by David Jansen
Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:54 am
This is an au pair scam. There is no au pair job, and the only purpose of this scam is to make you pay for non existing work permits, visa, and other travel documents. Don't fall for this scam!
Parts of these emails are similar to the ones here:
Susan Brown
Photos are also used here:
Sandra Hill
and here:
Maria Vasquez
Parts of these emails are similar to the ones here:
Susan Brown
Photos are also used here:
Sandra Hill
and here:
Maria Vasquez
Hi dear, I am Mrs Lina Brown, 35 Years Old from United State of America. Am writing you on behalf of the whole family (me, my husband and our 2 child) and here is a bit about us. Our family do not like to judge a book by the cover or take gossip to determine who will be around. We always try to stay positive and find the best in anyone or any situation including the worst ones. I work as a sales manager for walmart. Due to the nature of my work, am not always around. I will thereby be in need of your service as a nanny for my kids. I will appreciate your response to know if you are interested.
Hi Dear,
Thanks a for your response. I'm from 38 South Ave Staten Island, NY 10303. You'll be working 5 hours a day, you are to take the kids to school in the morning and later go back to pick them back home from school in the afternoon. On weekends you'll take them out to new places like beach and other recreational places (You have free time). I will be offering you 450$ per week (excluding tax) and you will be staying with us in the house. There is free internet facilities in the house for your use, private room, bathroom and a private car for you in taking the kids to school provided you know how to drive or willing to learn driving.
I have 2 lovely kids named Rose (5years old) and Paul (3years old). We love adventure, arts, traveling, soccer, literature, laughter and our wonderful babies. They are very active baby wanting a partner to bounce and spin with them.
The family's interests include the zoo, doing yoga, soccer, water skiing, snow skiing, walks in the park, play dates with friends, the arts, literature, traveling, shopping, and our kids. You and the kids will be going for shopping once in 6weeks. Convince me that you are capable of doing this job to my satisfaction.
I will like to know if you have a working permit and a valid working Visa. I wait to read back from you.
Hi Dear
Thanks a lot for your message. I'm glad to know of your quality and
willingness to work with me. For the faster and quicker processing of
your working permit document and visa you would have to contact the
traveling company that Helped my last au pair from Austria. They will
Process your traveling document very fast and durable. You can contact
the traveling company's agent at
E-mail : [email protected]
Agent Name : Mrs Tina M. Smith (Agent)
Immediately you contact the traveling company they will process the
document in 8-12 Days and will be dispatched Over to your residential
address. Get back to me with answers to my below questions.
How old are you?
Are you married?
What are your academics qualifications?
Do you have certificate to back up you babysitting/Nanny Career?
Do you have kid(s)?
Do you have any alergy?
Do you have any pet(s)?
Can you send some photo?
Do you have any criminal records? Take care
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