Room for Rent and other rental scams
by Michelle Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:13 am
From Klaus Westergaard < [email protected] >

First I want to thank you for your interest about my byte.
At the beginning I wanted to clarify key details.
The price is CZK 8,000 + CZK 2,000 = 10,000 / month, and the apartment is located in Prague 3, Zizkov, Sudoměřská
The price includes everything: water, electricity, internet and parking.
The apartment is fully furnished and equipped like the pictures.
If you are satisfied with this information, let me know, so that you can continue the conversation.
Thank you and have a nice day.

from: Klaus Westergaard <[email protected]>


V dalších slovy, ti vysvetlit, mou situaci. Bydlím v Kodan, Dánsko . Koupil jsem tento byt se pred nekolika lety, pro mého syna, který byl v Ceské republice vysokoškolské studium Bohužel zachytil pracovní smlouvu v USA pro príštích 5 let, a z tohoto duvodu chci pronajmout byt.

Dovolte mi, abych vám ríct pár vecí o mne. Mám 49 roku starý, a já jsem si vzal z doby pred 26 lety. Mám dve detské (jeden z nich je v USA, jak jsem vám již rekl, a druhý je tady v Dánsko ) a já jsem pracovat jako stavební inženýr.

Byt lze pronajmout dlouhodobe nebo krátce.

Pokud máte zájem o pronájem bytu, budeme využívat realitní spolecnost, která bude zpracovávat platby a dodání klíce a smlouvy.

Dejte mi vedet, co si o tom myslíte? A v dalším vzkazu vám mohu vysvetlit celý proces.


PS : Prijmete prosím omluvu, pokud tento text není správne napsaná. Tento text byl preložen z anglictiny pomocí Google Prekladac. Doufám, že chápete mou ceštinu. Radeji mi odpovedet v anglictine.


This person asks for a deposit payment via Western Union, MoneyGram, pre-paid credit card or bank transfer with a promise that you can have the keys to a property that does not belong to him.

Sounds safe. It's not!

At other times, he will ask for proof that you are able to pay the deposit and rent due to a string of time wasters.
This proof is in the form of a Western Union, MoneyGram or Bank Transfer payment to a lawyer,a friend or family member.

In either case, if payment is made and you give this person the details, they will collect the money.
You will not hear from them again.

All the details such as names, addresses, pictures etc. that the scammer uses in order to back up his story, are stolen from elsewhere.

If you are reading this because you are looking for property to rent, and you are in contact with this thief you are probably searching Craigslist, Gumtree or similar listing sites. If you receive any requests from 'Landlords' asking for some kind of payment before viewing, then it will also be a scam. Please forward the mail to me at the address in my signature line and I will investigate and list them if necessary.

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