by Chris Fuller
Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:02 am
This is not a genuine au pair opportunity; it is a scam.
From: jane harry <[email protected]>
Subject: Dear Aupair
We are the family of Jane Harry,residing in the Uk.We saw your contact at so we decide to contact you so as to have you as our as our nanny.
Here is my email:[email protected] free to contact us as soon as possible.We await your quick response.
Jane Harry and lovely family.
From: jane harry <[email protected]>
How are you today.
Glad hearing from you.
My name is Jane Harry and the name of my husband is Andrew along side
with my daughter Rose who is 5 years old.
We enjoy shopping a lot and my husband is a very hard working person,
mean while my Daughter likes visiting the park, playing with her car
toys, also a car will be made available for you if you are willing to drive
or learn how to drive.
We live in a city at 10 Lyndhurst Gardens NW4 2NS London, UK, There is
a nice English Class around our area, you will have the time to attend
to an English Lesson and the cost will be taken care by my family if
you are willing.
My family is a fun loving family and during the weekends we all
together visits the beach for the sake of catching fun it has become a
part of us we are indeed a lovely family who will love you to come and
Join us as soon as you deem fit to come, we promise you that it is
going to be a memorable and wonderful time for the family we have
longed for the moment when a lovely Au pair will come and join us.
We would like to receive your CV for perusal, do you have any Reference?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Greetings from my Family.
Jane Harry and Lovely Family.