by scammedinmo
Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:12 am
NEVER KNEW THIS EXISTED TILL YESTERDAY....I was made aware yesterday that on March 19th, someone listed MY house for RENT on CL KC (pulled back off when answered) for $600.00/mn including utilities and 24 hr internet and cable.... and woman that contacted the poster was sent an email from a person using "[email protected] as the return info....They gave the story that my husband and I had moved to South Africa for next 2-3 years and needed someone to rent our home...blah blah blah...and even signed it with my real name.....and posted the address of the house!!!
Luckily my house is for sale(I DO NOT LIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA) and the woman that answered that ad was a smart woman that realized if they want deposit sent or wired it's not quite right and she located my house in the real estate for sale section and then called my real estate agent and forwarded her the email information and rental questionaire that was sent to her from this poster...(impostor).
BEWARE OF "[email protected]" OR ANYONE THAT tells you something that sounds too good to be true!!!
Corrected coding. ~Bubbles