Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by Chris Fuller Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:13 am
The scammer calling himself Mr Brown Richard tells au pairs to contact Barrister Jennifer Roland of the UK Home Office/Border Agency. This barrister is fake, and is part of the scam.

From: "Barr JenifferRoland" <[email protected]>
Subject: Travel Requirements To London, England, UK(Get back to us Soon)


We have noted the content of your Application,Your employer Mr.Brown Richard consulted our office,concerning your intended job as an Au pair to their Family in London. My name is Barr. Mrs Jeniffer Roland a representative of UK Border Agency we manage the issues of Visa/Border/Immigration.

In order to legally work in the United Kingdomh with your host family without applying under the government’s tier based points system, International Au pairs need to
apply for work identity card for foreign nationals/Certificate of Eligibility from the UK Border Agency, which will allow them to legally work as an Au pair for a sponsoring host family in the UK.

Click below for details for work identity card for foreign nationals. ;

Find attached the necessary steps you will take to enable you obtain your work identity card for EU foreign nationals/Certificate of Eligibility.

NOTE: You have to meet up with our requirements to enable us process your EU foreign national identity/certificate of eligibility so that you will be able to get all your documents before you arrive UK.

This has to be done at least before 3 working days to validate the processing of your Working Scheme Card/Permit so as to be ready before your Arrival date.

Your employer Mr.Brown Richard has Promise to provide your Flight Ticket fee.

Cooperate with us and We would work to serve you better.

Your safety is our priority.

UK Border Agency,
Lunar House,
40 Wellesley Road,
Croydon, Survey,
CR9 2BY,
United Kingdom.
Application: [email protected]
(UK Home Office Representative)

The confirmation of immigrant travel allowance described in the attachment to the above email is bogus - the genuine UK Home Office never requests that proof of sufficient funds is made in this way. Also, the genuine UK Border Agency does not use a free webmail address like - you can see the genuine UK Border Agency email addresses here: ... ctcentres/

Please notice that the genuine UK Border Agency email addresses end with - and with no words or abbreviations after that.

If the money is transferred by Western Union or Money Gram as stated below, the scammer will collect it and steal it. He is able to do this, using the Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) or Reference Number, regardless of which name the transfer is made to.


UK Border Agency, Lunar House, CR9 2BY, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Survey UK


The UK Home Office is responsible for securing the UK borders and controlling migration in the United Kingdom. We manage border control for the UK, enforcing immigration and customs regulations. We also consider applications for permission to enter or stay in the UK, citizenship and asylum.


The UK Home Office wishes to authoritatively inform applicants seeking for immigration status into the UK not to make any payments for processing of Work Permit, Visa and/or Expatriate Quota Approval. Approval for entry (Visa) into the UK is executed by the Nearest British Embassy or Consulate within the applicants country of residence or location after certification and issuance of Visa Approval to the applicant by the UK Home Office as at the time of application.

The UK Home Office will exercise its full powers to perform its responsibility to regulate entry into the UK, by:

Ensuring that the sponsor is financially capable to support the applicant entering the UK for Business or Pleasure throughout the duration of the validity of the Entry Visa.

Ensuring that the applicant, has the minimum stipulated financial requirement to earn the needed points for Entry/Work Approval, going by the new point-based system for immigration in 2010

Ensuring that the applicant is eligible to Live, Work and carry out business activities in the UK legally.

The new points-based system (PBS) is the biggest shake up of the immigration system for 45 years.

Under the new system, migrants will need to pass a points-based assessment before they receive National Insurance Number, Work Scheme Card and supporting paperwork for the UK. It will help UK businesses recruit the skills it needs from abroad and assure the British public that only the skilled migrants will need to come to the UK. The role of employees/migrants with qualifying financial base is crucial to its success.

We would like to acknowledge receipt of your application for National Insurance Number and Work Scheme Card. Mr.Brown Richard Family is your Host in the UK and shall fulfill necessary hosting requirement to support your application in due course.

National Insurance Number and Work Scheme Card would be issued to you before you can work after appropriate registration with the Social Service Bureau to fulfill 2011 requirements for applicants.

This link will direct you to a sample of National Insurance Number and Work permit Scheme Card which will enable you carry out your duties and activities, and as well as help you work here in United Kingdom eligibly:
onsors/preventingillegalworking/identitycardssummary.pdf ;

Apart from sponsorship from UK Based Employers, workers in Social Service Category (i.e Au pair,Babysitter, Nanny) coming to live and work in the UK for at least 12 months are mandated to have a minimum of £3,500GBP, which is the stipulated financial requirement/basic applicant insurance allowance that must be in possession of the applicant/employee into the UK. You must be able to demonstrate that you have funds to support yourself. This is to certify that you can be responsible for your maintenance as mandated by UK Insurance policies to protect and secure au pairs financially. The mandatory insurance allowance is £3,500GBP. National Insurance process is for the security and wellbeing of the applicant and is mandatory. Note: This is not a payment but a deposit to ensure that you can cater for your needs and support yourself once you arrive here before you receive your first salary from your Employer.

The UK Home Office would ensure via this means that only eligible applicants who are financially capable are allowed entry into the UK and must be completed to fulfill availability of funds in cases of Emergency and for full financial security of the applicant/worker before receipt of first month salary and benefits from Employers.

This process is solely for proof that you have the stipulated financial requirement as per an applicant seeking to enter the United Kingdom despite sponsorship from your Employer for your financial security and would take 24hrs for confirmation hence follow the detailed instructions for confirmation of immigrant travel allowance below.


The following process has been adopted following the new-points based system to earn the needed points for issuance of National Insurance Number, Work Scheme Card and supporting documents. Bank statements were hitherto accepted, however due to falsification of bank statements which does not compulsorily certify/surety that the applicant would enter the Country with the mandatory insurance allowance/financial requirement, we no longer accept bank statements as final travel guarantee

Important (As per Immigration policies, this process must be completed by anyone you wish to stand in as your next of kin; i.e any member of your immediate family must be aware of your intended travel to the UK. This can be either your Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Close Relative or Friend)

To meet the above requirement your Father or Mother or selected next of kin is to make a deposit of the stipulated financial requirement of £3,500GBP to your name and address in the UK via any Western Union or Money Gram agent as proof that you have secured funds to support yourself when you arrive here till you receive your first salary from your Employer:

Sender can be Father or Mother or any of the suggested individuals above at your discretion that you wish to be aware of your travel to the UK.

Receiver: Must be you the primary immigrant

Payout Location: Your residential address in the United Kingdom. You can also secure your funds at any alternative residential address here if you have any however if this is your first time to enter the Country on Au pair job, it is appropriate you enter the residential address of your Host Family or Employer.

Payout/Destination Country: United Kingdom

Note: You must ensure that the sender is any of the above as instructed and the receiver is you for the security of your funds.

Your Father or Mother or selected next of kin should Visit the nearest Western Union or Money Gram Post Office, Western Union or Money Gram agent or Western Union or Money Gram Shop close to you and make the deposit of £3,500GBP to your name and address in the United Kingdom which is your insurance allowance following the transfer instructions above carefully for our verification and confirmation.

Application Checklist: You are to send the following application requirements:
Confirm Courier Address for Shipment of Hard Copies of your National Insurance Documents, Work Scheme Card, Residence Permit and supporting documents.

Scan the receipt of the deposit of your financial requirement including the Money Transfer Verification Number to enable our office perform Verification of the deposit. This is usually carried out within 24hrs.

Note: Ensure that the receiver is you so that only you can withdraw the deposit after the verification of deposit has been carried out. This is not a payment but a deposit for verification which is why it is in your name as the receiver and to also fulfill that you have funds to support yourself as is the mandatory process for your financial security when you arrive here till you receive your first salary from your Employer.

Confirmation of Basic Insurance Allowance satisfies the requirement for release of Relocation Package (ERP). Relocation Package protects the right of immigrants and ensures full compliance to terms and conditions of contract engagement by UK Employers.

The instructions above would earn you the needed points under the point-based system for the release of your National Insurance Number, Work Scheme Card, Residence Permit and supporting documents to legalize your work status here.

After the processing of your necessary documents I will get back to you with a specific date you are to visit the British Embassy in your country with a Reference Number I will give to you so as to enable the British Consulate in your location release the hard copies of your documents to you as the legitimate owner.

Cooperate with us to enable us serve you better.

Your safety is our priority.

UK Border Agency,
Lunar House,
40 Wellesley Road,
Croydon, Survey,
CR9 2BY,
United Kingdom.
Application: [email protected]
(UK Home Office Representative)

by Megan Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:30 pm
This scammer is using this email address [email protected] and here are some examples of the emails that he sends as part of the scam:


How are you today.

Glad hearing from you.

My name is Mr.Brown Richard and my wife is Silvia along side
with my little girl

My wife enjoys shopping a lot and she is a very hard working person,
mean while my baby girl’ likes visiting the park, playing with their car
toys, also a car will be available for you if you are willing to drive
or learn how to drive.

We live in a city at 16 Lyndhurst Gardens NW3 5NS London, UK, There is
a nice English Class around our area, you will have the time to attend
to an English Lesson and the cost will be taken care by my family if
you are willing.

My family is a fun loving family and during the weekends we all
together visits the beach for the sake of catching fun it has become a
part of us we are indeed a lovely family who will love you to come and
Join us as soon as you deem fit to come, we promise you that it is
going to be a memorable and wonderful time for the family we have
longed for the moment when a lovely Au pair will come and join us.

We would like to receive your CV for perusal, do you have any Reference?
Hope to hear from you soon.

Greetings from my Family.

Mr.Brown Richard.



How are you doing hope you are having a great time.

Your Introduction has proved to us that you are highly welcomed in my
family considering the fact that we have already taken you as part of
my family.

I have already consulted my lawyer that works with UK Home Office to
prepare a contract letter to you, so i will get back to you with the
contract letter when it is ready.

Considering the fact that we have already taken you as part of my
family i have some questions for you hope to receive an answer soon.

1).Do you smoke or drink too much Alcohol?

2).Do you suffer from any kind of sickness?

Best regards from my family wishing you a happy moment.

Brown Richard.


How are you doing? After talking to my wife, we have
decided to employ you. I am attaching here with a Contract/Invitation
Letter for you to go through. If you accept, you would have to sign
and date at the bottom and send a scanned copy to our family lawyer
(Barr.Jeniffer Roland) as E mail attachment.

Like i told you, do not bother your self on how you will travel down
to London, My lawyer that works with the UK border Agency will help
you with your traveling documents, her email address is
[email protected] so do consult her with the signed contract
letter and i will be going to her office as soon as possible.

Send her an E mail with a copy of the signed contract letter and she
will get in touch with you so that you can travel down legally to
resume your duties with us.

Tell her the date you are available to join my family and the Air port
where you will like to fly from so as to enable her booked your Flight
without any delay and i will pay for the Flight cost.

We love you and hope to meet you soon.
My best regards to you.

MR.Brown Richard.
16 Lyndhurst Gardens,
NW3 5NS London.
United Kingdom.
+44 702 403 2375.


How are you doing hope you are doing real good?

We are so excited to hear from you as i have told you we have taking
you as part of our family.

Please i will advise you to sign the contract letter and send it to
Barr. Jeniffer Roland, also inform her the specific date you are
available to join my family and the Airport you will like to fly from
so as to enable her booked your flight which the cost will be paid by

Get back to me as soon as you have send the signed contract letter to
her to enable me follow up your Application.

Looking forward to receive your response.
Best regards from my family, really hoping to see you soon.

Brown Richard.


Glad hearing from you once again.

As an EU citizen you don't need any Visa to work in UK, all you need
is National Insurance Number and Working Scheme Card which will be
prepared by Barr. Jeniffer Roland as soon as you send the signed
contract to her.

We have agreed and accepted by the period of time you are available to
join my family.
Kindly get back to Barr. Jeniffer Roland with the signed contract as
soon as possible and get back to me as soon as you have done that.

Best regards from my family, hoping to see you soon.

Brown Richard.

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