Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by Wings Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:31 am
Hi, I've just received this emai from [email protected]:

Hi dear, I am Angelina Cole, 40 Years Old from United State of America. Am writing you on behalf of the whole family (me, my husband and our 2 child) and here is a bit about us. Our family do not like to judge a book by the cover or take gossip to determine who will be around. We always try to stay positive and find the best in anyone or any situation including the worst ones. I work as a sales manager for Walmart. Due to the nature of my work, am not always around. I will thereby be in need of your service as a nanny for my kids. I will appreciate your response to know if you are interested.



I don't know where "Angelina" finds my email because I've deleted all my profiles on line on aupair sites.
What do you think about her? She could be a scammer?

by Dotti Mon Jun 20, 2011 11:08 am
"She" is a scammer, no doubt about it. The first sentence alone tells me that the author of this email is African, not American, and the rest of the email confirms it.

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Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Chris Fuller Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:52 am
Regarding how the scammer obtained your email address, there are several possibilities:

- This is the same scammer who wrote to you once before, while you still had an online profile. Au pair scammers change their fake names and email addresses quite frequently. Therefore it may be one who is 'trying again' to trick you, by pretending to be someone else.

- This is a scammer who registered at an au pair site while your profile was still online, and took your email address then, for future use.

- A scammer who wrote to you before, or who collected your email address some time ago, has passed on your address to another scammer who wants to try an au pair scam.

- Your email address is still displayed on a website, forum, guestbook, or profile relating to au pairs, childcarers, or nannies; and a scammer found it there.

- Your email address is anywhere on the internet, and a scammer emailed you at random.
by Wings Thu Jun 23, 2011 2:14 pm
Thanks, Chris and Dotti!

Well, I know "Angelina" is a scammer, but I asked "her" some further information about "her" family.


Thanks a for your response. I'm from 38 South Ave Staten Island, NY 10303. You'll be working 5 hours a day, you are to take the kids to school in the morning and later go back to pick them back home from school in the afternoon. On weekends you'll take them out to new places like beach and other recreational places (You have free time). You are required to spend time with the child, running errands, house cleaning and light cooking is a possibility, but not really a requirement. I prefer someone who will reinforce our desire to teach our children responsibilities and do not expect to undertake the children assigned tasks but instead to find ways to encourage them to complete tasks. I will be offering you 450$ per week and you will be staying with us in the house. There is free internet facilities in the house for your use, private room, bathroom and a private car for you in taking the kids to school provided you know how to drive or willing to learn driving. I have 2 lovely kids named Ashley (9years old) and James (7years old). We love adventure, arts, traveling, soccer, literature, laughter and our wonderful babies. They are very active wanting a partner to bounce and spin with them.
The family's interests include the zoo, doing yoga, soccer, water skiing, snow skiing, walks in the park, playdates with friends, the arts, literature, traveling, shopping, and our kids. You and the kids will be going for shopping once in 6weeks. Convince me that you are capable of doing this job to my satisfaction.
I will like to know if you have a working permit and a valid working Visa. I wait to read back from you."

I really hope to had helped you in any way!

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