by Michelle
Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:20 am
From: Airbnb Inc <[email protected]>
Payment Details
Your reservation has been accepted, please send the payment to Airbnb by bank transfer within the next 24 hours. The payment is processed and collected by Airbnb in full. The security of your funds is ensured, and you’ll be protected by policies, such as cancellation policies and the Guest Refund Policy.
Please find our bank details below:
Beneficiary(Account Manager): M. BRASSO
Beneficiary Address: Calle Explanada 10, 28040 Madrid, Spain
IBAN: ES27 1491 0001 2230 0009 9087
Bank Address: Calle Jose Echegaray 5, 28232 Madrid, Spain
In order for our system to easily identify your payment, please use the following reference " 419 " when performing the transfer. No other words, spaces or dashes. Once the bank wire transfer has been made please email a copy of the receipt to your host. Payment will be released to the host only after check in is confirmed by the guest. Security deposit will be refunded to the guest on the check out date. Airbnb Payments is a limited payment agent of the Host.
Whether the reservation is two days or two months away, we hold the payment until 24 hours after check-in before releasing the funds. This gives both parties time to do a walkthrough upon check-in and make sure that everything is as expected.
The host will receive full payment from Airbnb 24 hours after you check in.
Your payment is automatically covered against internet fraud up to €20,000.
If you are reading this because you have received a similar fake invoice or notification, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities.