by Chris Fuller
Sat Sep 18, 2010 5:06 am
This is a scam. The job does not exist, and the US Immigrations department is fake and will not obtain any documents for you.
If you are looking for a job in the USA, please contact the US Embassy in your own country to check the US entry requirements. You can find the genuine US Embassy website here:
Do not send money to any agency, embassy, lawyer, or other person introduced to you by a potential employer.
These are two of the photographs which Mr Derek Judd sends:
These are identical photographs to the ones sent by the fake employer David Hayden: Click here to view.
If you are looking for a job in the USA, please contact the US Embassy in your own country to check the US entry requirements. You can find the genuine US Embassy website here:
Do not send money to any agency, embassy, lawyer, or other person introduced to you by a potential employer.
from Derek Judd <[email protected]>
reply-to [email protected]
subject My kids(Andrea and Robert) needs a caregiver.
How are you doing? My name is Derek Judd, 39years, and I work in the oilfield, My wife is a nurse and has been relocated to California till the end of december. We live Elk City, OK, USA. I am looking for a nanny/Au pair to take care of my kids. My kids names are Andrea is five and Robert is three years old.
let me know when you would like to come and also how long you would like to stay? Please, I will like you to tell me about yourself. My kids likes to learn so I want you play with the kids and teach them new things like your language so as to widen their horizon. It is a live-in job so all necessary incentives like your personal car, room, computer, telephone, accommodation, bathroom e.t.c will be taking care of by me.
Please get back to me if you are interested in the job.
Waiting to hear from you.
Mr. Derek Judd
How are you and your family? I hope they are in good health?. About the salary, You will be paid $1650 monthly and also get a vacation of one month after working for 6months. Your job is to look after the kids, feed them, take their bath and also take Andrea to school because she always complains of going to school without a friend talking to her. The job is 5hours daily. About the visa, work permit, resident permits and ticket. The US Immigrations can process it for you. Contact Mr. Gerard Mason in charge of travel documents and tickets for the processing of your papers.
Contact the U.S Immigrations.
Contact Person: Mr. Gerard Mason
Email: [email protected]
If there is any question you would like to ask, Please do not hesitate to ask me.
Mr. Derek Judd
These are two of the photographs which Mr Derek Judd sends:
These are identical photographs to the ones sent by the fake employer David Hayden: Click here to view.
from [email protected]
Dear Applicant,
The United States welcomes thousands of foreign workers in multiple occupations or employment categories every year. These include artists, researchers, cultural exchange participants, information technology specialists, religious workers, investors, scientists, athletes, nurses, agricultural workers, caregivers and others.
Your host family(Mr. Derek Judd) already contacted me regarding all documents to live and work in the United States. Approximately 140,000 immigrant visas are available each fiscal year, Your work permits immigration classification that permits you to live and work in the United States or temporarily. In most instances, your employer or potential employer must petition for you. You will be entitled to many different eligibility categories for working in the United States.
To live and work in the United States, You need a U.S Visa, Work permits and temporal resident permits. The cost of getting all the documents mentioned above is $870.
Flight Tickets to the U.S is $1270.
If you wish to proceed, You are required to fill the form below and send it back to us.
Full name:
Current location:
Also, a scan copy of your passport will be needed. When you send all the requirements needed as mentioned we will tell you how to make the payment to our account officer.
Thank you,
Mr. Gerard Mason
Attn: Applicant,
I am in receipt of your details. You are required to pay the fees to K. MECKNA through western union money transfer to our account office who has been transfered to our other branch in the UK for an officially duty. Please take note the payment details below.
Below is the payment info.
Receiver's name: K. MECKNA
Country: UK
Do keep us posted with the payment details, Scan and send the payment receipt.
Thank you,
Mr. Gerard Mason