by kimroneth
Wed May 16, 2012 4:50 am
I've been added as a favorite by this host family at then i received this email afterwards. Please help me identify if this is true..
Hi Aupair,
I am Mr Welbeck Philippa, 43 Years Old i live in 1 Anhalt Rd, London SW11 4NZ,United Kingdom,i am a single parent.Am writing you on behalf of the family (me,and my son) and here is a bit about us. Our family do not like to judge a book by the cover or take gossip to determine who will be around. We always try to stay positive and find the best in anyone or any situation including the worst ones. I work as a Multimedia Consultant. Due to the nature of my job am not always around. I will thereby be in need of your service as an Aupair for my son David.You'll be working 5 hours a day, you are to take David to school in the morning and later go back to pick him back home from school in the afternoon. On weekends you'll take him out to new places like beach and other recreational places (You have free time). You are required to spend time with the child, running errands, house cleaning and light cooking is a possibility, but not really a requirement. I prefer someone who will reinforce our desire to teach my son responsibilities and do not expect to undertake the children assigned tasks but instead to find ways to encourage them to complete tasks. I will be offering you 150 Pounds as your pocket money every weekend and i will be paying you 1200 pounds as your salary every month end and you will be staying with us in the house. There is free internet facilities in the house for your use, private room, bathroom and a private car for you in taking David to school provided you know how to drive or willing to learn driving. I have one child David (3 years old). We love adventure, arts, traveling, soccer, literature, laughter and my wonderful child. he is very active wanting a partner to bounce and spin with him.
The family's interests include the zoo, doing yoga, soccer, water skiing, snow skiing, walks in the park, play dates with friends, the arts, literature, traveling, shopping, and my kid. You and my son will be going for shopping once in 6weeks. Convince me that you are capable of doing this job to my satisfaction.
1) Also when he return back from school, you feed him and bath him tune to cartoon stations for him to learn more and speak...
2)Communicate and play with him.
3)Help him with assignment from school
4)Lunch is compulsory also supper all should be provided
Things that can influence my child negatively which i can not take.
1)No smoking in front of my child if you do smoke
2)David is naughty please always correct and don't hit him
3)No use of dirty languages on him..
I will like to ask you a few questions:
*How caring and kind are you..?
*Can you really endure when the kids annoy you?
*Are you hot tempered?
l think this is enough for now, later on you will know more if there are any other activities.l hope you like my family and l hope those activities are not stressful
Warm Regards
Mr Welbeck Philippa
[email protected]
Hi Aupair,
I am Mr Welbeck Philippa, 43 Years Old i live in 1 Anhalt Rd, London SW11 4NZ,United Kingdom,i am a single parent.Am writing you on behalf of the family (me,and my son) and here is a bit about us. Our family do not like to judge a book by the cover or take gossip to determine who will be around. We always try to stay positive and find the best in anyone or any situation including the worst ones. I work as a Multimedia Consultant. Due to the nature of my job am not always around. I will thereby be in need of your service as an Aupair for my son David.You'll be working 5 hours a day, you are to take David to school in the morning and later go back to pick him back home from school in the afternoon. On weekends you'll take him out to new places like beach and other recreational places (You have free time). You are required to spend time with the child, running errands, house cleaning and light cooking is a possibility, but not really a requirement. I prefer someone who will reinforce our desire to teach my son responsibilities and do not expect to undertake the children assigned tasks but instead to find ways to encourage them to complete tasks. I will be offering you 150 Pounds as your pocket money every weekend and i will be paying you 1200 pounds as your salary every month end and you will be staying with us in the house. There is free internet facilities in the house for your use, private room, bathroom and a private car for you in taking David to school provided you know how to drive or willing to learn driving. I have one child David (3 years old). We love adventure, arts, traveling, soccer, literature, laughter and my wonderful child. he is very active wanting a partner to bounce and spin with him.
The family's interests include the zoo, doing yoga, soccer, water skiing, snow skiing, walks in the park, play dates with friends, the arts, literature, traveling, shopping, and my kid. You and my son will be going for shopping once in 6weeks. Convince me that you are capable of doing this job to my satisfaction.
1) Also when he return back from school, you feed him and bath him tune to cartoon stations for him to learn more and speak...
2)Communicate and play with him.
3)Help him with assignment from school
4)Lunch is compulsory also supper all should be provided
Things that can influence my child negatively which i can not take.
1)No smoking in front of my child if you do smoke
2)David is naughty please always correct and don't hit him
3)No use of dirty languages on him..
I will like to ask you a few questions:
*How caring and kind are you..?
*Can you really endure when the kids annoy you?
*Are you hot tempered?
l think this is enough for now, later on you will know more if there are any other activities.l hope you like my family and l hope those activities are not stressful
Warm Regards
Mr Welbeck Philippa
[email protected]