Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by RECHELLE Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:22 pm
arnold.d.matthews @
thanks for your reply. I"ve got your email add but i cannot send you a message. I've recieved this contract just today. Is this Real? He got all my personal details.. Kindly help me.., I dont no what to do.. Thank you so much i really appreciate your help....

Placement Contract Agreement

Richard Gonzales
Address: 45,Gowy close,Alsager.Stoke on trent,UNITED KINGDOM
Postal Code: St 7 2hx
Sex: Male
Country: ENGLAND
Marital Status: Divorced

General Conditions
The Au Pair will live with the Host Family for a period of 1Year, which is renewable and starts from Aug 2011 to July 2012 when it would be due for renewal.
During this period, the Au Pair will have the opportunity to improve his or her spoken and driving skills by attending language classes and driving school if needed if required.

Au Pair's Duties and Obligations
1. - The Au Pair agrees to assist with the daily household chores (Monday to Friday), including looking after the children.
2. - The Au Pair agrees to perform the duties the Host Family expects; the Au Pair will try to fulfill them carefully and diligently according to the Host Family's expectations.
3. - The Au Pair agrees to provide proof of BTA as soon as it is requested for by the Airline/Travel Agency.

Host Family's Rights and Duties
1. The Host Family expects the Au Pair to help with daily household chores and childcare.
2. The Host Family agrees to treat the Au Pair as a member of the family.
3. The Host Family will provide the Au Pair with free accommodation and food,the Au Pair will

have his/her own bedroom and toilet.
4. The Au Pair will receive pocket money two (2)weeks.
5. The Au Pair should not work for more than 40 hours per week (Monday to Friday). His working hours will be arranged in such a way that the Au Pair can take part in his/her language classes sponsored by the host family.
6. If the Au Pair stays for 1 year, he will have 4 weeks of paid holiday. For stays of less than 12 months, the Au Pair will be given 2 working days leave per completed months. During the holidays the pocket money continues to be paid.
7. The Au Pair has the right to attend language classes if required.
8. The costs of the language classes will be paid for by the host family.
9. The Host Family commits to pay 100% of the cost of the air ticket from the country of origin of Au pair to United Kingdom, England.
10. The Host Family undertakes to effect health and accident insurance for the Au Pair. The (female) health insurance will include coverage in case of pregnancy and birth.
11. Should the Au Pair become ill, the Host Family will ensure that the Au Pair can stays in his/her room and that he/she will be looked after appropriately until other solutions are found.
12. The Host Family will help the Au Pair with all registration formalities and will take over the costs arising, including the costs of the medical tests.
14. The Host Family agrees to fetch the Au Pair from and take him or her to the airport / railway station.
15. Additional arrangements: The Host Family will pay the Au pair 3500GBPounds per month alongside a pocket money of 50 pounds every two weeks.

Furthermore, the Au Pair and the Host Family agree on the following:
1. Should either contracting party want to cancel this contract, a two-week period of notice must be given in writing. The contract can be cancelled with immediate effect in case of grave misdemeanor or transgression on the part of the other party, or if extreme circumstances call for cancellation. If the Au Pair has been dismissed because of serious misdemeanor on the Au Pair's part, The employer cannot guarantee the Au Pair a new placement; the Au Pair may have to return to her home country immediately or search for another job.
2. In the event of conflict or strong disagreement, both parties agree to first try to reach a mutually satisfactory solution. If negotiation between the above parties does not result in resolution, either party may call upon The Lawyer to negotiate a solution acceptable to both parties. Cancellation of this contract by either party will be done only as a last resort, except in the case of serious misdemeanor.
3. The Host Family accepts that they have voluntarily chosen the Au Pair, and the Au Pair accepts that she has voluntarily elected to stay with the Host Family.
4. While The Lawyer has taken reasonable measures to regulate the Au Pair / Host Family relationship in terms of rights, duties and obligations, The Lawyer is not responsible for the personal actions of the Host Family or the personal actions of the Au Pair or any consequences arising from the interactions of the Host Family and the Au Pair.


Au Pair's Signature: ......................................................... Date:...............................

Host Family's Signature: ................................................................ Date: ..............................

Lawyers Signature:………………………………………Date:………………….

by Dotti Tue Aug 09, 2011 10:27 pm
As I said in my other response, citizens of Philippines cannot work as au pairs in UK.

That alone makes this a scam.

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by RECHELLE Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:10 pm
thanks for your reply.. How would i know if the letter is true from a host family? not a scam??? PLS HeLP!! Thanks!!!
by Bubbles Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:06 am
Dotti has explained that since you are in the Philippians, you cannot work in the UK. The person pretending to be a family looking for an au pair knows you are in a country which will not be allowed to go to be an au pair.

They don't care about these facts, they are trying to get you to pay them fees which will not help you get a job that you would not be permitted to hold. The person you are communicating with does not care about the law. They only want to get to any money you have.

There will be NO job for you.

The "contract" is very poorly worded and is not written by a native English speaker. It certainly was not written by an attorney / lawyer.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

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