by Chris Fuller
Wed Jul 04, 2012 1:57 am
Claire Edward - email address [email protected] - does not have a genuine au pair position to offer to anyone. This is a scam, and this scammer hopes to trick au pairs into sending money, which the scammer will then steal.
The barrister is also fake, and is part of the scam.
This is the fake contract sent by this scammer.
The barrister is also fake, and is part of the scam.
This is the fake contract sent by this scammer.
Claire Edward’s Family
21-24 Millbank, Westminster
United Kingdom.
Position Reference: AUPAIR
We would like to offer you the position of an Au pair to our family for a period
of 4 months could be extended to 6 Months or more. The terms and conditions
of the job are as follows: You will be required to work for 30 per week Monday
to Friday. Weekend could be spent with the family or anywhere you deem
You would have a Private Live-In accommodation with Private Bathroom,
Sitting Room and Bedroom. Your room would also be furnished with a
Television Set, laptop, wireless internet and a Landline telephone. All rooms
should be kept tidy and if friends are staying over should only do so with our
permission. When we go out as a family, you will generally be invited to come
with us (at our expense) should you so choose.
Your main duty is to take care of Paris. You will be required to get her ready for
the day, take her to school and visit the park with her.
You will be paid an amount of 860 GBP as a monthly salary into your account
that will be opened in your name for your upkeep. Additional hours will be paid
at a rate agree upon between ourselves.
You are expected to start your duties as soon as you arrive and to stay for a
minimum period of 4 months, If due to circumstances beyond your control or
for any other reason, you wish to leave at an earlier date than our agreement,
you will be required to give one month notice. If we require you to leave,
subject to the conditions specified under ‘discipline’, we will give you a
minimum of one month notice.
Reasons which could give rise to disciplinary measures are as follows:
Job incompetence
Conduct during or outside working hours prejudicial to our interests
Timekeeping or attendance
Failure to comply with reasonable instructions or procedures
In the event of a need for disciplinary action, the procedure will be:
• First - a verbal warning.
• Second - a written warning.
• Third - dismissal without need for further notice. Reasons with would
We look forward to having you with us and we are making sure that our
association will be a long and happy one.
Please sign a copy of this letter as acceptance of its terms and
conditions and send a signed copy to Barr. Albert Webb via Email:
[email protected]
Barr. Albert Webb <UK Home Office Associate Lawyer>
I have read and accept the above terms and conditions.
Full Name ……………………………………………………………………
Signature ………………………………………Date…………………………………………