Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by jahsson Thu May 31, 2012 9:31 pm
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Kelvin Dave
Message flagged Thursday, May 24, 2012 1:48 AM
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Thank you for answering my questions, i was so busy at work that why i had to log out my facebook and yahoo....Well i have inform my family about you and they can't wait to meet you and learn more about you.

I have gone through your answers and i can see that you are the right person for my family and ones again am really sorry for what happen to you during the process of getting your working visa, but i can assure you that everything is going to be okay asap.

I also require your service as soon as possible, so here is what we are going to do concerning your working visa, i have a family agency i mean an au pair agency that can help you process all your document within two weeks....And i can guarantee you that they are trustworthy.

Am glad you have a valid visa....So all you have to do is mail there mail address ([email protected]) and send them your valid passport some vital information will be send to you as well...i will contract them also to inform them about you and they should help you asap.

About the driving issue, when you come to uk i will make sure you get a very good experience in driving.

Good to know you can cook salad, the kids really love to eat salad.

Thank you for wanting to teach my family about your culture and also i promise you that you staying and working with my family will be a very good experience for you....

I attached some of my kids picture that are not on facebook

If you have any question whatsoever kindly don't fail to ask me...I would be really glad to answer all your questions.

One more thing after you have send an email to the agency address kindly let me know.

I can't wait for you to start working as part of my family.

Thank you and God bless

Hope to hear back from you


Re: wait your response

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Kelvin Dave
Message flagged Thursday, May 24, 2012 3:45 PM
Good day,

Good to know that you have send your document to the agency, i also just got an email from them that an email have been send to you with the detail require of you, so kindly check your inbox and let me know about the fees for your travel document.

I should be thanking you the most, it really a pleasure to have some one like as part of our family and trust me the kids can't wait to meet you and learn more about you i have already told some special things about you and they are really excited would love to learn from you.

On behald of my family i say thank you and God bless.

Have a nice day.


PAYMENT INFO(Global Travels)

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global net
Message flagged Saturday, May 26, 2012 4:59 PM

We have gotten your full information and data needed of you to process all your require document needed , and we apologize for the delay in responding to your mail

Here is the information you are to use to make payment to us as soon as possible via Money Gram

Full Name ; Joanne Gomez

Address ; 3500 Hardy st, apt 45, mississippi (united State)

And kindly send back to us this following information:

1) **Full Name and Address of the Sender

2) **Reference Number

3) **Exact Amount Sent

FB messages...pretending a christian man..

Dave Kelvin
i saw your messages...why what wrong?
oooh sorry for that
so you have send the money to the agency right?

can i make a video call sir kelvin?
because i really want to talk to you with cam..
i want to see the kids.

9 hours agoDave Kelvin
Am still in spain....i will arrive in uk during the weekends
when i get to spain i will how to solve the problem concerning the video call
Kindly send us your quick response

Dave Kelvin
yes am in spain but the phone am using can have asset to any number around the world....

9 hours agoDave Kelvin
even in Philippines it changes number always...i normally use it when ever i want to travel out of uk..... and it private
And also have you send the information of the payment to the agency as well....because i have to inform that you have made the payment

Dave Kelvin
Good Day Rezin,

Look am writing you this last message to express myself to you....And i really hope it will not be my last.

I have been through hell this past few day because of your working visa...I always phone the agency, send them email regarding your working visa....I never ask video chat from you but i have already payed almost 1000 pounds for the processing of your visa, you why because i have a feeling that you be the best au pair i never had and my kids will learn wonderful things from you....So if you are so worried about this video chat issue then i don't know what to say, sometimes i think if am doing the best or not but i always pray that God should take control of everything......And seriously you don't understand me at all, i told you that i have never or ever had a video chat with an employee you why because i believe we are all human and we need to help each other even though we don't each other..

And concerning the issue of the call being made from nigeria, am using a phone call magic jack and it was send to me by a client in the usa...It does not come with number or neither does it use sim card...It use to asset any number around the, i only use it to make call whenever an not in uk, So maybe this time it was nigeria number that appear in you, i did not notice nothing when you just told me now, you are the first person i use it in coming today.....

Now what i want to make it clear to you is that, if you are confuse ot something else then please don't be because this is when you have to trust me....At least you should have look into the possibilities that even if i want to scam you or something else will i have to scam you of 150 pounds, I can even imagine that's kind of thing....I called you which it should be okay with you, and the video call i will see to it, one of the reason why it very difficult is that i don't have time, one of the reasons why you see me on facebook it because of you....If not for you then i will not be using my facebook.

Rezin i want you to trust me as you have your trust in God, I have special thing to show you when you come to london, but seeing all this i help but think if you will made it down here.

Now to the last point....If you know that you are afraid and can't trust me if i trust then let me know, so that i can inform the agency to pause of your working visa and flight ticket, because they told me your visa is been in processing....So please if you really want this job as i want you, don't let me helping you be in vain.

I really hope you understand and i pray that God should give you the mind to think in the right part...Am going to be expecting an email from you because i would not send you any email for now....I have done my part it now your turn to do your part.

Have a nice and lovely day.


by Dotti Thu May 31, 2012 10:26 pm
I'm sorry to hear you were scammed. Of course, the scammer didn't actually pay a dime for anything, as there is no job and no visa--the only money that actually changes hands is the victim's money to the scammer.

Just so you know for the future, some scammers do use magic jack--because calls will appear to come from a USA number. They will NOT show up as numbers from other countries. He had a Nigerian number because he was calling you from Nigeria, plain and simple. If you can post the number he called you from, it may help other victims to avoid being scammed.

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by Blanche Tyler Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:24 am
So what exactly was the scam here? Did this man try to take some money from the victim, via the visa process?
The same person sent me a msg on facebook as well saying more or less the same things. About sharing my culture, cokking salad etc. He offered me 1600p a month plus 50p for any other daily expences.
I am from the EU so I don't need a visa (although he asked me at the first msg he sent me if I already have one)

I was sceptical because the money seemed to be a lot for 30h/w so I asked for a skype video call but he answered that he has never used skype and he could call me if i needed to speak to him or just send me pictures of him and his family. I didn't give him my number and today I searched his email address and I found this forum.

ps He gave me another email address which is suppossed to be his lawyer's and with whom I should interact in order to sign a contract.

Where should I make a complaint? I have my national number for internet scams but do you think I should try and find the european number for a direct complaint?

Thank you in advance and also thank you for posting this. If you haden't I would have probably proceeded with the "job"
by Chris Fuller Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:12 am
Hello Blanche, and welcome to ScamWarners.

Yes, this scammer attempts to steal money, by pretending that money must be sent for some type of document or flight ticket. His lawyer and travel agent are also fake, and are part of the scam.

The scammer is really a Nigerian man, living in Nigeria. He is using a false name, a fake postal address, and an email account which will be set up using fake information. The person who receives money for him may also be using a false name. Therefore, although you can certainly report this scam, you will be reporting the faked details only, and it will have no effect upon the scammer, who remains anonymous, and living 'out of reach' in Nigeria.

I'm glad that you were wise, though, and researched this person before you sent any money.

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