by Chris Fuller
Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:51 am
This email was not sent from EasyAuPair; the 'from' email address is forged. This email was sent by the scammer himself. This scammer does not have a genuine au pair position to offer; his only intention is to steal money from au pairs.
From: "" <"no-reply.">
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: EasyAupair.Com Administrative/ Registration Unit.
With regards to your registration with us at
We at the administrative unit have verified the authenticity of the
intending British
Host family (Mr & Mrs Philip Richards) as genuine and recommend them to
you if you have interest
for further negotiation with them and effective resumption of your
services with them.
With respect to this, they have terminated their account with us to
avoid further contact
with any other intending applicant as we have assured them of you
being a worthy applicant.
We approve of you to go ahead ascertaining that your interest would be
to provide
your services for the intending Host Family. Kindly contact the host
family via email [email protected]
Best regards.
Administrative/ Registration Unit.
The EasyAupair.Com Team