Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by Michael Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:09 am
Hi YSSR and thank you for posting your story. I'm sorry to hear you lost money to these scammers.

I am quite interested in the following:
With that being paid i was contacted by the courier company who [...]

Which courier company? Did they give you a site to a certain company, or did you only receive mails? If so, from what addy? If they have a fake site built, we can try to shut it down :)

Account inactive - messages are not being monitored

by YSSR Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:14 am
Michael wrote:Hi YSSR and thank you for posting your story. I'm sorry to hear you lost money to these scammers.

I am quite interested in the following:
With that being paid i was contacted by the courier company who [...]

Which courier company? Did they give you a site to a certain company, or did you only receive mails? If so, from what addy? If they have a fake site built, we can try to shut it down :)

It was a good learning experience for me. Funny enough the courier company seems to be quite legit. It's Royal Mail and the e-mail address of theirs that I was given is [email protected]
I have my doubts now that the e-mail address is even part of the company.

I was also given the address of a travel agent who would process my visas (now I know that travel agents don't do such things from one of the posts I read). THis is the website i was given for that:
by Dotti Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:58 am
There is a real royal mail, but the email address you were given is not associated with it. Email addresses ending in are actually free email addresses from Anyone can open one of these addresses in about 2 minutes, and scammers have learned how to take advantage of the professional-sounding domains to support their scams.

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Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by hrisi Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:00 am
Clem Anderson ([email protected])
Hello Emiliq
I just got the mail and i even have to call him immidiately,because he never told me the nanny will have to pay such big money for his Agency fees as the Attorney,and he explain to me that the money is the agency fees,that nanny we have to pey him for him to send him the work permit visa,and for his own labour,i have already deposited money for the flight ticket and other neccessary things needed,so he said you have to send him that money for him to send you your visa.hope to hear from you.
Best Wishes
Anderson For The Family
Hello this is the last e-mail which i just received from this Clem Anderson, after i got an e-mail from his lawyer who says that i have to pay him £575.85 for he work permit visa,and for his own labour.
That's a scam right?
by hrisi Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:03 am
he has a new e-mail! Matt Stonfield ([email protected])

Dear Au pair,
I am Engineer Matt Stonfield based in UK. I am looking for an aupair
to take care of my only Daughter Tracy. Tracy is 6 years old, smart
and funny. I will like to know if you are able to join our family as
the next aupair for Tracy. I am a very busy person and i don't have
time to meet up with Tracy domestic care and that is why i have
contact you to take care of her and your duty is basically taking care
of Tracy. So, get back to me immediately with details about you and
some pictures if you are interested in the position so that i can also
send you more information about my family. I will send you pictures of
my family as soon as i scan them. You can reach me on +44 8715035625
or send me email directly to my email address [email protected]
My home address is Flat 2, 184 Upper Richmond Rd, London, SW15 2SH,
United Kingdom.
Hope to hear from you soon.
by Arnold Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:14 am
Welcome to Scamwarners.
hrisi wrote: he has a new e-mail! Matt Stonfield ([email protected])

A different scammer probably. If you advertise for an au-pair job, you will certainly have more than one scammer contact you.
Both the people who replied to you are scammers.

by hrisi Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:14 am
hello he phoned me and he proposed me to pay these 575 pounds yesterday, i spoke with one of the children ... i'm confused what should i do (i think to go to the England embassy today and to check if his address is real)
thank you
by GomerPyle Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:14 am
The person wanting to steal your money is a scammer. Discovering if the street address the scammer has given you is real won't be any help to you.

You won't get a job, or a work permit, by paying money to a scammer, probably contacting you from an internet cafe in West Africa.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Chris Fuller Wed Aug 11, 2010 6:12 am
Clem Anderson is not a British man looking for a nanny. He is a scammer who also runs love scams. You can find his fake dating profile online here:

And following the instructions below will verify that it is the scammer who uses the [email protected] email address.

1. Go to Google. Enter [email protected] in the search box.

2. Underneath Comments about: I want a mature man - Havana 2, click on 'Cached'.

3. Scroll down to near the bottom of the page, where [email protected] is highlighted in yellow. You will see that his profile states 'I want a nice, kool lady with good sense of humor, beautiful - Florida'.

4. Click on that profile title 'I want a nice, kool lady...' This will bring you to his profile. He states that he is a civil engineer, living in Florida, who weighs 93 pounds.

As GomerPyle says, the existence of the postal address will mean nothing. If you are going to contact the British Embassy, then please do it to check the UK entry requirements - you will find that the scammer is not telling you the truth.

You can find the genuine British Embassy website by Google searching 'British Embassy' and the name of your country. Note that a genuine British Embassy email address will always end with (and with no words or abbrieviations after that).

Please do not send money to the scammer or his fake lawyer (whose emails are written either by the same scammer who is pretending to be Clem Anderson, or by one of his scamming associates). He does not have a job for you, and he will not obtain a visa or any other documents for you.
by lou24 Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:49 am
"Just received a letter today from a Magu Wahels...damn! didn't know it's a scam...Anyway, I'm posting it here...too good to be true...I even called the num and the damned scumbag answered it...
here's his e-mail....< [email protected] >. I've checked the webpage too...I think it's fake...just so glad that I googled his name."

We are an American family working and living in London United Kingdom. My name is Magu Wahels . I have a wife and a son. My wife Licen and my Favor who is Four years old. I work with Clydach Construction Ltd UK a reputable Construction company in the United Kingdom I work as the project manager in the company.

My wife is sick with cancer, she is in pains because of the nature of my Job, I find little or no time to be at home for her, This is why we contacted you today through your Labor consultant for us to discuss the possibility of hiring you as her personal nurse.

You will be with her always and give her the attention she desires, take her to the hospital and regulate her medically. You will be required to travel with her to Germany by October 2010 for her surgery after that be with her. We have agreed to pay you 920 Great British Pounds per week for this service. You will need to be in this service for a minimum period of 12 months. You will have accommodation with us and your feeding shall be to our expense.

If you wish to take up this position please write me back or call me on my direct mobile numbers +44 702 403 4947 OR +44 702 404 4740. Let us discuss further. I will need you to start as soon as possible. Your traveling effects will be arranged as a matter of urgency.

Lots of Love
Magu Wahels

Quotes added for clarity - Michelle
by Arnold Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:05 am
Hi and welcome to Scamwarners. I'm glad you didn't lose any money. It's definitely a fake site, and not accessible at present. :D

adrian woman ()
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Tel. +234.08032451289

Creation Date: 17-Aug-2010
Expiration Date: 17-Aug-2011

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by lou24 Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:34 am
thanks guys that u kept this site's a way of a warning for future scam victims...just felt bad that I forwarded my resume to that scumbag...hope he'll just leave me alone... :cry:

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