Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Fri May 10, 2019 11:34 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: YOUR MONEY GRAM PAYMENT $5000 HAS BE SEND Control Number (REFERENCE) # 82336634
Tel. No.: +2347035707585 & +2348085790338

MY DIRECT PHONE LINE IS +2347035707585 E-MAIL([email protected])

The Money Gram Transfer Service Nigeria Headquarters wishes to inform you that our government has paid part of the fees needed for the final release of your funds which is worth $1.500,000.00 USD to you this month through our Money Gram Office here in United States. For your information the maximum amount you will be receiving from today is $5000 USD till your total funds of $4.500,000.00 USD is completely transferred to you.

We have been struggling to send you the first payment of $5000 USD today through our payment system here before we found out that your payment file needed to be renewed from the World Bank central system. Below is your first payment of $5000 USD that is sent in your name this morning but you will not be able to pickup the money unless you send the fee of US$51 required to renew and reconfirm your payment file to us through the World Bank Central System here in United States.

Below is your first payment for $5000 usd sent today. Click on the link below to track your $5000 payment status now. It is a compulsory step to take if you really want to gain access to your payment. You can also copy and paste the link on your web browser and with to download

Track View Website link: https://secure.moneygram.com/track
Control Number (REFERENCE) # 82336634
Sender Last Name : Lockwood

Click on check status to view that your first payment is available for pick up by you. Remember it is compulsory to track it first. So if you want to track the money to confirm if the funds is transferred visit our website below:

https://secure.moneygram.com/trackenter the (REFERENCE) number # 82336634 Enter senders last name. Lockwood and click tracking and it will show you that your funds is available for you to pick up.

Your urgent response is highly needed in sending the $159 usd to enable us proceed to reconfirm your payment file from the world Bank central System. Send the $159 directly with the name as outlined below via our money gram outlet to enable us pick it from our department here and reconfirm your payment file approval from the world Bank central System and commence your daily payment immediately Please you are advice to send the fee via Money Gram OR WESTERN UNION OFFICE OR YOU SEND IT BY GOOGLE PLAY CARD

Here is information to send the fee
Receivers Name: Lawrence Mmabia
Country: Nigeria
City: Lagos
Amount: $159


NOTE: You will not be able to pickup the $5000 USD unless you send the fee of US$159 required to renew and reconfirm your payment file to us through the World Bank Central System in United State.

This payment you are receiving is coming directly from World Bank assistance program on poverty alleviation, the Money Gram headquarters has agreed to start sending you the payment of $5000 usd daily as soon as you meet up with the $159 which is for the reconfirmation of your payment file from the world Bank central System.

However, failure to adhere to the above instruction after 1 week days put you at a high risk of cancellation of your payment and have it return back to Government.

Yours respectfully,

Larry Campbell
Email Address to contact ([email protected])
From Money Gram Office
Office line +23480-8579-0338

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by AlanJones Sat Nov 21, 2020 6:21 am
From: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: Greetings From The Internal Revenue Service United States of America. Tax Agreement Letter.
Tel. No.: +18622888738

I am Mr. Larry Campbell, The Commissioner Of Internal Revenue Service,and I know this email may sound strange to you but nevertheless am here to make a point to you which will be the secret you have expected or wish to know about the difficulties and upfront fees which always pups up whenever you are about to receive your previous transaction. You have paid uncountable and endless fees to different People, Offices, Banks, Company E.T.C. in the name of receiving your promised Fund, but it always turns out to be story after story and fees after fees whenever it is time to receive those Funds. Am here to tell you the truth that this OFFICE has been the Authority behind those upfront fees, and you need to read carefully to know our reason for making you to pay upfront fees before you could receive your legitimate Funds.

I want to make it clear to you that 25% of all the transaction you have dealt with are legitimate, We know the actual amount for each Fund, and knowing the important of TAX in the State, We secretly set-up "request for upfront fees" as a medium to collect TAX on those funds before we could allow them release those Funds to you. (request for: transfer fees, Certificates fees, Clearance fees, Customs fees, etc) are just the medium we set-up with those People, Offices, Banks, Company etc to be collecting payments from you until you have paid the actual percentage Tax of your Fund before we could release your Fund. Normally you don't have to pay a dime to receive any of your promised Fund if not for what I have just explained. Am here to make it clear to you that the above explained SYSTEM OF TAX PAYMENT which has been the secret behind your Fund delays has been put to STOP and thereby bringing up a final and affordable solution to receiving your Funds.

Only the 25% among all your previous and current transaction are legitimate and approximately the total sum of $35-Million USD is the only legitimate amount left for you to claim. We have watched out all the series of payments we made you pay through those people you where and currently dealing with, and found out it is still going to take you more years and more thousands of dollars payment to cover the TAX FEE levied on your $35 Million USD which is approximately the sum $3.5 Million.

$3.5 Million TAX FEE is the actual amount we have planed to collect from you through the explained SYSTEM OF TAX PAYMENT before releasing your Thirty Five Million USD to you. But since the old SYSTEM OF TAX PAYMENT has been changed, We have reached a new SYSTEM which says you will enter into an Agreement with this OFFICE to unfailingly and unconditionally pay the TAX FEE of $3.5 Million immediately we release your $35 Million USD to you from this OFFICE without any delay. We are going to release your $35 Million to you without making you pay out your hard earned money, but before that you must present to this OFFICE a TAX AGREEMENT LETTER, and this

Tax Agreement Letter will be the only legitimate Document to hold our agreement with you on releasing your Fund with agreement to pay the TAX FEE after receiving your Fund.

If you fail to adhere to the explained instruction you will continue to waste your hard earned money without receiving anything, because there is no possible means of you completing the TAX FEE of $3.5 Million expected from you, therefore you need to enter into an agreement with us by issuing this TAX AGREEMENT LETTER, This Tax Agreement LETTER will stand as a Documented Oath biding us together before we can feel comfortable to release your $35 Million and you will pay the TAX FEE of $3.5 Million from your $35 Million USD after you have received it from this OFFICE. You will have to obtain this TAX AGREEMENT LETTER from our TAX AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE at

the Country of your Fund Origination being Benin Republic and it will cost only $150.00 therefore TAX AGREEMENT LETTER Fee of $150.00 is all you will have to spend in other to receive your $35 Million from this OFFICE and pay the $3.5 Million from the Fund.

We expect to hear from you with the Western Union or Money Gram payment information only if you are willing to pay the fee of $150.00 for the TAX AGREEMENT LETTER and receive your $35 Million USD

Thanks for your understanding and we still need your Correct information to make up this Tax Agreement Oath with you. Meanwhile you are advice to reconfirm the below information upon contacting us to avoid delivery to wrong person after obtaining the needed TAX AGREEMENT LETTER at the Country of your Fund Origination being Benin Republic

1- Your Full Name:
2- Your Delivery Address:
3- Your Contact Telephone Number:
4- Your Occupation:

Thanks for your understanding.

Yours In Service,
Mr. Larry Campbell,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service,
I was Born in June 30, 1955 (age 62)
Point Pleasant. NJ, U.S.
E-Mail ([email protected])
Cell Phone Call or Sms (862) 288-8738

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Wed Dec 02, 2020 12:48 am
From: [email protected]
Reply-to: [email protected]
Subject: Greetings From The Internal Revenue Service United States of America. Tax Agreement Letter.
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +18622888738

I am Mr. Larry Campbell, The Commissioner Of Internal Revenue Service,and I know this email may sound strange to you but nevertheless am here to make a point to you which will be the secret you have expected or wish to know about the difficulties and upfront fees which always pups up whenever you are about to receive your previous transaction. You have paid uncountable and endless fees to different People, Offices, Banks, Company E.T.C. in the name of receiving your promised Fund, but it always turns out to be story after story and fees after fees whenever it is time to receive those Funds. Am here to tell you the truth that this OFFICE has been the Authority behind those upfront fees, and you need to read carefully to know our reason for making you to pay upfront fees before you could receive your legitimate Funds.

I want to make it clear to you that 25% of all the transaction you have dealt with are legitimate, We know the actual amount for each Fund, and knowing the important of TAX in the State, We secretly set-up "request for upfront fees" as a medium to collect TAX on those funds before we could allow them release those Funds to you. (request for: transfer fees, Certificates fees, Clearance fees, Customs fees, etc) are just the medium we set-up with those People, Offices, Banks, Company etc to be collecting payments from you until you have paid the actual percentage Tax of your Fund before we could release your Fund. Normally you don't have to pay a dime to receive any of your promised Fund if not for what I have just explained. Am here to make it clear to you that the above explained SYSTEM OF TAX PAYMENT which has been the secret behind your Fund delays has been put to STOP and thereby bringing up a final and affordable solution to receiving your Funds.

Only the 25% among all your previous and current transaction are legitimate and approximately the total sum of $35-Million USD is the only legitimate amount left for you to claim. We have watched out all the series of payments we made you pay through those people you where and currently dealing with, and found out it is still going to take you more years and more thousands of dollars payment to cover the TAX FEE levied on your $35 Million USD which is approximately the sum $3.5 Million.

$3.5 Million TAX FEE is the actual amount we have planed to collect from you through the explained SYSTEM OF TAX PAYMENT before releasing your Thirty Five Million USD to you. But since the old SYSTEM OF TAX PAYMENT has been changed, We have reached a new SYSTEM which says you will enter into an Agreement with this OFFICE to unfailingly and unconditionally pay the TAX FEE of $3.5 Million immediately we release your $35 Million USD to you from this OFFICE without any delay. We are going to release your $35 Million to you without making you pay out your hard earned money, but before that you must present to this OFFICE a TAX AGREEMENT LETTER, and this

Tax Agreement Letter will be the only legitimate Document to hold our agreement with you on releasing your Fund with agreement to pay the TAX FEE after receiving your Fund.

If you fail to adhere to the explained instruction you will continue to waste your hard earned money without receiving anything, because there is no possible means of you completing the TAX FEE of $3.5 Million expected from you, therefore you need to enter into an agreement with us by issuing this TAX AGREEMENT LETTER, This Tax Agreement LETTER will stand as a Documented Oath biding us together before we can feel comfortable to release your $35 Million and you will pay the TAX FEE of $3.5 Million from your $35 Million USD after you have received it from this OFFICE. You will have to obtain this TAX AGREEMENT LETTER from our TAX AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE at

the Country of your Fund Origination being Benin Republic and it will cost only $150.00 therefore TAX AGREEMENT LETTER Fee of $150.00 is all you will have to spend in other to receive your $35 Million from this OFFICE and pay the $3.5 Million from the Fund.

We expect to hear from you with the Western Union or Money Gram payment information only if you are willing to pay the fee of $150.00 for the TAX AGREEMENT LETTER and receive your $35 Million USD

Thanks for your understanding and we still need your Correct information to make up this Tax Agreement Oath with you. Meanwhile you are advice to reconfirm the below information upon contacting us to avoid delivery to wrong person after obtaining the needed TAX AGREEMENT LETTER at the Country of your Fund Origination being Benin Republic

1- Your Full Name:
2- Your Delivery Address:
3- Your Contact Telephone Number:
4- Your Occupation:

Thanks for your understanding.

Yours In Service,
Mr. Larry Campbell,
Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service,
I was Born in June 30, 1955 (age 65)
Point Pleasant. NJ, U.S.
E-Mail ([email protected])
Cell Phone Call or Sms (862) 288-8738

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Thu Aug 08, 2024 11:36 pm
From: Kamala Harris - [email protected]
Reply To: [email protected]
Subject: Greeting from United State V.P Mrs.Kamala Harris.
Tel. No.: +19162500381

Greeting from Mr Kamala Harris I am writing to inform you about your Bank Check Draft brought back by the United Embassy from the government of the United States of America in the white house Washington DC been mandated to be delivered to your home address once you reconfirm it with the one we have here with us to avoid wrong delivery of your check draft Eighteen million united states dollars $18,000,000,00 that was assigned to be delivered to your humble home address by Honorable president Joe Biden the president of this great country this week by a delivery agent Larry Campbell.his Mobile phone +1(916)250-0381 Email ([email protected])

Meanwhile there's a Little Problem With The Authority Because Of The Non-Inspection Clearance and TAX CLEARANCE PERMIT Of Your Bank Check Draft Which One Of The Airport Authority That It Will Be Obtained From North Carolina Authority With The DELIVERY 6HRS/OVERNIGHT DELIVERY) URGENTLY

You are Also Advice To Reconfirm Your Delivery Address Such As Your Home Address Your Telephone Number And Your Nearest International Airport. Use The Below Information To Send The INTERNATIONAL CLEARANCE PERMIT certificate Fee Which Is the charges To Fargo With the Name Of the Airport Accountant Officer.

You Have To Contact Me With This Telephone Or Send Me An Sms Okay I Am Waiting To Hear From You With the payment details Asap.
Kamala Harris

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by AlanJones Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:28 pm
From: Kamala Harris - [email protected]
Reply To: [email protected]
Subject: Greeting from United State V.P Mrs.Kamala Harris.
Tel. No.: +19162500381

Greeting from Kamala Harris I am writing to inform you about your Bank Check Draft brought back by the United Embassy from the government of the United States of America in the white house Washington DC been mandated to be delivered to your home address once you reconfirm it with the one we have here with us to avoid wrong delivery of your check draft Eighteen million united states dollars $18,000,000,00 that was assigned to be delivered to your humble home address by Honorable president Joe Biden the president of this great country this week by a delivery agent Larry Campbell.his Mobile phone +1(916)250-0381 Email ([email protected])

Meanwhile there's a Little Problem With The Authority Because Of The Non-Inspection Clearance and TAX CLEARANCE PERMIT Of Your Bank Check Draft Which One Of The Airport Authority That It Will Be Obtained From North Carolina Authority With The DELIVERY 6HRS/OVERNIGHT DELIVERY) URGENTLY

You are Also Advice To Reconfirm Your Delivery Address Such As Your Home Address Your Telephone Number And Your Nearest International Airport. Use The Below Information To Send The INTERNATIONAL CLEARANCE PERMIT certificate Fee Which Is the charges To Fargo With the Name Of the Airport Accountant Officer.

You Have To Contact Me With This Telephone Or Send Me An Sms Okay I Am Waiting To Hear From You With the payment details Asap.
Kamala Harris

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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