hope it will be no problem for you to send the money in my account.
The apartment is ready for you, all you have to do is to check it and see if you like it.
In order of that, I've found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast so you can check the apartment in less than 3 days. Nobody can help me to show you the apartment because I don't know the neighbors very well.
The solution I've chosen is provided by Airbnb, they handle rentals for people who are unable to solve them alone, which are abroad etc., so they will take care both the inspection and payment.
If you are interested so please email me, and I will send the link with my apartment listed on Airbnb.

Best Regards,

This person asks for a deposit payment via Western Union, MoneyGram, pre-paid credit card or bank transfer with a promise that you can have the keys to a property that does not belong to him.

Sounds safe. It's not!

At other times, he will ask for proof that you are able to pay the deposit and rent due to a string of time wasters.
This proof is in the form of a Western Union or MoneyGram payment to a lawyer,a friend or family member.

In either case, if payment is made and you give this person the details, they will collect the money.
You will not hear from them again.

All the details such as names, addresses, pictures etc. that the scammer uses in order to back up his story, are stolen from elsewhere.

If you are reading this because you are looking for property to rent, and you are in contact with this thief you are probably searching Craigslist, Gumtree or similar listing sites. If you receive any requests from 'Landlords' asking for some kind of payment before viewing, then it will also be a scam. Please forward the mail to me at the address in my signature line and I will investigate and list them if necessary.

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