by Sasyls
Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:16 am
I'm new in here and wanted to know, if a family I found on greataupair is fake.
The profile is removed because of scam, but I was not sure if it is, because she send me her e-mail adress in the first message.
The Name is Capt. Jannie Chalrse and the e-mail is [email protected]
I'm totaly wondered by the Name's never writen Charles..
The messages so far are pretty normal (I had a few Au-Pair and Nanny jobs in the past) and they didn't ask for money or everything. But now they want me to contact the lawer [email protected] and send him my National Insurance Number and Work Scheme Card, a copy of my passport or id card and my CV.
The job sounds pretty good, but not to good, like a normal job I already had..
I want to talk via skype the hole time, but she said she need Authorization from the military base (cause shes working there).
Can somebody tell me if this is normal or if this is scam?
I can give you more informations, but I didn't want to wrote to much, to lose the opportunity :/
Thanks for your help!
I'm new in here and wanted to know, if a family I found on greataupair is fake.
The profile is removed because of scam, but I was not sure if it is, because she send me her e-mail adress in the first message.
The Name is Capt. Jannie Chalrse and the e-mail is [email protected]
I'm totaly wondered by the Name's never writen Charles..
The messages so far are pretty normal (I had a few Au-Pair and Nanny jobs in the past) and they didn't ask for money or everything. But now they want me to contact the lawer [email protected] and send him my National Insurance Number and Work Scheme Card, a copy of my passport or id card and my CV.
The job sounds pretty good, but not to good, like a normal job I already had..
I want to talk via skype the hole time, but she said she need Authorization from the military base (cause shes working there).
Can somebody tell me if this is normal or if this is scam?
I can give you more informations, but I didn't want to wrote to much, to lose the opportunity :/
Thanks for your help!