by Michelle
Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:13 pm
From: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Thanks for your interest and inquiries about my house. Yes the house is still available for rent and we are looking for a responsible person/family to occupy and maintain the house now that we are not around. Myself and my wife just traveled to Las Vegas Nevada for a program called SERVING IN MISSION (SIM), you can view the link for more info: ( will be away for 4 to 5 years or more that is why I have made up my mind to put up my house for rent to whom ever that will take good care of it. However, my initial plan was to sell the house but it was not successful because the Realtor raised the price which made it difficult for me to sell before leaving the States so never mind if you see the for sale sign in front of the house, It has already been taken off the market as for sale so there is no need to contact any Realtor.I want you to understand that I spent a lot on my property that you have requested to rent, so I will solicit for your absolute maintenance of this house and would want you to treat it as your own because cleanliness they say is next to Godliness. It is not all about the money to be paid on rent or spent; it is all about a good maintenance culture which I want you to adopt on the property. I want you to keep it tidy all the time so that I would be full of smiles whenever I come and above all, a good, strong and tight relationship between us when I come for a check up. Please one more thing, I wouldn't like to have any benefit of trust in you because I want to stand in your words that the property would be well taken care of all the time. I believe you have seen how lovely it is if from only the pictures you saw in my posting compare to the 100% comfort to be derived from it as you are an occupant. you can reach me at my cell phone number or text me at any time (775) 964- 8315
Unit Information
Unit location: 624 Highland Ave,Naperville, IL 60540
Monthly Rent: $__600__ Security Deposit: $__500____
Bedroom: 3
FEATURES: Laundry, Electric Range, Electric Heat, Master Bedroom, Playground, Car Park.
AMENITIES: Air Conditioning, Patio/Party Deck, Cable TV, Ceiling Fans, 24 hours Internet service, Dishwasher, Fireplace, Garbage Disposal, Microwave, security alarm, Pets Friendly, Refrigerator, Washer / Dryer.
Application procedure
Please fill out the application completely and accurately. Falsification of information is grounds for denial. All approved applicants are required to provide a valid driver’s license or state identification card, and a rental history check may be conducted on your application. It may take up to 12 to 24 hours to process your application.
Applicant Information (Each adult must complete a separate rental application)
Name (First, Middle, Last (Maiden): ______________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________ Driver’s License #:___________________________________________
Current Address: ______________________________ City/State: _____________ Zip: ________
Cell/Home Phone: _________________________ Work Phone: _____________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________
Names of other people to occupy unit Relationship Date of birth (if under 18)
Circle yes or no for each question below.
Yes/No Do you expect any additions to the household in the next 12 months?
Name & relationship: __________________________________________________________
Yes/No Do you have or anticipate having any pet(s) to occupy unit?
If so, how many? _________________________________________________ Yes/No Have you ever failed to pay rent when due?
Yes/No Do you currently owe past due rent or other monetary obligations to your current or landlord or previous landlord?
Yes/No Has an eviction action ever been filed against you?
If yes, by whom, when and for what reason? ________________________________________
Yes/No Have you been convicted of a crime involving violence to persons/property in the last 3 years?
Make/model of vehicle
Year of vehicle
Employment Information
Current Employer: ____________________________ From: ______ to ______ Phone: ______
Address: __________________________ City/State: _______________ Zip: _______Fax: ______
Supervisor: _________________ Position: ________________ Income: $_____/month
Other income sources and amounts (verification must be provided): ___________________________
Other monthly debts and amounts (car loans, child support payments, etc.): _____________________
Rental History
Current Landlord Name: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________
Rent Paid: $________/month from: ___________ to ________ Do you pay utilities? __________
Earliest Date of Move in : ________
Do you agree to pay the payment before you move in: ________
Are you ready to make the payment today: ________
Earliest possible date of deposit payment: ________
I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand this application, and that all information that has been submitted is true and correct. I hereby authorize management conduct routine housing references, employment verification, criminal background checks and public records checks.
Best Regard,
Mr. /Mrs. Sam Barnnet
This person asks for a deposit payment via Western Union, MoneyGram or bank transfer with a promise that you can have the keys to a property that does not belong to him.
Sounds safe. It's not!
At other times, he will ask for proof that you are able to pay the deposit and rent due to a string of time wasters.
This proof is in the form of a Western Union or MoneyGram payment to a lawyer,a friend or family member.
In either case, if payment is made and you give this person the details, they will collect the money.
You will not hear from them again.
All the details such as names, addresses, pictures etc. that the scammer uses in order to back up his story, are stolen from elsewhere.
If you are reading this because you are looking for property to rent, and you are in contact with this thief you are probably searching Craigslist, Gumtree or similar listing sites. If you receive any requests from 'Landlords' asking for some kind of payment before viewing, then it will also be a scam. Please forward the mail to me at the address in my signature line and I will investigate and list them if necessary.