by vonpaso xlura Wed Nov 30, 2016 2:57 am
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From: ERIC DUGARRY <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2016 13:59:48 +0100
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I am working directly with a finance House in London and the
Netherlands and I am inviting you to pertake in a Loan opportunity
programmed for all international businessmen and project owners.

This Company is fronting for an Italian Investor sitting on 100M Euro
interests span various sectors, including Aircraft leasing, financial
Renewable energy, Health care, Offshore Oil and Gas Services and

He own his own Foundation and also has a strong track record in
capital markets, through its own proprietary credit portfolio as well
as offering advisory services .

In addition, his company is investing significantly in high quality
light industrial and Real Estate through the ALMARKAZ project in Abu
Dhabi in the UAE.

The Investor’s aim is to build sustainable and attractive returns for
shareholders and investment partners by managing and deploying capital
in areas where the company sees opportunity and can add value.

His management team has extensive experience of operating in the
regional market, as well as expertise honed at leading international
blue-chip corporations and financial institutions.

He wishes to re-invest through project funding in investment loan to
third party investors, project owners or give personal Loans at a 2.5%
interest rate per annum on long term investment projects that can
generate up to 10% ROI within the period of repayment that span
between 5 to a maximum of 30 yrs Grace period.

If the offer for collaboration is within the acceptable financing
scheme anticipated by your organization, I will be glad to consider a
possible collaboration with your organization on behalf of this

Kindly confirm your interest for further proceedings to commence
negotiation directly with his Financial advisor company in the UK and
The Netherlands.

He is willing to show confirmable Proof of Funds at HSBC London and
possibly Send an MT799 Swift to Borrowers Bank to proof his capability
to fund serious and viable Projects to interested Borrowers Banks and
he gives his own Loan with current top notch Banking procedures. This
is only when the Borrower has been screened and he or she is qualified
for the Loan by his Fiduciary Company Loan Appraisal team.

I shall link you up directly by sending you his Investment Agreement
Contract and if his Loan conditions are acceptable by you or your
Client/Firm to make your Dream Projects a reality.

Kind Regards.

Eric D


... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10

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