Thu Jul 20, 2017 10:38 pm
Well were do I start, my new business has fallen victim to one of these scammers to the tune of $20000. I feel so dam stupid. I own a Motel <removed to protect privacy> MW and was contacted by a Mark Gordon Simon who was acting for some Chinese tourists that were visiting in November and required 10 nights accommodation. I was to charge the credit card $7500 put $1500 deposit on the rooms and transfer the rest to a Chinese translator who did not have credit card facilities. Which I did the transaction all went through OK without any problems. I was then contacted again by the same person who had another couple wanting accommodation, same deal but the figure increased to $14000 which I did everything went through. I did it on Sunday, my alarm bells rang loud on Sunday night when the same guy want another room same deal but it was $20000 this time I contacted the bank fraud department first thing Monday morning explained what was going on and to reverse the transaction from Sunday, all the privacy bullshit was thrown in my face about how I couldn't just ring up demanding this etc etc. Once I realized that I was a victim to this my heart sank and was really at a low point, how could I of fallen for this but it seemed so genuine. Anyway just had to message someone as I have been in a daze since Monday feeling stupid, so I joined your group to try and help combat this crime. Thank you for read my blurb.....