by Zeee Tue May 17, 2016 5:17 am
I'm a seller and I haven't used Paypal at all..

This guy first approached me as 'buyer' [email protected] and did the scam with this number: +61 5 2257 66 and on iPhone shown as Jackson. this guy told me to reply him with the email address provided above. But when i was trying to reply with SMS it couldnt be sent through.. was tricky but I didn't realise..

The buyer sent me a email of payment pretending from [email protected] but it is just the name of email address and the actual email address is [email protected] represented by [email protected]

This is very misleading because of its name shown as the official paypal service account.
I didn't click into the address and was hoaxed.. And my ignorance on Paypal has taught me a serious lesson.

The scam delivery address and recipient are as follows:
Name: Joy Kendrick
Address: 8/4b Chuan Mei Daxue
State: Beijing
City: Beijing,
Country: China
Zip code:100024
Phone number: 18650678990

please do not send any valuables to this address at all.!! If its not a bomb.... F**K him/her

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