Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by malakes Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:41 am
Xxxxx lives in Liesberg, Basel-Land, Switzerland, have 2 children, and need someone from 01 August 2012
They say "I am a busy, working mum looking for an au-pair"
Their interests are In our free time we enjoy nature, swimming, cycling and walking. Museums or other educational programs for children as well. Of course the Basler Zoo is a favourite of my youngest daughter, who loves animals..


I have added the contract, by which we are bound to by Swiss law to this e-mail.
As you see, the maximum working hours is 30 hours according to the contract. This means you get a cash loan of 600.- Swiss Francs per month, plus logding and food (990 Swiss Francs). A language course and an insurance for sickness is also included in the contract. (These amounts and the working hours are set up by the office of labour in Baselland.)
Then there is the official payment of the pension fond (AHV), which also gets added to your salary, but is not paid out in cash. However you can reclaim this, at the office for pensions (Ausgleichskasse), once you leave Switzerland. The last point seems a bit strange, as it is a Swiss invention. If you have any questions to this, feel free to ask me, i might find an internet site about it in English, that explains all, since we have a lot of English speaking Ex-pats working in Switzerland.

If you work 35 to 40 hours, i could raise the cash loan accordingly. But it is up to you, to decide, how much work load you can manage above 30 hours a week. Caring for children is already heavy work as such. As I said, my youngest daughter will go to a daycare for 3 to 4 afternoons, so there is room for flexible solutions according to your ability.

If you decide to come and work with us, I will have to fill out two forms and this contract for the office of labour (Amt für Arbeit), you would have to sign as well and send me a copy of your passport. This office will then give me the permission to have you as an au-pair for one year, and they are also connected to the migration office, where you will get your permit, so you can stay here one year.

Well, Swiss law is different to Hungarian law. If you need more explanation or if you have any questions just mail me.

We would be very happy to have you here.


Arbeitsvertrag für Au-pair

Der/die Arbeitgeber/in (Name, Vorname)

wohnhaft in (Ort, Strasse)

und das Au-pair (Name, Vorname)

wohnhaft in (genaue Adresse)

Geb.-Datum Zivilstand


schliessen unter Vorbehalt der fremdenpolizeilichen Vorschriften und der Bewilligungserteilung durch
die schweizerischen Behörden folgenden Arbeitsvertrag.

Labour contract

Subject to the regulations of the foreign registration and to the issue of a labour permit by the
competent authorities

the employer (surname, Christian name)

living at (place, street)

and the au-pair (surname, Christian name)

living at (exact address)

date of birth civil status


shall conclude the following labour contract.

Der/die Arbeitgeber/in stellt Herr/Frau als Au-pair an. _____________________________________________
The employer shall engage Mr./Miss as an au-pair.

Die Stelle ist spätestens am ______________________________ anzutreten.
The duties of the au-pair shall start latest from

Der erste Dienstmonat gilt als Probezeit, während der das Arbeitsverhältnis beidseitig jeweils auf das Ende
der folgenden Woche gekündigt werden kann.
The first month of employment shall be considered as a trial period during which the contract can
be terminated on either side at seven day’s notice, given for the end of the following week.

Nach Ablauf der Probezeit ist der Vertrag auf _________________ Monate fest geschlossen.
Upon expiry of the trial period the contract shall be concluded for a fixed term of ______months.

Er ist somit ohne weitere Kündigung aufgelöst am _____________________________________________
Thus it shall be annulled without further notice on

Die Kosten für die Reise vom ausländischen Wohnort des Au-pair’s zum Arbeitsort dieses Vertrages gehen
zu Lasten des Arbeitgebers/der Arbeitgeberin. Ein allfälliger Rückforderungsanspruch des Arbeitgebers/der
Arbeitgeberin wird wegbedungen.
The travelling expenses from the au-pair’s domicile abroad to the working place stated in this contract shall fall upon the employer. The employer shall have no claim to repayment.

Der Barlohn beträgt Fr. ________________ pro Monat. Zusätzlich erhält das Au-pair Kost und Logis. Es hat Anspruch auf ein Einzelzimmer.
The cash remuneration shall amount to Sfr.__________ per month. In addition the au-pair shall receive board and lodgings whereby she is entitled to a single room.

Die tägliche Arbeitszeit beträgt höchstens 5 Stunden. Pro Woche wird mindestens ein ganzer freier Tag,der pro Monat mindestens einmal auf einen Sonntag fallen muss, gewährt.
The daly working time shall not exceed five hours. At least one day off a week, which at least once a month must fall on a Sunday, shall be granted.

Die Arbeitszeit ist so einzuteilen, dass das Au-pair genügend freie Zeit zum Besuch eines Sprachkurses hat. Der/die Arbeitgeber/in übernimmt die Hälfte der Kosten eines solchen Kurses.
The distribution of the working hours shall allow the au-pair enough free time to attend a language
course, of which at least half the costs shall be borne by the employer.

Der/die Arbeitgeber/in versichert auf seine/ihre Kosten das Au-pair bei einer anerkannten Krankenkasse für Arzt-, Arznei- und Spitalkosten bei Krankheit und Unfall.
The employer shall take out, at his/her own costs, an insurance policy for the au-pair with a recognised
health insurance fund, covering medical and hospital expenses in case of sickness or accident.

Das Au-pair hat Anspruch auf mindestens 4 Wochen bezahlte Ferien pro Jahr, bis zum 20. Altersjahr auf mindestens 5 Wochen.
The au-pair is entitled to at least 4 weeks’ holiday with pay a year and to at least 5 weeks up to 20 years of age.

Soweit der vorliegende Vertrag nichts Gegenteiliges enthält, gelten im übrigen die Bestimmungen des Normalarbeitsvertrages für Teilzeitarbeitnehmerinnen im Hausdienst im Kanton Basel-Stadt.
Unless the present contract contains anything to the contrary, the regulations of the normal labour contract for part-time employees in households in the Canton of Basel-Stadt shall be considered valid.

Gerichststand: Die ordentlichen Gerichte des Kantons Basel-Landschaft
Court of General Jurisdiction: The official courts of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft

Der/die Arbeitgeber/in - The employer

Ort und Datum - Place and date

Das Au-pair - The au-pair

evtl. gesetzliche Vertreter - legal representative, if required

Ort und Datum - Place and date
Last edited by Chris Fuller on Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Names removed for privacy

by AlanJones Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:52 am
This may actually be legitimate. The points that they raise about pensions being paid out when you leave Switzerland are correct as are some of the other perculiarities to Switzerland that they mention.

You can find full details of being an au pair in Switzerland here ... witzerland.

I would say proceed with caution, and if they ask for money via Western Union, or try to introduce a travel agency or immigration department who use a free email address (or ask for money) then post back here for more advice.

Also, if they are not using a gmail email address then you can process the email headers at, to see if they are really writing from Switzerland.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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