by Chris Fuller
Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:00 am
This is not a genuine childcare opportunity; it is a scam. The family does not really exist, and there is no real childcare postion available.
From: [email protected]
I am Mr. Gunter Paul am 47 Years Old, From United Kingdom. I work in a KGM – Mobile Network a telecommunication Company in UK and I don’t usually stays home unless during weekends. I will like you to know that i have just two kids which name is ANABEL Duke and JR BROWN, they are a boy and a Girl they are just 4 and 6 years old. I want male or female nanny who will be take care my home because i only left my kids at home after my wife die in car accident last year. And I have an apartment room for them that would be taking care of them in my house. So i will like you to know that I will be paying you 3,700 BRITISH POUNDS for every month and a pocket money of 250 POUNDS per week for the buying of some things for your self and i will also be responsible for some of the money for your traveling documents but you have to agree that i will pay for your Visa and you will pay for your working permit.
And the working hour is just 4 hours per day and your responsibility in my house is just to take care of my daughters, cooking, taking them on shopping, taking them to where the school bus will pick them up from which is just 2 km ahead from home. And also you have a private room bathroom toilet and also if you wish to be having free period from 5 pm to 6 pm are acceptable.. So i will like you to get back to me if you are interested in being my nanny for my Kids.
Reply to my personal email: ([email protected] )i will send you my family picture if you are interested
I hope to hear from you soon.
Mr. Gunter Paul