by Chris Fuller
Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:41 am
This is not a genuine au pair opportunity; it is a scam. If you are looking for an au pair position in the USA, please read these US Government webpages about the US Au Pair Program: ... upair.html
Do not send money to any agency, embassy, lawyer, or other person introduced to you by a potential host family. ... upair.html
Do not send money to any agency, embassy, lawyer, or other person introduced to you by a potential host family.
From: Clara Miller <[email protected]>
Hello, good to read from you, you seem like a very interesting person to meet, I will like to see some pics of yours and as well know when you will be available to start? Do you have a passport and a USA visa?
SCHEDULE your job is not a hard one,I do not
believe in supervising or
monitoring people to do their job.I believe people should be giving a
free role in whatever they do.So,I believe you should be able to
perform well without being told.All entails preparing them for school
n the morning,taking them to the point where the school bus picks up
to school.You will have a free period then whereby you can do any
vocation or practice whatever is at your disposal.Then you help
monitor them
after they are back home by the school bus,just to make
sure they are alright.