by Michelle
Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:29 am
MATSUNAGA MAMI <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi there ,
Thank for your interest on my rental offer. The rent is 700 EURO per month plus 700 EURO refundable deposit ( the deposit is refundable at the end of the rental period), the consumption charges are also included in the rent like water, electricity, heating/AC, internet, cable TV, wi-fi one parking space and maintenance .
I bought this flat when I worked there as part of a 6 year contract, thinking it would be a better investment than taking in rent, now because I have turn back to Japan because of a job offer in Tokyo I have decided to rent it for long term ! So I am looking for someone to live there !
I am the owner of the apartment is fully paid and there is no legal problem. The apartment is unoccupied since I no longer live there.
The price will not increase during the period that you will stay there.
You can rent the apartment for an indefinite period, but for a minimum period of two months.
I would also like to know how many people will live in the apartment and what it is the period you are interested to stay there !
Since I have turn back to my home country, Japan because of a job offer here in January 2015 at NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD at Architecture & Design Department in Tokyo, Japan and I have a contract here for 10 years, I propose a safe way for the two of us to complete the paperwork for hire.
I will use a rental agency well known worldwide called Airbnb (, which will assist in the management of payment and delivery of the rental package. With this procedure you will be able to check the apartment before I receive payment.
They are very professional and have very good reputation in these rental services. Let me know if you are interested, so I can provide all steps of this transaction.
You need to know everything about this process before it begins. I think it is best for both.
I wait for your answer/decision ,
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From: MATSUNAGA MAMI <[email protected]>
My apartment it is verified by Airbnb since I have used their service for holiday and night rental, and all the transaction and rental will be made with Airbnb !
The consumption charges are included in the monthly rent !
The operation is done through Airbnb, so we are both 100% protected. As for the process, you only have to deposit two months of rent to Airbnb, representing one month's rent and one month deposit, in order to continue the process and receive the rental package (keys and contract) .The delivery will be made in 3-5 days, and you will receive the keys and the contract signed by me right away.
I will explain step by step how the process works:
- To start the process all I need is your complete information (full name, address and duration of the contract, desire check-in date, a copy of Passport or ID).
- I will notify Airbnb to reserve the apartment in their name.
- Airbnb will send you a notification to let you know that they have reserved the keys and proceed with the contract. They will also send the payment instructions to complete the rental process.
- You will have to make a deposit into the bank account of Airbnb by the agreed amount, the total amount to be deposited would be 2 months (first month and one month deposit).
- Airbnb verify the income and if everything is in order, they will send the contract and the keys at any valid addresse you can receive them !
- After the handing over of the keys, you can see the apartment and you will have a period of 5 days (inspection time) and you must communicate your decision to Airbnb to inform them if you will remain with the apartment or not.
Upon acceptance of the operation you will have to give their agreement to Airbnb so they can admit me the funds.
Otherwise, the money deposited into the bank account of Airbnb will be returned in the same way that has made the payment and you will have to send the keys back to the company.
For if you want to continue with the rent I hope you send me the complete data to start the process.
Thank you
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