Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Leiaza Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:23 am
My husband and I started a Job with this Woman who says she works for Save Our Soul. All she does is send us a list of 76 names a day with prices to put on the checks and to mail them out via UPS or FedEx. Said the pay is every 2 weeks at 500 dollars

From: [email protected]
Subject: Job Opportunity

You will need this materials to get started fully it is essential,
you can get them at office max or depot:
I will like you to know that this is a profitable firm which you will
earn a lot of money from if only you are been faithful and honest,after
you might have gotten all this materials you will need to set up a
yahoo i'm chat screen name because it required you chatting with me on
instant messenger yahoo so kindly set it up, from there i will be able
to put you through the procedure,here is my i'm screen name you can add
me on your YAHOO I'M after setting it up ([email protected])you will
be reimbursed with what ever you spend in purchasing the items i will
be waiting to hear from you soonest.Thanks
i will like you to fill up and send it back to me

by Peta Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:29 am
Hi Leiaza,

Welcome to scamwarners. I am afraid that this is definitely a scam. More particularly a check-mule scam. The checks that you have been asked to send out are fraudulent. They will all be dishonored by the receivers' banks. I would very strongly suggest that you cease all communications with the person pretending to be "Anita" from "Save our Soul". If you have sent any of these checks already then you need to see the police in your area as soon as possible and possibly get yourself some sort of legal representation. The people who receive these fake checks would be able to trace the delivery back to you. The scammer is likely in another country safe from prosecution in your country. It would be you facing possible criminal charges, not the scammer who is sending you emails. Sorry to scare you but this could potentially be very damaging for yourself.

Please take a look at this link for more information.
by The Enchantress Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:50 am
Please follow Peta's sound advice. A definite scam.

Noted this concerning;


anita.smith4real0001 or jeniffer_brown2022. Just wondering if anyone's run across theses 2 before. My boyfriend and I had started to work for her since last sunday. Said she works for a company that asks people to write checks and send them out to random companies that they own in America. I just was wondering if anyone has dealt with this woman before. Please no sarcasm I just want to know if anyone's dealt with this woman. Also the number she calls me from is 924-665-01

Reply - This is a well known scam! Don't cash or write any checks! banks sometimes will, then hold you responsible


Telephone number is a yahoo text message service.


3 Aug 2009 - Ya I know this number its from a woman who contacted me thru Cragilist.com offered me a job to do checks for there company. I'm really pissed I fell for this
Caller: anita.smith4real001

This number also used by scammer here;


Sandra Perkins, [email protected]

Yahoo messenger ID is perks2luv

This person has said things to my brother such as, "We were meant to be together", "You'll be a good husband", "Sweetie", etc. Oh, yes, I also have a couple of numbers here. This is the number that my brother has been texting, and continues to text to: 924-665-01. This is another number that he has apparently been texting: 011-234-8023766398.
Last edited by The Enchantress on Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Jillian Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:46 am
Welcome Leiaza,

As already stated, if you have already mailed any of these checks, please contact your local police immediately. Save and print out all email correspondence for reference.

I also read about "Save Our Soul" scams being perpetrated over the phone. Information on this is here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 726AAFgNVA

Question asked:
Is this number part of the Nigerian scam?
234-807-6743226 got a call from it today from a company called Save Our Souls

http://www.countrycallingcodes.com/Reve ... g-code=234

Save Our Souls is a non-profit organization, but they are not IN Nigeria, so it is not a legitimate phone call.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by Leiaza Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:56 pm
even if it doesnt have my address on it? as the return
by Jillian Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:53 pm
Yes. Even if your return address is not on the envelopes, you have mailed out fraudulent checks. To prevent any possible legal problems you should save and print out all emails and go to the police and report that you have been a victim of this scam. You can even copy and print out the discussion on this thread here at ScamWarners. We have seen cases of mules being arrested even though they were victims. You taking a proactive stance in reporting this is the best action you can take.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by Dora Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:43 pm
Hi Leiaza and welcome to ScamWarners though I am sorry it is for this reason.

Please take everyone's advice about and be proactive about this situation. If you are the one to report what happened to the local police with the evidence of the emails, it will be much better than if the police/authorities come looking for you. Plus think about this, those people who you send the fraudulent checks to will most likely try to cash them. This is going to cause them untold pain, heartache, and trouble. They need to be notified.

I am not sure if the local police will actively try to warn this victims. However, I can assure you, if you would give the list of these victims to one of the moderators or admins here (like Jillian above), they will make sure these people get warned. You can feel comfortable emailing or PMing any of them.

Please take care of yourself and those that may be hurt by these scammers.
by Leiaza Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:31 pm
We took all the info to the Police they said the checks arn't frauds that they are legit. And also the company was legit. Even the phone number I gave them that the guy called me from is legit. Thank god
by Arnold Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:45 pm
Leiaza wrote:even if it doesnt have my address on it? as the return

Even so. i imagine the envelopes will give a rough idea of where you live. Whoever sold you the check paper, ink, etc, will have your details such as credit card number and address. I expect they only have a very few customers in your area as the materials are rather specialised.
I don't know how thoroughly the police will investigate, but I'm sure they could find you fairly easily with a bit of detective work
I agree it's better to go to the police, rather than waiting for them to find you.

by Dora Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:46 pm
I am sorry Leiaza. There is NO WAY this is legit nor would any police tell you that.


We see this all the time. This is a very common check scam. PLEASE read through the information in this thread again; click on all the links. If for some reason, someone has told you this is legit, they are wrong. Take all the information, all your emails to and from the scammer, take a copy of this entire thread to your bank or the police and show it all to them.

People have been arrested for printing and mailing these checks for these scammers. Don't let it be you. We do care about you.
by Leiaza Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:53 pm
we went to the state police and sheriff depo and the bank they checked the checks we had done. The bank also called the company to verify for us. So why would the cops and bank lie to us?
by Clair Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:56 pm
Hi Leiaza, Welcome to Scamwarners. Please take the advise of the others here. We had a news story just a few days ago about a couple arrested in a check mule scam. I think it was in Virginia. Does anybody have a link to that?

I assume that this question on Yahoo is also from you: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 836AAeNndK

In that thread you also mention:
Additional Details
I've been working for this lady for a week straight now. Well the bank can't track it to me because the return address we send it out to goes to anixter Fastener in Stockbridge Ga

Anixter Fastener is a real company with at least a PO Box located in Stockbridge, GA. Here is a link to the Anixter site: http://www.anixter.com/AXECOM/AXEDocLib ... penelement

This is a large company with enough resources to hire lawyers who will be able to trace the checks back to you.
by GomerPyle Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:09 pm
Counterfeit fraud is a serious crime. This is not something to get involved in unless you're prepared to take the risk of a significant jail sentence.

Major companies do not allow people to produce their cheques from home. A jury is going to find it hard to believe that you seriously didn't understand what was going on, and that ignores the fact that you're defrauding people in your own country who'll all be making police complaints.

You're taking 100% of the risk for little chance of making any money out of this scam, as the scammer running this operation won't pay you anything he doesn't have to. That's the drawback of dealing with criminals. If any of the funds do get paid to you direct, then you'll be traced in a trice.

To be brutally honest this is why the people doing this type of crime are called 'mules' - 100% risk and little chance of any money.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by The Enchantress Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:17 pm



Woman arrested;


Edna Fiedler from Washington was sentenced by US courts to a prison term for her role as a money mule in a Nigerian scam on US soil. In March, she had pleaded guilty to the charge. She admitted to actively assisting Nigerian fraudsters in carrying out a nationwide email scam.

Acted out from Lagos, Nigeria, the scam sought victims in US willing to cash in checks that are later revealed to them as forged. After depositing the check, victims are asked to take a generous portion of the amount as commission and to wire the rest back to the fraudsters. The scam would ask victims to send money directly to them or to people like Fiedler, their contacts in US. Only weeks after sending across the money do the bank get back to the victims revealing the check they deposited to be counterfeit. This leaves them scammed of the money they sent back to the fraudsters.

In Fiedler’s case, she was used by fraudsters in playing out the scam. They sent her names of prospective victims along with fake Wal-Mart money orders, US Postal Service Checks, Bank of America checks and American Express checks. She was then asked to fill out the checks and to send them to potential victims. From time to time, she was also required to send money made from the scam to the fraudsters.

Fiedler was found to have sent across fake documents seemingly worth $609,000 for the scammers. More documents presumably worth $1.1 million were found at the time of her arrest.

It is not unusual for people to unwittingly become a part of scams in this manner. They may not realize they are agreeing to take part in an illegal enterprise.

Edna Fiedler gets two years of prison term and five years of supervised release for all her troubles. The original fraudsters will remain unknown and at large.

Source: PCAdvisor.co.uk

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by Clair Tue Aug 04, 2009 4:27 pm
Leiaza wrote:we went to the state police and sheriff depo and the bank they checked the checks we had done. The bank also called the company to verify for us. So why would the cops and bank lie to us?

What is the company name that is being used on the checks? What is the name of the bank on the checks?

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