by Michelle
Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:04 pm
logistic company < [email protected] >
Thank you for registering your order with us at EMS Transit.
This is a copy to help you confirm that a buyer of your item has contacted us about the goods they are moving out of your country. The order has been registered in your name and we will contact you as soon as possible. We have received the registration and pick-up request from your customer who wants to buy a product from you. Said buyer contacted our company to bring the item from your home to the destination country.
However, we are still waiting for the confirmation from the bank, when the bank deposit slip of the collection fee of € 350.00 has confirmed the release of your fund.
Please write to us with your correct residential or business address where the goods will be picked up. We will contact you as soon as we have received a payment confirmation from the ubs bank team.
Home address:
Date and time of collection:
Phone number:
** NOTE **
If you have any questions about payments, collection, fees, and any other reason, please email us.
Below is the address to send the collection charges:
Agent details / Receiv
For more information, answer this message with any question you might have.
This Scammer will arrange to send you an Invoice or notification -- Make no mistake, the document will be fake !
If you are reading this because you have received such an invoice or notification, kindly forward it to the address in my signature line and I will report the details to the appropriate authorities