Room for Rent and other rental scams
by DanP Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:56 am
Got in contact with the same person also answering a bezrealitky ad.

New email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Emails (in Czech, translated from Gtranslate)

Email 1:

Dekuji za váš zájem o muj byt.
Nejdrív chci objasnit nekteré veci týkající se bytu:
- cena za celý byt je 11000 Kc + 2000 Kc = 13000 Kc / mesíc.
Tato cena zahrnuje všechny služby: voda, elektrina, internet, plyn a parkovište.
- byt je plne zarízený a vybavený, stejne jako ve fotografiích.
- byt se nachází v Praha 2, Vinohrady, Sázavská
- v apartmánu jsou povoleny domácí zvírata, jsou-li klidné a cisté.
Pokud jste s temito informacemi spokojeni, dejte mi vedet, abyste mohli pokracovat v konverzaci.

Dekuji a preji hezký den.

Email 2:

V následujících slovech vám vysvetlím, moji situaci.

Žiji v Oslo v Norsku

Zdedil jsem tento byt od tety, která zemrela, a ted, protože nikdo z mé rodiny nežije v Ceské republice, chci ji pronajmout.

Dovolte mi, abych vám rekl neco o mne. Mám 37 let a já jsem pred 12 lety. Mám dve deti a pracuji jako stavební inženýr.

Byt lze pronajmout dlouhodobe nebo krátkodobe.

Pokud máte zájem o pronájem bytu, budeme využívat realitní spolecnost, která bude zajištovat platbu a dorucení klícu a smlouvy.

Dejte mi vedet, co si o tom myslíte? a v dalším sdelení vám mohu vysvetlit celý proces.


PS : Prijmete prosím omluvu, pokud tento text není správne napsaná. Tento text byl preložen z anglictiny pomocí Google Prekladac. Doufám, že chápete mou ceštinu. Radeji mi odpovedet v anglictine.


Email 3 (here we swapped to English)

To can complete this deal we will use the biggest estate agency from world , Airbnb ( )

I chose this option because ,we would like to tell you what we happened last week, a bad story. We was in Czech Republic last week because we had to meet with a family who wanted to rent the apartment but when
we arrived there, this family never answered the phone. As you can imagine we lost a lot of money (plane ticket, taxi...etc...).

In next words I will explain you how works Airbnb ( . They will provide assistance in handling the payment and delivery of the rental package. With this procedure you will be able to check the apartment before I receive the payment.

1. To can an register the transaction with Airbnb I need :

- your full name and full address ( address , city , zip code , country ) ;
- a copy of your ID (identity card ) ( Airbnb need to verify your details )
- your phone # (a valid mobile number where Airbnb can contact you);
- the exact date from when you want to move there
- how many person will live there

2 . I will go at Airbnb to deposit the keys and the contract on your name as the intended receiver.

3 . Airbnb will check the package to see if everything is in order and also the legal papers that will come along with the keys and proof of ownership with their Real Estate Professional Department . They will also confirm that I'm the legal owner of the apartment I'm renting to you.

4 . After this Airbnb will send you the link with my listing on their website. There you can book my apartment. To can book it they will ask for a safety deposit equal with 3 rental months . This three months represents the period of accommodation and the deposit will remain for the payment for this first 3 months. After this 3 months if everything will be fine , and you want to remain in my apartment , we will extend the period , for long term .

5. The deposit is just a formality and it won't obligate you to rent the apartment , it is a safety deposit, just to be sure that this is not a joke and I don't pay the transport taxes for nothing to an address that doesn't exist . And in this way will be sure for both , because the money will remain at Airbnb until you will see the apartment, and only after this ,if everything will be fine , I will receive the money.

5. After the deposit is done , one of Airbnb agents will come with keys and with rental contract at your home , in 4 days.

6 . After this you will go with this agent to see the apartment , and if everything will be ok you will sign the contract .

7. If something will be wrong , and you don't want to rent the apartment , the Airbnb agent ,will give you , your money back , and will give me back the keys.

Let me know if everything is clear ?

Thank you

After this I spotted it was the same as described above, afterwards I insisted that I did not want to use middle men and that I would send the money directly to his bank acc.

Email 4
I told you that first I need from you this information

- your full name and full address ( address , city , zip code , country ) ;
- a copy of your ID (identity card ) ( Airbnb need to verify your details )
- your phone # (a valid mobile number where Airbnb can contact you);
- the exact date from when you want to move there
- how many person will live there

after this I will go at Airbnb and they will send you the link with my apartment ,where you can complete the booking.
After the deposit is paid , they will start the delivery and the keys will be in Czech Republic in 4 days.
Once the keys will be there , one of their agents will call you and you will meet with him to see the apartment.
I have already explained you all process.
Please not that Airbnb can NOT release the funds without your approval. .
You will pay at them , and all money will remain in their custody until you will see the apartment and you will sign the contract.
In all this time you will have full control of the payment.
I will receive the money only after you will sign the contract.

Thank you

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