Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by Bettyboop Tue May 30, 2017 11:26 pm
Ok i just got the email from nancy Michelle from she gave me a number to text her and asked for my email. She told me she went to school for the deaf in bakersfield. And was moving to my area and needed care for her 6yr son Jason. She said sje had a nanny that moved away and needed care. She was going to send me a check for 2250 dollars 1750 was going to furture bills and moms bills tjan rest was for me as a deposit for 1 st week of work. I hadnt given her any info yet because i had too many questions i qas waiting for a reponse when i tried looking her up on face book than googled her and came to this. Thank god cuz i was galling for it. As i work with children and was tring to help.

by Bryon Williams Tue May 30, 2017 11:32 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners,

It is a scam.

Please post the phone number of the scammer and email address. This will help potential future victims avoid the scam.

Do not trust Facebook or any other social media site for verification of someone's ID. Anyone can make a social media profile including linkedin. Including skype webcam.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.
by Bettyboop Tue May 30, 2017 11:42 pm
the what do i do since she has my email and phone number can she/ he get my other info from that do i have to change everything?
by Bettyboop Tue May 30, 2017 11:56 pm
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 6:14 PM, Nancy Michelle
<[email protected]> wrote:

Thanks for getting back to me ,Me and my son can not wait to see you ,but i will need you for errand helper before i move down which you will be pay for separately because some house interior need to pay for and pay some bills for my mom but you will do all this at the Walmart Store close to you , So i really need you to be honest with me and you will never regret with me .. I will still need to find a tutor for him for the mean time to find a better school for him .. We can meet at any McDonald closer . I hope this is a convenient time for you. I will appreciate you working for us as one family not just a caregiver. That increases the love and build a great partnership between us. I was able to finalized with the furniture company. The Furniture and other little house interior cost $1750. so i will be mailing your first week payment ($15/hr x 5hrs/day = $75 x 5days a week= $375) of your own money $500 plus an additional deposit of $1750 to make a total of $2,250 on the check as soon as i hear back from you.The additional money is for the money for your to run an errand and do some shopping, pay bills for mom and my son, which you will also be pay for separately, You will also need to pay for my furniture and some house interior but you will only make all the payment at the Walmart close to you ...I will let you know mom utilities bills and some shopping to do for them as soon as the check clears. Kindly let me know if this is clear so i can proceed to mailing the check immediately
I just want to confirm your information before i forward it to the payroll department so that you can start an errand for me before we meet because i will need to make some payment for my mom bills, furniture and some house interior which you make all the payment at the Walmart close to you so it wont be a stressful for you , The payment will be mail out probably as soon as possible . Kindly confirm that the below information
immediate processing of your check.

Home Address..
Cell Phone Number ...

Just to make it clear and please kindly get back to me with your info if you interested because the payment will be mail out to you and i dont want a situation where you will tell me you not interested because i dont have time to start looking for another person, I just some one that will be faithful and you will enjoy working with me . The check will come with the total amount of $2,250. $500 goes for your first week deposit and the balance of $1750 goes to the money for the errands. I hope you have a working bank account where the check will be deposited if you receive the check?I will look for your email soon to ensure

everything is clear so i can forward your information.

Best Regards
Show more

That was message i got. I never gave my info but she does have my name email and phone number. Her number was 619 area code 3599637
by Bryon Williams Wed May 31, 2017 12:08 am
Just stop all contact witt he scammer.

He wanted your email address and phone number to make his scam real.

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.
by Xoheavenxo Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:40 am
So I just got scammed by this person today. This has never happened to me and I am glad I thought to Google this. I am pretty shaken up because I was gullible and sent them my address.. I haven't had any income in awhile so I was excited and let it get the best of me. Should I be concerned? What should I do? I am very fearful due to them having my address and phone information.
by Tim Atem Tue Aug 08, 2017 6:30 am
Thank you for posting and I'm sorry you were scammed.

There's not much they can do with your address and phone number, however, the could pass your phone number on or sell it. You may get some shady phone calls, but more than likely, if you just ignore them they will eventually stop and move on to their next victim. Just don't respond, block any strange phone numbers and never accept a job without a face-to-face interview.


Learn what a scam is and how to protect yourself
by haley2 Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:23 pm
Same person using this email '[email protected]' for the babysitting scam is also trying to scam pet sitters. Got an offer from this person today who also wanted my full resume even though my profile had all relevant information for the job. This scammer is also using the number: 404.448.2278
by Bryon Williams Fri Jan 26, 2018 5:26 pm
(404) 448-2278
Non-Fixed VoIP
e.g. Skype or Google Voice

Please contacta moferatorstor if you have a question or information about this post.

Please do not tell the scammer he is posted here.

Please remember the fallen.

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