by Chris Fuller
Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:21 am
These scam mails were not sent from the USA; they were sent from Nigeria, as proven by the IP address: - Lagos, Nigeria.
This stolen photograph sent by this scammer is also sent by the scammer calling themself Clara Miller. You can see this here:
The agency is also fake, and is part of the scam.
From: Sandra Fred <[email protected]>
I am very much interested in hiring you as an aupair. my name is Sandra, i am a mother of three girls named Sarah,Janey and Caroline. my husband is a telecommunication expert. i love watching movie, play tennis and also swim when am less busy so i will like to know about you as well. i live here in USA Los Angele's to be precise. i am willing to pay you $2,500 monthly and $200 weekly just in case you need to do get something urgently, hope its okay with you? i have attached some pics of me and my family for you to see how wonderful we are.
This stolen photograph sent by this scammer is also sent by the scammer calling themself Clara Miller. You can see this here:
The agency is also fake, and is part of the scam.
From: [email protected]
Hello, about me , my name is Sandra, i am a mother of three girls with a lovely husband,i stay here in USA Los Angele's to be precise. i work as a Doctor and my husband is a telecommunication expert. my girls names are: Sarah which ids the eldest, she's 8 followed by Janet she'6 and Caroline is just 4. you will love to meet them in person cos they love meeting new people as well. we love watching movie together as a family and also go fishing. can you drive? i will like you to also know that you will be staying with us in our house. hope that is not a problem with you? i have attached some pics of me and my family for you to see how wonderful we are. the agency that will help you get your traveling documents email address: [email protected] send them a mail asking for the requirements for your travel down here. let them know you are from the Alfred family route number 115. get back to me with their response.
SCHEDULE your job is not a hard one,I do not
believe in supervising or
monitoring people to do their job.I believe people should be giving a
free role in whatever they do.So,I believe you should be able to
perform well without being told.All entails preparing them for school
n the morning,taking them to the point where the school bus picks up
to school.You will have a free period then whereby you can do any
vocation or practice whatever is at your disposal.Then you help
monitor them
after they are back home by the school bus,just to make
sure they are alright.