Scams offering fake Au Pair positions
by pilaipunsanprom Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:54 pm
Hi Scamwarners,

Here I am again. I was looking for a new job on internet and I got one ad that one man was looking for a nanny work in UK. After I sent a very short email (because I've got a scam mail once already so I just want to be more careful about this)

He replied back to me and sent his family photos and asked me about my family photos and CV.
I sent them to him as he required. I sent the first mail on June 6, 2012 and I got him replied in the same day. Then I waited for one day and sent the second mail with my photos and CV on June 8, 2012.

He replied back to me in the same day. He said after he read my CV and he was very impressive so he decided to hire me as a nanny. He said he talked to his lawyer and had to waited for the contract.

One thing he got yahoo messenger account and he added me later a few days he was online and said hi but at that I wasn't online. I replied back and asked him did he have some news for me and what I should do next?
(June 11, 2012)

(June 12, 2012)The next day he replied that his lawyer had sent me the contract but I haven't signed it yet.
He asked me to check in my inbox and spam.
June 13, 2012 I replied back to him that I've been checking my email everyday since I contacted him.
And I have no thing there in my inbox or spam. I asked him to forward that mail or the contract to me again.

(June 14, 2012) Yesterday I got the contract from his lawyer.

Here is my questions :

How do I know the contract is real or not?
I'm not British. I'm Thai from Thailand. I don't know how government work over there or how formal document looks like?

Did they decided too quick to hire me? without seeing me in a person or at least he should interview me via yahoo messenger with camera, right?

I asked my friend who lives in UK to check and he said it looks fine and real. Plus this family lives in the same city that my friend lives too.

If I sigh the contract and something go wrong, will it caused me any problems?

But I still wonder and curious about this contract and the job.

I would like to show you all the pictures he had sent to me and also the contract.
But I don't know how to post them???

Could anyone help me with these questions please?
Last edited by pilaipunsanprom on Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

by Justin Thu Jun 14, 2012 11:14 pm

We would need more information before we could tell if this is a scammer like the emails they have sent you. However one red flag is you say the family consulted a lawyer. I'm sorry to say I have bad news for you there are only a few countries an Au Pair can be from to legally work in the UK and your country is not one of them. You can see here for a list

So a real lawyer dealing with these matters should know this. Can you post some of the emails you recieved preferable with headers. If your not sure how to find headers you can go here


by pilaipunsanprom Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:09 am
Here are the pictures Image

by pilaipunsanprom Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:15 am
Here are all the emails

Dear Mr.John,

I'm really interested in the job you have offered as a tutor or a nanny on ... p?id=41530
May I get more details please?

Best Regards,


Hello xxx, I am very happy with your interest to work in our home. I attach to this email details of the job and interview questions. Also attach your resume and family pics of your family with yourself.

Nanny 2000 British Pounds monthly and 100 British Pounds weekly allowance to take care of our kids and their affairs especially jane.

I am going offshore soon so the company hiring me has told me to get workers i will need in my home and they are willing to pay their salaries. I do not want my family to be lonely thats why i give you this chance. I believe this is a great opportunity to earn a better living.

I want you to know money is not everything in life. Love, trust and care is important and i hope you can treat my family as you will treat your family. Because we do not just need worker but someone we can call family.

How old are you ?

Do you have a travel passport?

Do you have relatives or friends here in UK?

Do you have kids or married?

What do you do for a living now?

Are you always online ? Where are you always online from ? Cafe or Home ?

Do you live alone now?

When is your preferable flight date within the next five weeks?

Can you drive?

Talking about expenses for this visa application. I am shouldering flight tickets ( 820- 1300 Pounds) , residence permit (600 Pounds) , health insurance (1700 Pounds) and contract fee (750 Pounds). Your only expenses is working visa processing fee (460 Pounds) to enable you process your working visa with the documents we will send to you.

God bless you.

Dear Mr. John,

Thank you for your information.

My name is xxx. I am 33 years old. I am Thai from Thailand.

I do have travelling passport.

I do not know anyone over there.

I am not married and have no kid.

I am an English tutor.

Usually I am not online much and mostly I am online from my room (I live in an apartment.)

At the moment I am living with my niece.

I can drive but in Thailand we drive opposite your side.

I think I can fly in anytime just after everything has been done.

I also attach my CV, so let see if I am the one who you are looking for.

But also I would like to know more about the job a little bit.

How long do I have to work there as a nanny in the contract?

What exactly do I need to do as a nanny? (the schedule and job's details)

Where do you live? In which city?

How many kids do you have?

the first photo is me, my brother and my niece
the second photo is my brother family (He, his wife and their daughter)
The third photo is me and one of my students. His name Alfred. He is half Thai - British.
I have been teaching him since 2010. He does not go to school at all so I teach him at his uncle's house as a homeschool project.
I teach him only 6 months per year.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Yours sincerely,


Hello xxx, We are very happy to see your family and we are impressed with your resume. So we have decided to employ you. I have forwarded your details to my lawyer to start processing your soft copy contract you can sign so that you can start your visa application. You will forward all your documents including the signed contract any other document needed from our end to a travel agency here in UK they will process your working visa for 460 pounds. The job basically is easy and stress free because i can see you love kids naturally and you will enjoy our kids they are loving children. Just to take care of them and prepare them for school always and sometimes follow them to out for shopping , medical appointments and parties at their friends. The first contract will be for two years and will be renewed with improved benefits at the end of the two years. You have the weekends off especially if they have nothing doing. But you are staying- in our house so you are like a new family member. I live in North Humberside. I have two beautiful daughters mary and jane. I believe i sent their pictures to you.

Expect to hear from my lawyer soon.

God bless you

Contract Document

Hide Details

[email protected]
Message flagged Thursday, June 14, 2012 4:00 PM
Ref: CC/EMP/2012/8749

Attn: xxx ,

How are you doing? After talking with my Client and Approval from Ministry of Health, I have been authorized to send you this email. I am attaching Herewith a Contract Letter from John Balls who will be referred as your employer for you to come to the United Kingdom. If you accept, you would have to sign and date at the Bottom and send a scanned copy to me as an e mail attachment.

Information for Travel.

Your employer went to the UK Immigrations Home Office here in London to Inform them about his decision to employ you and other staff in his family home to also seek their Approval as they are the legal authorities vested with the Power to permit/approve foreign workers.

After signing and scanning you can send as attachment to the the travel agency for confirmation and verification of your contract so they can start your working visa application.



[email protected]

[email protected]

Best Regards
Barr. Crick WyMas
by Gateway Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:50 am
This is a Scam, just reading the "Contract" tells me that, it is telling you that you will be getting £2000 a month which is £500 a week somehow I do not think a nanny would be making that much.

Your only expenses is working visa processing fee (460 Pounds

I am betting they will want you to send this via western Union,please do not have any more contact with this person or his lawyer

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

How to get E-Mail Headers
by Chris Fuller Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:22 am
Yes, it is 100% a scam.

In the UK, an au pair and a nanny are two different things. As Justin said, above, only citizens of certain countries are permitted to go to the UK as an au pair. Citizens of Thailand cannot go to the UK as an au pair.

A nanny is classed as a Domestic Worker and, in reality, a Domestic Worker's Visa for the UK can only be obtained if you have already been working for the employer for a minimum of one year in another country. You can confirm this here: ... igibility/

John Balls, Barrister Crick Wymas, and the travel agency are all fake and are part of the scam. All money sent to any of these fake people will be stolen, and no genuine travel documents will ever be received.
by pilaipunsanprom Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:52 am
thank you for all advices :D

thanks again for helping me and others to get rid of this scam :=)
by vonpaso xlura Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:30 pm
Travel agencies in the UK do not process visa applications for foreigners visiting the UK. For that, you have to deal with the embassy or consulate of the UK in Thailand. Travel agencies in the UK arrange flights for people in the UK who want to go elsewhere.

It's a scam.

... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

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