Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by lionness369 Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:22 pm

I met my so-called scammer on Dating DNA. He sent me an email wanting to chat and within a week we were on IM and text messaging. Here is his information:

Carlos Dominguez - 43 years old - widowed since 2004 - lives in Pleasanton, CA
D/O/B: 7/22/1966
Born in Chelmsford, Essex, UK
Telephone #: 44 7552 582987
Email address: [email protected]
Yahoo IM: [email protected]

He is a freelance geologist working in Aberdeen, Scotland for Scottish Government. Worked for Chevron/Shell until 2004.

Has lived in Lynchburg, VA, Columbus, OH and now Pleasanton, CA.

Mom is British; Dad is Dutch and Spanish (both passed in 2002 - mom of cancer; dad of heart attack)

Jessica Dominguez - 13 year old daughter (is with him in Aberdeen; home schooled)

We spoke for two months and then he asked me to send him an iphone. Unfortunately, I was so caught up in the love game that I sent him the phone. I mailed it to the following person and address (which he stated was his personal assistant's address).

Mr. E. Harrison
34 the Level
150 Hills Road
Cambridgeshire, GB

I did a bit of research on the address and found 150 Hills Road to be an internet cafe called "Club Cafe." But since I'm not a professional not sure if I did the search correctly.

In late November he told me that both he and his daughter went on a weekend trip to Glasgow. After their return they contacted the H1N1 virus and Jessica was taken to the hospital. Apparently she was born with congenital heart disease and the H1N1 virus made her very sick. She is at RACH (Royal Affirmity Children's Hospital). Sometime in December he told me Jessica needed a second surgery and asked me to send him $8,500. Thankfully I caught onto him after the iphone incident and told him I had no money and couldn't help him.

We continue to communicate. Jessica is still in the hospital, supposedly on a ventilator. Recently I asked him to send me the iphone back since he has never used it. He said he could never use it because it stated “no service.” I confirmed with AT&T that the phone was never used. He agreed to send me the phone, but ever since then, he became distant and just recently told me he's been very sick and hasn't been in the mood to chat. In my opinion he's using this as an excuse to disappear and not return the iphone.

Interestingly enough, I'm not really concerned about the iphone. I just want to know the truth. My gut tells me he is a scammer although he doesn't fit the “normal” scammer profile that I've read about on the internet. He is very cultured, professional and well-spoken/written. His pictures (5 in total) are very normal looking. He is definitely an educated individual, which makes it harder to detect.

Please help. Thanks.

P.S. If you need me to send you some of his emails or his pictures, I can... just let me know.

by Ralph Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:52 pm
Hi Lioness,

Welcome to Scamwarners,

This has all the usual warning signs of a romance scammer, I will dig a little deeper and see what I find but at this stage I would suggest that you ignore all attempts to be contacted by him.

Note, Right click and open links in a new window to remain on this page
There is some information here about the kind of information that will help us find proof and to keep you safe;

And here there is a lot of information that will show you how these scams work and to help you recognise the scammers in the future.

While we are looking into this, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask

Editing to add
After looking through this, I have not been able to find any proof however I have no doubt that its a scam, everything you have said fits a scammers profile perfectly, I cant yet be sure but this may be a UK based romance scammer which is a very rare species or the "personal assistant" may be another of his victims who was asked to receive the phone and pass it on.

A classic sign of a scammer is greed, take the phone, he didn't need you to send him just any phone, it had to be an iphone, if he had a genuine desperate need to have one, why that one, besides the fact they cost more.

If you prefer, you can forward emails and pictures to me but I may not be able to post them until later on tonight.

If you know how to find the header in the emails you received we may be able to confirm his location, if you dont know how to find a header, let us know which email provider (yahoo/gmail/hotmail/ect) you use and we can give you specific instructions.
by Crispy Duck Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:43 am
Hello, Lionness

"RACH" is actually Royal Aberdeen Children's Hospital & is an NHS Trust hospital (the UK National Health Service). As such, it would NOT require payment for treating a sick child, as any UK resident/worker (& their family) would be covered - especially if the patient is suffering from H1N1.

As he claims to have been born in England & is employed (albeit under contract) in the UK, he & his family would qualify for health cover under the NHS. Even were this not the case, the UK welfare system is such that there is support for the welfare of children & no honest person would request payment from someone he has met on the internet & not in person!

That alone makes him a scammer!
by lionness369 Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:38 pm
Hi - Thank you for all your information. I've done major internet research over the last 3 weeks and I too haven't been able to find much on him. He's definitely not the typical scammer as he is very articulate and writes in an educated manner. I haven't been able to get any email headers from him because he only emailed me on AOL and from what I've read, AOL doesn't post headers (if different, please let me know). I will send you or post some of his emails so you could get an idea of how "good" he really is.

About a month ago I confronted him and although he was upset, he didn't have the same reaction that I've been reading about such as cursing or insisting I don't love him or trust him, etc. All he said was that if I felt that way, I should do what I feel is best. I didn't speak with him for awhile, but I'm such a curious cat that I need to know the truth. He isn't overly persistent and I haven't heard from him in over 3 days. He has also never mentioned Nigeria although he did say his last job was in Malaysia.

Unfortunately he does have my name and work address, but I never gave him any other information. He got that address when I sent him the iphone. He requested the iphone because he saw that I used Yahoo Messenger from my iphone and he wanted to be able to do the same, send pictures, etc. Very clever! Although I know in my gut that I will never see that phone again, he keeps insisting he's going to send it back to me.

Is there anyway to call him and see who answers? Anything on his phone number? I don't want to call because I didn't want him to know it's me, although someone said there's a way to block the caller ID. With my research I checked and his cell phone shows up for Vodafone (which I know is European). I've spoken to him briefly a couple of times and the first time I spoke with him I knew something wasn't right and confronted him on it, but he somehow made me believe he was who he was. Should stuck with my gut!

I know we should cease all contact with the scammers, but my desire is to try to catch him someway or at least let him know that although I was scammed for the iphone, he wasn't able to get anything else out of me and that I know he isn't who he says he is. Ugh!!!

Ok, the conversation below took place on 1/7/10. Keep in mind that this conversation takes place after I've confronted him about being a scammer, etc. sometime in December and although I know he is one, I still had to play the "I love you" role in order to try to get more information from him. It might not show in this email, but he also uses alot of "American" slang such as yeppers, ova, tata, things like that.

cdomz66 (6:01:01 PM): you here baby?????
User name(6:06:23 PM): Hi you here?
cdomz66 (6:10:10 PM): hey baby!!!!!
User name(6:10:24 PM): Finally, how are you?
cdomz66 (6:10:53 PM): im alright babe, u?
User name(6:11:06 PM): I'm ok... long day.
cdomz66 (6:11:15 PM): what did you do today?
User name(6:11:29 PM): Went to work, but was very busy,
cdomz66 (6:13:32 PM): nice, how's your mom?
User name(6:13:46 PM): She's doing ok. One day at a time.
User name(6:13:54 PM): How are things there?
cdomz66 (6:14:46 PM): things are ok. Not sure how else to describe things. It's all dicey, complicated!
User name(6:15:09 PM): Wow, still. Sorry to hear that.
cdomz66 (6:15:20 PM): don't be. Why are you sorry?
User name(6:15:32 PM): Wish things would be better by now.
cdomz66 (6:16:38 PM): well, they aren't! far from
cdomz66 (6:16:58 PM): how could things go from being so bad then to being much better now? how long has it been?
cdomz66 (6:17:09 PM): or are you just being sarcastic in a mean way?
User name(6:17:21 PM): Almost a month. Not being sarcastic at all babe.
User name(6:17:48 PM): I assumed with the new surgery she would be better, that's all.
cdomz66 (6:18:36 PM): what new surgery sweets?
User name(6:18:52 PM): You said she was having surgery before xmas.
cdomz66 (6:18:53 PM): i'm supposing you've been following up on it?
User name(6:19:06 PM): Following up where?
cdomz66 (6:19:12 PM): dunno babe, you tell me
User name(6:19:45 PM): How could I follow up on anything? I'm here, you're there.
cdomz66 (6:19:47 PM): she was supposed to have surgery since you went gaga on me but then you weren't sure if she did have surgery afterwards, did you?
User name(6:20:08 PM): No, but I assumed she did. My bad.
cdomz66 (6:21:42 PM): ok
User name(6:22:03 PM): You seem very frustrated with me.
cdomz66 (6:23:06 PM): no babe
cdomz66 (6:23:07 PM): sorry
cdomz66 (6:23:16 PM): sorry, i knew it was going to seem this way once we spoke
cdomz66 (6:23:25 PM): do you really blame me now?
User name(6:23:28 PM): That's ok, just tired of fighting.
User name(6:23:47 PM): I don't blame anyone, but you have to understand my point of view too.
cdomz66 (6:23:49 PM): we haven't fought. Last i remember, it was a fight, it was a tongue-slashing
cdomz66 (6:23:56 PM): wasn't*
User name(6:24:40 PM): Can you understand where I was coming from?
cdomz66 (6:24:54 PM): yea but did you give me a chance?
User name(6:25:25 PM): Babe we communicated on im for awhile and you never gave me an explanation. Til this day.
cdomz66 (6:27:14 PM): till this day? did we communicate after that incident?
cdomz66 (6:27:19 PM): honestly? when?
User name(6:27:40 PM): No babe. But you could've written something on im.
User name(6:27:57 PM): You could've sent me an email or text or something to ease my mind.
cdomz66 (6:29:51 PM): `wow, really? If i was that mean and said all such things to you, you'd send me a text to tell me how much you loved me etc afterwards, right?
User name(6:30:14 PM): You're right... let's just forget it.
cdomz66 (6:31:05 PM): i am sorry i didnt
User name(6:31:07 PM): But I will say one thing... if I really loved the person, I would do everything I could to explain to them and try to mend the situation.
User name(6:31:34 PM): You just gave up.
cdomz66 (6:33:06 PM): i am sorry, i didn't lick your feet and cry after you but i didn't quite know what to make of the situation
User name(6:33:54 PM): Understood.
cdomz66 (6:34:12 PM): you know what you made me feel like? Less of a vegetable....actually worse than a regurgitated meal. You know something else? I felt it was only because i needed your help, thats why you could exploit and totally say and deduce all that you did.
cdomz66 (6:34:49 PM): I wish you knew what you caused me. It doesn't matter anyways. What matters is i love you!
User name(6:35:54 PM): I'm sorry for accusing you of things that you're not, but you have to admit that the stories are quite similar.
User name(6:36:38 PM): And unfortunately I'm so far away that I don't know any better.
cdomz66 (6:36:54 PM): very much so i'm afraid. I did read everything you sent me and did quite a bit of research on my own. It's stunning how much similarities there were. Regardless!!!!!!! You had no right to be that way and go completely mental on me
User name(6:37:29 PM): I agree, but felt completely betrayed and used. No fun feeling that way.
cdomz66 (6:37:51 PM): this all narrows down to one thing, if you don't trust or believe me, then there isn't any point. Nothing works without those two key factors.
User name(6:38:34 PM): Understood, but you have to understand that it's hard to completely trust someone you don't know, never met, never saw.
cdomz66 (6:38:40 PM): my question now is.....if you want this to work, if you want us to happen, are you ready or willing to trust me or not!
User name(6:39:12 PM): Everytime I asked you to call me, you didn't. Why?
User name(6:40:16 PM): I don't have any information on you except your name. You have to see that it's hard... you would feel the same way.
cdomz66 (6:40:37 PM): Yes, true, you cant completely do that but then that's how life is, its one of the many things and risks we have to take. Living itself is a risk, you never hear or know what happens until you actually experience or see it. I never used it because it's still packaged to be sent back since your first accusatory messages.
cdomz66 (6:42:17 PM): and oh well, first time i called you, you said alot of things, didn't you? Why then should i call when i knew because of your insecurities and doubts you already had a picture and made conclusions in your mind. You think i didn't want to speak to you???
cdomz66 (6:42:20 PM): really??
cdomz66 (6:42:35 PM): What sort of love/communication would there be without actually speaking over the phone???
User name(6:43:17 PM): You are absolutely right!
cdomz66 (6:43:41 PM): dont
cdomz66 (6:44:07 PM): i do want to work this out else i wouldn't be extremely pissed or trying to resolve everything now. I have missed you megatons
User name(6:44:27 PM): But I never wanted to believe that you weren't you... I do want to be with you and have a relationship.
cdomz66 (6:45:03 PM): the thought of it at all kills me!
cdomz66 (6:45:14 PM): i still can't get my head around the fact that you thought so ill of me
cdomz66 (6:45:25 PM): that would linger on in my head and specific things you said
User name(6:45:37 PM): I'm sorry babe, but I've been hurting on my end too. Have you read that stuff on the internet? It's heartwrenching.
cdomz66 (6:46:21 PM): the text you sent me was also very much uncalled for and very ludicrous
User name(6:46:36 PM): It happens all the time more times than not and to think I had actually found someone who is real with the almost exact same life story, etc. was one in a million. Guess I'm a lucky girl.
cdomz66 (6:46:47 PM): if you don't mind. Give me the low down of what it all meant/said
User name(6:46:55 PM): What text?
User name(6:47:39 PM): Low down on what? I'm confused.
cdomz66 (6:47:52 PM): on everything you read on the internet...low down on that
cdomz66 (6:48:10 PM): text you sent me about FBI etc? that was absolutely ridiculous!!!!
User name(6:48:34 PM): Well, it's usually someone from the US working in either Nigeria or UK... widowed, no parents, sick child, asking for money.
User name(6:49:29 PM): I'm sure you read the same things.
cdomz66 (6:50:01 PM): You gotta be kidding me!. Nigeria?? Isn't that the country in the news lately? I read what you sent me and did a superficial search. Surely didn't dwell on it, do you think i didn't have too many issues at hand?
User name(6:50:59 PM): Like I said, I got caught up in the similarities, etc. Don't know what else I could say to fix things.
User name(6:52:10 PM): I know I was wrong, but you do have to admit that the similarities are strong.
cdomz66 (6:53:35 PM): where is Nigeria? tell me, it sounds familiar to the eyes and ears
User name(6:54:40 PM): By malta.
cdomz66 (6:55:26 PM): it's by malta?
cdomz66 (6:55:34 PM): so why the significance of this place then
cdomz66 (6:55:35 PM): ?
User name(6:55:48 PM): You don't know where Nigeria is?
cdomz66 (6:56:20 PM): nope, i've heard about it ....i think they have loads of Oil there but i'm not sure its the same place
cdomz66 (6:56:27 PM): cos i know there is a Niger
cdomz66 (6:56:33 PM): not sure if its the same as Nigeria
User name(6:56:36 PM): It's in Africa
cdomz66 (6:56:57 PM): why then did you say it was in malta?
cdomz66 (6:57:01 PM): what are you trying to do?
cdomz66 (6:57:17 PM): and why do you seem surprised that i'm not sure where it is????
User name(6:57:32 PM): Everyone's heard of Nigeria.
User name(6:57:40 PM): But, ok. Not a big deal.
cdomz66 (6:58:13 PM): Everyone? I don't know....How come everyone has?
User name(6:58:18 PM): Isn't malta off the coast of Africa?
cdomz66 (6:58:56 PM): does your geography suck?
cdomz66 (6:58:57 PM): lol
User name(6:59:03 PM): Who cares babe... don't want to waste our precious time on stupid geography.
User name(6:59:18 PM): Guess both ours does... you never heard of Nigeria. lol
cdomz66 (6:59:24 PM): good. I love you and i am sorry about this whole mix up
cdomz66 (6:59:34 PM): i have silly, but i am not sure i said babe
cdomz66 (6:59:41 PM): two different statements....naughty!
User name(7:00:06 PM): Ok, moving on.
User name(7:00:18 PM): Are you back at work?
User name(7:01:22 PM): When you coming home? I'm still waiting for you.
cdomz66 (7:01:24 PM): i can't really do much tbh. I'm trying really hard but it isn't as it should be. I got told off recently
cdomz66 (7:01:32 PM): if you were waiting for me, i'd have known!
cdomz66 (7:01:45 PM): don't think you were/are or even want me there so don't go that way
cdomz66 (7:01:55 PM): i just told you i loved you and you totally ignored it!
User name(7:02:20 PM): Sorry, didn't see it.
cdomz66 (7:02:39 PM): haha
User name(7:02:40 PM): You don't want me to take things personally and believe the web, etc, but you do?
cdomz66 (7:02:46 PM): interesting!!
User name(7:02:48 PM): Chillax!
cdomz66 (7:02:51 PM): i do what?
cdomz66 (7:02:56 PM): chillax....hmmmmm
User name(7:03:04 PM): Take everything personally. sounds like you don't trust
cdomz66 (7:03:19 PM): why should i when you dont?
User name(7:03:53 PM): Ok, we are going in circles and I don't see anything positive coming out of this.
User name(7:04:34 PM): I wanna trust you and will do my best to, but you have to be honest with me and open up more.
User name(7:04:46 PM): I know nothing about you.
cdomz66 (7:04:47 PM): I will
cdomz66 (7:04:58 PM): what would you have me do sweetie? give you my SSN so you can trust me!?
cdomz66 (7:05:07 PM): run a background check on me?
cdomz66 (7:05:13 PM): what do you want me to do???
User name(7:05:26 PM): Carlos Dominguez from CA, that doesn't have an apartment there, that went to 7 high schools and lived all over the place.
cdomz66 (7:05:45 PM): to show that i actually really was/is/always will be honest
User name(7:05:49 PM): I don't know... give me something.
cdomz66 (7:05:56 PM): like?
User name(7:06:21 PM): I don't know.
User name(7:06:30 PM): Maybe just time.
cdomz66 (7:06:54 PM): did i tell you i was originally from CA? or your wanting to add the pieces together makes you leave out pieces of vital info?
User name(7:07:18 PM): Your profile said Pleasanton, CA... correct?
User name(7:07:28 PM): I'm not going coo-coo.
cdomz66 (7:07:50 PM): yes, correct
User name(7:07:57 PM): Ok.
cdomz66 (7:08:03 PM): when you say from"...I'm asking Originally!!...lol
cdomz66 (7:08:17 PM): or do you talk to many people so much that you're not sure who is who? lol....
User name(7:08:18 PM): I don't know where you're from originally... you never told me.
cdomz66 (7:08:23 PM): i did
User name(7:08:55 PM): No, you said you lived in VA when you were young... lived in OH, lived in New Rochelle, and moved around all your life.
User name(7:09:43 PM): All very vague. I would like a resume please. Lol
cdomz66 (7:09:52 PM): lol
User name(7:10:07 PM): Also, why did you copy and paste your job description from that site I sent you?
User name(7:10:30 PM): Now, you understand my lack of trust. I know nothing. You could be a girl for all I know.
User name(7:10:44 PM): I was totally open with you and let you see me on webcam, etc.
User name(7:11:02 PM): You know what you're getting... I unfortunately don't!
cdomz66 (7:11:19 PM): not impossible to do......not from there. I however had too much to write so i sought a seemingly most appropriate description for u.....was that bad of me to do?
User name(7:12:02 PM): I guess not, but with all the added web scam crap... I lost it!
User name(7:12:14 PM): You have to see my side too.
User name(7:13:12 PM): I just wanna be able to trust you, move on and see where this goes. I was really happy with you before all the madness.
cdomz66 (7:13:31 PM): ok
User name(7:14:34 PM): Truce?
cdomz66 (7:15:28 PM): k
User name(7:15:51 PM): I really did miss you.
User name(7:16:06 PM): And the holidays were really crappy.
cdomz66 (7:16:07 PM): how much?
cdomz66 (7:16:14 PM): why were they crappy?
User name(7:16:26 PM): Megatons tripled
User name(7:16:44 PM): We weren't in the holiday spirit and all this stuff with you.
cdomz66 (7:17:03 PM): lol
cdomz66 (7:17:11 PM): megatons tripled sounds good
User name(7:17:16 PM): Was hoping to have been with you already during the holidays.
cdomz66 (7:17:25 PM): yea, i can understand not being in the holiday spirit cos it was same for me!
cdomz66 (7:17:29 PM): crappier than crappy!!
User name(7:17:31 PM): Now, God knows, when and if I'll see you.
cdomz66 (7:17:39 PM): oh, really?
cdomz66 (7:17:53 PM): You don't know when and if?
User name(7:18:09 PM): Well you probably have a year worth of work to catch up on... so
User name(7:18:24 PM): You may never come here.
cdomz66 (7:19:16 PM): interesting
cdomz66 (7:19:21 PM): did i tell you that though?
User name(7:19:32 PM): No
User name(7:19:41 PM): My assumption again. Lol
cdomz66 (7:20:44 PM): you love making assumptions, don't ya?
User name(7:21:14 PM): haha, guess so. Unfortunately I have to, because you don't tell me much.
User name(7:21:18 PM): Do tell...
cdomz66 (7:24:09 PM): as soon as possible babe. I wish i could give you a definite answer. I could if everything was fine...
cdomz66 (7:24:18 PM): i didn't come here to work indefinitely now, did i?
User name(7:24:40 PM): I know babe, but I'm sure you have to finish the project before you leave.
User name(7:24:56 PM): Stop being so nasty babe.
User name(7:25:27 PM): Don't you think I have a right to know what your plans are?
cdomz66 (7:26:22 PM): yes you do sweetie
cdomz66 (7:26:29 PM): i'm not being nasty sweetpea
User name(7:26:46 PM): Ok
cdomz66 (7:27:49 PM): i love you!!! I want you to trust me completely...i promise to keep you in the loop
cdomz66 (7:27:58 PM): and don't you ever blow me away or say nasty stuff to me again
User name(7:28:23 PM): I'm sorry babe.
User name(7:29:34 PM): You forgive me?
cdomz66 (7:30:29 PM): how much do you do those 3? love, miss and need????
User name(7:30:47 PM): haha too big to explain
sUser name(7:32:32 PM): By the way, where are you originally from?
cdomz66 (7:32:37 PM): hahahahahahahaha
cdomz66 (7:32:39 PM): joker!!!
cdomz66 (7:32:42 PM): now you ask!?
User name(7:32:50 PM): You never said
User name(7:33:41 PM): Spain, Greece, Netherlands?
cdomz66 (7:34:16 PM): i'm sure i made mention unless of course you never asked
User name(7:34:33 PM): Why is it a secret? Just tell me now.
cdomz66 (7:35:53 PM): it isn't a secret
cdomz66 (7:36:00 PM): i'm surprised it never came up before
User name(7:36:35 PM): Nope. You just mentioned Virginia and Ohio.
cdomz66 (7:36:36 PM): mom's british and dad is part dutch and part spanish
User name(7:36:49 PM): And you were born where?
cdomz66 (7:37:14 PM): in Chelmsford, Essex
User name(7:37:27 PM): Ok, guess that's UK
cdomz66 (7:37:33 PM): yes it is
User name(7:37:48 PM): Have to go find the birth certificate. Lmao
cdomz66 (7:37:59 PM): then do
User name(7:38:07 PM): Just kidding.
User name(7:38:17 PM): Thanks for telling me.
cdomz66 (7:38:40 PM): i swear i told you this before. It surely isn't a big deal
cdomz66 (7:38:44 PM): U? tell me about yours
User name(7:38:49 PM): No you didn't babe.
User name(7:38:54 PM): I told you.
User name(7:39:31 PM): I was born in Algarve, Portugal.
cdomz66 (7:39:41 PM): we're starting afresh love
cdomz66 (7:39:42 PM): so do say
cdomz66 (7:39:48 PM): everything
User name(7:40:26 PM): In time, we will get to know more of one another. What's important is that we both want it and are willing to work at it.
User name(7:41:54 PM): What's my name?
cdomz66 (7:42:34 PM): haha....i dunno
cdomz66 (7:42:35 PM): tell me
User name(7:42:55 PM): Christina
cdomz66 (7:43:19 PM): LOOOOOOOOL
User name(7:43:23 PM): And you are John Smith?
cdomz66 (7:43:30 PM): nope.....Jane Doe
cdomz66 (7:43:31 PM): lol
User name(7:43:46 PM): haha
cdomz66 (7:44:12 PM): and whats your last name?
cdomz66 (7:44:19 PM): ronaldo?
User name(7:44:36 PM): Lmao
User name(7:44:39 PM): Santos
User name(7:45:12 PM): What's your birthdate?
User name(7:47:03 PM): You looking it up on the net? Lol
cdomz66 (7:47:15 PM): ?
cdomz66 (7:47:26 PM): looking what up?
User name(7:47:28 PM): Your birthdate?
cdomz66 (7:48:27 PM): why would i do that?
User name(7:48:40 PM): I asked you and you haven't responded.
cdomz66 (7:48:55 PM): well, yea i am checking it out on the internet
cdomz66 (7:49:04 PM): does that answer your question?
User name(7:49:18 PM): You're too much... whatever!
cdomz66 (7:49:26 PM): i'm too much what?
User name(7:49:44 PM): Smarty pants!
cdomz66 (7:49:54 PM): you intentionally trying to piss me off??
User name(7:50:05 PM): Not!
User name(7:50:22 PM): I asked you when is your birthday? How is that pissing you off?
cdomz66 (7:50:50 PM): and then you think i'll be looking that up?
cdomz66 (7:50:52 PM): how nice
User name(7:50:56 PM): You said we were starting fresh.
cdomz66 (7:52:07 PM): 07-22...babes, you should realise that adding humor to what we've been thru lately isn't a nice convo
User name(7:52:38 PM): I was joking because you never answered, but you are right. Sort of inappropriate.
cdomz66 (7:53:13 PM): i am sorry but yea you got it there
cdomz66 (7:53:15 PM): what's yours?
User name(7:53:21 PE): 10/23
cdomz66 (7:53:54 PM): keep mine on file
User name(7z54:02 PM): haha Got it%
sco (7:54%;A34 PM): Ok'babe, I'm gking to shower abd eat something

Replaced User ID with "User name" - Ralph
Last edited by lionness369 on Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
by lionness369 Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:54 pm
User name (7:56:40 PM):
cdomz66 (7:57:33 PM): no more misconception, misconstruing or anything of the sort
cdomz66 (7:57:35 PM): k?
User name (7:58:03 PM): Yes, but please promise me that you will be open with me and remember... trust is earned.
User name (7:59:15 PM): If I have questions, please do your best to answer them. Ok?
cdomz66 (7:59:43 PM): yes boss
User name (7:59:47 PM): Let's be friends, play nice and continue to build this beautiful relationship. I wanna grow old with you.
cdomz66 (7:59:54 PM): friends
cdomz66 (7:59:57 PM): hmmm
cdomz66 (7:59:57 PM): ok
User name (7:59:59 PM): Finally, you got something right! lmao
cdomz66 (8:00:11 PM): same here but i don't want to grow old fighting ma'am
User name (8:00:15 PM): Yes, friends... there is no relationship with friendship
cdomz66 (8:00:22 PM): i love you and i'll speak to you later
User name (8:00:29 PM): Love you too!
cdomz66 (8:00:43 PM): tata

Replaced User ID with "User name" - Ralph
by Crispy Duck Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:57 pm
Thanks for the additional posts - & you are correct insofar as he seems more 'educated & erudite' than normal.

The phone number is indeed a Vodafone number! I tried calling it from Skype, but it rang out without going to voicemail.:(

He claims to be a geologist -- but doesn't know where Nigeria is? :laugh-s: Every 'geo' I have met (& I have met a lot of them) knows their GEOGRAPHY....especially when it comes to oilfields!

Perhaps he is in the UK, but as to finding his whereabouts or any other information on him, I'm afraid it's not possible without the I/P address from the header...& I can't find how to get them from an email sent from AOL :(

He is undoubtedly a scammer - despite his bluster/stories/lies - so maybe it would be best for you to drop all contact with him & block him from IM etc.
by Dotti Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:32 pm
There is no doubt that he is a scammer.

You are definitely right that his English is better than most, and his spelling is definitely better, but he is also getting some of the "big words" wrong or using them inappropriately--I suspect he is so anxious to trot out his knowledge of English that he goes overboard in his attempts! He also makes several subtle mistakes that are clearly not typos and are consistent with ESL. (English as a Second Language).
Examples of issues: "tongue-slashing" , "OVERLY AS RIDICULOUS YET CONTROVERSIALLY COINCIDENTAL" (this statement is meaningless tripe!), "sought a seemingly most appropriate description for u"

The babe, baby, et. is so that he can copy and paste prepared materials without remembering your name.
When he asked you what surgery, it is most likely because he forgot what he told you or where he as in the scam--that's what happens when you are juggling multiple victims and are on chat--you don't have time to research the history.

Notice how he manipulates you in this chat and quickly places all of the blame on you. By taking offense, accusing you of going "gaga" (in this case he is not quite wrong in choice of words, but the use is atypical, especially for someone who supposedly grew up on the US), he is getting you on the defensive, and making it more difficult for you to insist he send the i-phone (which he very well may have sold, BTW--or, I don't know if it is the same for i-phones, but for many types of phones you can swipe out a SIM card and use the phone, and it will show as never used).

It is perfectly normal to want to call him out and confront him, but there is nothing to be gained. You don't want to teach him to scam better, and he will just play his role and tell further lies until the end. You won't have any real impact on him either, because to him, you are simply a source of income. He couldn't care less about you, no matter what he says. It will not bother him that you are upset and angry (if anything he knows he succeeded in getting to you), and if you point out what he did wrong, he will learn from it and use the information on the next victim.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Michelle Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:24 pm
There is a mention of an iPhone in there somewhere

It is possible to have the phone disabled, but you need the Mobile Phone's IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity). This IMEI number is unique to the iPhone and is a 15-digit code.

You may still have some documentation, or you may need to contact wherever it was purchased from.

Then you can phone the service provider and give them this code and explain the circumstances. They will then be able to block the handset so even if the scammer changes the SIM Card, the iPhone will be totally useless.

It won't get the iPhone back but your 'friend' can use it as a door-stop instead.
by lionness369 Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:22 pm
Yeah I definitely found it strange when he didn't know where Nigeria was especially since 90% of its income comes from oil. That is why I kept going around in circles and mentioning Malta, etc. because he had once told me he wanted to vacation in Malta. He had also said he had spent the prior Christmas in Italy so I was just trying to catch him in a lie.

As for the iphone I know I will never get it back and like they say "you live and you learn." I will try to call AT&T and try to get them to check on that IME thing.

I want to thank everyone for the research and their input. I believe he's pretty much moved on as I used to get text messages from him everyday and haven't heard from him since Wednesday. Guess the best thing to do is block him from my IM and not respond to his text messages when he does write. It's just sort of crappy because I have so much I want to say, but the truth is that he really could care less and my words will mean nothing. Ugh, just frustrates me that they could get away with so much and we have no way of tracking them.

Most disturbing is the photos they use. He sent me about 7 pictures and they were all pretty normal, probably of some poor unsuspecting guy and his daugher. And I now worry about the photos I sent him of me... gets me pretty mad.
by Ralph Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:59 pm
I found this on opening headers when using AOL;

To see all internet header lines of an email in AOL:

Open the desired email message.
Make sure it reads Sent from the Internet near the top.
Click Details next to that phrase.

The full article is here [url=http://email.about.com/od/aoltips/qt/et071206.htm] Right Click and "open in new window" to remain on this page.

Not being an AOL user I cant tell you if it works
by Ralph Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:31 am
When I receive chats between from people with their scammers, i will often go through and analyse the chat, showing what the scammer is up to, this chat is not a good example and many of the common signs are just not there, partly because of teh nature of the chat but also because he is much better with English than other scammers.

That said, there are a few things that I have noted, if you happen to have some of the early chats i can do teh same thing but I may find more to comment on.

I will do this in a few posts so it is a little easier to follow

cdomz66 (6:01:01 PM): you here baby?????

Scammers love to call their victims baby or honey, by doing so it saves them from having to remember names

User name(6:06:23 PM): Hi you here?
cdomz66 (6:10:10 PM): hey baby!!!!!
User name(6:10:24 PM): Finally, how are you?
cdomz66 (6:10:53 PM): im alright babe, u?
User name(6:11:06 PM): I'm ok... long day.
cdomz66 (6:11:15 PM): what did you do today?
User name(6:11:29 PM): Went to work, but was very busy,

2 minute break between chats and back with a question, scammers love asking questions, it saves them having to spend time answering questions themselves

cdomz66 (6:13:32 PM): nice, how's your mom?
User name(6:13:46 PM): She's doing ok. One day at a time.
User name(6:13:54 PM): How are things there?
cdomz66 (6:14:46 PM): things are ok. Not sure how else to describe things. It's all dicey, complicated!

Always a problem in scammer land

User name(6:15:09 PM): Wow, still. Sorry to hear that.
cdomz66 (6:15:20 PM): don't be. Why are you sorry?
User name(6:15:32 PM): Wish things would be better by now.
cdomz66 (6:16:38 PM): well, they aren't! far from

And they never will be, scammers like to have an excuse to ask for more money and if everything was fine they wouldn’t be able to ask for money

cdomz66 (6:16:58 PM): how could things go from being so bad then to being much better now? how long has it been?
cdomz66 (6:17:09 PM): or are you just being sarcastic in a mean way?
User name(6:17:21 PM): Almost a month. Not being sarcastic at all babe.
User name(6:17:48 PM): I assumed with the new surgery she would be better, that's all.
cdomz66 (6:18:36 PM): what new surgery sweets?
User name(6:18:52 PM): You said she was having surgery before xmas.
cdomz66 (6:18:53 PM): i'm supposing you've been following up on it?

He forgot what lie he was up to, now he is covering his tracks

User name(6:19:06 PM): Following up where?
cdomz66 (6:19:12 PM): dunno babe, you tell me
User name(6:19:45 PM): How could I follow up on anything? I'm here, you're there.
cdomz66 (6:19:47 PM): she was supposed to have surgery since you went gaga on me

Always the victims fault

but then you weren't sure if she did have surgery afterwards, did you?
User name(6:20:08 PM): No, but I assumed she did. My bad.
cdomz66 (6:21:42 PM): ok
User name(6:22:03 PM): You seem very frustrated with me.
cdomz66 (6:23:06 PM): no babe
cdomz66 (6:23:07 PM): sorry
cdomz66 (6:23:16 PM): sorry, i knew it was going to seem this way once we spoke
cdomz66 (6:23:25 PM): do you really blame me now?

Once again, blaming the his intended victim, wanting you to feel sorry for him

User name(6:23:28 PM): That's ok, just tired of fighting.
User name(6:23:47 PM): I don't blame anyone, but you have to understand my point of view too.
cdomz66 (6:23:49 PM): we haven't fought. Last i remember, it was a fight, it was a tongue-slashing
cdomz66 (6:23:56 PM): wasn't*
User name(6:24:40 PM): Can you understand where I was coming from?
cdomz66 (6:24:54 PM): yea but did you give me a chance?
User name(6:25:25 PM): Babe we communicated on im for awhile and you never gave me an explanation. Til this day.

Nearly 2 minutes between chats, very likely he has another victim now that he is sensing you are not likely to pay he is not overly concerned but of course he would rather get you back on side

cdomz66 (6:27:14 PM): till this day? did we communicate after that incident?
cdomz66 (6:27:19 PM): honestly? when?
User name(6:27:40 PM): No babe. But you could've written something on im.
User name(6:27:57 PM): You could've sent me an email or text or something to ease my mind.

Another 2 minute break

cdomz66 (6:29:51 PM): `wow, really? If i was that mean and said all such things to you, you'd send me a text to tell me how much you loved me etc afterwards, right?
by Ralph Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:33 am
User name(6:30:14 PM): You're right... let's just forget it.
cdomz66 (6:31:05 PM): i am sorry i didnt
User name(6:31:07 PM): But I will say one thing... if I really loved the person, I would do everything I could to explain to them and try to mend the situation.
User name(6:31:34 PM): You just gave up.

Again, blaming his victim, very standard

cdomz66 (6:33:06 PM): i am sorry, i didn't lick your feet and cry after you but i didn't quite know what to make of the situation
User name(6:33:54 PM): Understood.
cdomz66 (6:34:12 PM): you know what you made me feel like? Less of a vegetable....actually worse than a regurgitated meal. You know something else? I felt it was only because i needed your help, thats why you could exploit and totally say and deduce all that you did.

Once again, the poor scammer has problems and you should feel guilty for not being there for him

cdomz66 (6:34:49 PM): I wish you knew what you caused me. It doesn't matter anyways. What matters is i love you!

He cant get money from a victim who he doesn’t say nice things to, no he is forgiving you however you should feel bad

User name(6:35:54 PM): I'm sorry for accusing you of things that you're not, but you have to admit that the stories are quite similar.
User name(6:36:38 PM): And unfortunately I'm so far away that I don't know any better.
cdomz66 (6:36:54 PM): very much so i'm afraid. I did read everything you sent me and did quite a bit of research on my own. It's stunning how much similarities there were. Regardless!!!!!!! You had no right to be that way and go completely mental on me

Yes, you had evry right to ask questions, you are sending him an Iphone and now he wants money from you as well, you have every right to ask as many questions as you like

User name(6:37:29 PM): I agree, but felt completely betrayed and used. No fun feeling that way.
cdomz66 (6:37:51 PM): this all narrows down to one thing, if you don't trust or believe me, then there isn't any point. Nothing works without those two key factors.

Ahh yes, back to trust again, he needs you to trust him or you will never send money

User name(6:38:34 PM): Understood, but you have to understand that it's hard to completely trust someone you don't know, never met, never saw.
cdomz66 (6:38:40 PM): my question now is.....if you want this to work, if you want us to happen, are you ready or willing to trust me or not!
User name(6:39:12 PM): Everytime I asked you to call me, you didn't. Why?
User name(6:40:16 PM): I don't have any information on you except your name. You have to see that it's hard... you would feel the same way.
cdomz66 (6:40:37 PM): Yes, true, you cant completely do that but then that's how life is, its one of the many things and risks we have to take. Living itself is a risk, you never hear or know what happens until you actually experience or see it. I never used it because it's still packaged to be sent back since your first accusatory messages.
cdomz66 (6:42:17 PM): and oh well, first time i called you, you said alot of things, didn't you? Why then should i call when i knew because of your insecurities and doubts you already had a picture and made conclusions in your mind. You think i didn't want to speak to you???
cdomz66 (6:42:20 PM): really??
cdomz66 (6:42:35 PM): What sort of love/communication would there be without actually speaking over the phone???
User name(6:43:17 PM): You are absolutely right!
cdomz66 (6:43:41 PM): dont
cdomz66 (6:44:07 PM): i do want to work this out else i wouldn't be extremely pissed or trying to resolve everything now. I have missed you megatons
User name(6:44:27 PM): But I never wanted to believe that you weren't you... I do want to be with you and have a relationship.
cdomz66 (6:45:03 PM): the thought of it at all kills me!
cdomz66 (6:45:14 PM): i still can't get my head around the fact that you thought so ill of me
cdomz66 (6:45:25 PM): that would linger on in my head and specific things you said
User name(6:45:37 PM): I'm sorry babe, but I've been hurting on my end too. Have you read that stuff on the internet? It's heartwrenching.
cdomz66 (6:46:21 PM): the text you sent me was also very much uncalled for and very ludicrous
User name(6:46:36 PM): It happens all the time more times than not and to think I had actually found someone who is real with the almost exact same life story, etc. was one in a million. Guess I'm a lucky girl.
cdomz66 (6:46:47 PM): if you don't mind. Give me the low down of what it all meant/said
User name(6:46:55 PM): What text?
User name(6:47:39 PM): Low down on what? I'm confused.
cdomz66 (6:47:52 PM): on everything you read on the internet...low down on that
cdomz66 (6:48:10 PM): text you sent me about FBI etc? that was absolutely ridiculous!!!!
User name(6:48:34 PM): Well, it's usually someone from the US working in either Nigeria or UK... widowed, no parents, sick child, asking for money.
User name(6:49:29 PM): I'm sure you read the same things.
cdomz66 (6:50:01 PM): You gotta be kidding me!. Nigeria?? Isn't that the country in the news lately? I read what you sent me and did a superficial search. Surely didn't dwell on it, do you think i didn't have too many issues at hand?
User name(6:50:59 PM): Like I said, I got caught up in the similarities, etc. Don't know what else I could say to fix things.
User name(6:52:10 PM): I know I was wrong, but you do have to admit that the similarities are strong.
cdomz66 (6:53:35 PM): where is Nigeria? tell me, it sounds familiar to the eyes and ears
User name(6:54:40 PM): By malta.
cdomz66 (6:55:26 PM): it's by malta?
cdomz66 (6:55:34 PM): so why the significance of this place then
cdomz66 (6:55:35 PM): ?
User name(6:55:48 PM): You don't know where Nigeria is?
cdomz66 (6:56:20 PM): nope, i've heard about it ....i think they have loads of Oil there but i'm not sure its the same place
cdomz66 (6:56:27 PM): cos i know there is a Niger
cdomz66 (6:56:33 PM): not sure if its the same as Nigeria
User name(6:56:36 PM): It's in Africa
cdomz66 (6:56:57 PM): why then did you say it was in malta?
cdomz66 (6:57:01 PM): what are you trying to do?
cdomz66 (6:57:17 PM): and why do you seem surprised that i'm not sure where it is????
User name(6:57:32 PM): Everyone's heard of Nigeria.
User name(6:57:40 PM): But, ok. Not a big deal.
cdomz66 (6:58:13 PM): Everyone? I don't know....How come everyone has?
User name(6:58:18 PM): Isn't malta off the coast of Africa?
cdomz66 (6:58:56 PM): does your geography suck?
cdomz66 (6:58:57 PM): lol
User name(6:59:03 PM): Who cares babe... don't want to waste our precious time on stupid geography.
by Ralph Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:35 am
User name(6:59:18 PM): Guess both ours does... you never heard of Nigeria. lol
cdomz66 (6:59:24 PM): good. I love you and i am sorry about this whole mix up
cdomz66 (6:59:34 PM): i have silly, but i am not sure i said babe
cdomz66 (6:59:41 PM): two different statements....naughty!
User name(7:00:06 PM): Ok, moving on.
User name(7:00:18 PM): Are you back at work?
User name(7:01:22 PM): When you coming home? I'm still waiting for you.
cdomz66 (7:01:24 PM): i can't really do much tbh. I'm trying really hard but it isn't as it should be. I got told off recently
cdomz66 (7:01:32 PM): if you were waiting for me, i'd have known!
cdomz66 (7:01:45 PM): don't think you were/are or even want me there so don't go that way
cdomz66 (7:01:55 PM): i just told you i loved you and you totally ignored it!

Trying once again to make you feel sorry for him

User name(7:02:20 PM): Sorry, didn't see it.
cdomz66 (7:02:39 PM): haha
User name(7:02:40 PM): You don't want me to take things personally and believe the web, etc, but you do?
cdomz66 (7:02:46 PM): interesting!!
User name(7:02:48 PM): Chillax!
cdomz66 (7:02:51 PM): i do what?
cdomz66 (7:02:56 PM): chillax....hmmmmm
User name(7:03:04 PM): Take everything personally. sounds like you don't trust
cdomz66 (7:03:19 PM): why should i when you dont?
User name(7:03:53 PM): Ok, we are going in circles and I don't see anything positive coming out of this.
User name(7:04:34 PM): I wanna trust you and will do my best to, but you have to be honest with me and open up more.
User name(7:04:46 PM): I know nothing about you.
cdomz66 (7:04:47 PM): I will
cdomz66 (7:04:58 PM): what would you have me do sweetie? give you my SSN so you can trust me!?
cdomz66 (7:05:07 PM): run a background check on me?
cdomz66 (7:05:13 PM): what do you want me to do???
User name(7:05:26 PM): Carlos Dominguez from CA, that doesn't have an apartment there, that went to 7 high schools and lived all over the place.
cdomz66 (7:05:45 PM): to show that i actually really was/is/always will be honest
User name(7:05:49 PM): I don't know... give me something.
cdomz66 (7:05:56 PM): like?
User name(7:06:21 PM): I don't know.
User name(7:06:30 PM): Maybe just time.
cdomz66 (7:06:54 PM): did i tell you i was originally from CA? or your wanting to add the pieces together makes you leave out pieces of vital info?
User name(7:07:18 PM): Your profile said Pleasanton, CA... correct?
User name(7:07:28 PM): I'm not going coo-coo.
cdomz66 (7:07:50 PM): yes, correct
User name(7:07:57 PM): Ok.
cdomz66 (7:08:03 PM): when you say from"...I'm asking Originally!!...lol
cdomz66 (7:08:17 PM): or do you talk to many people so much that you're not sure who is who? lol....
User name(7:08:18 PM): I don't know where you're from originally... you never told me.
cdomz66 (7:08:23 PM): i did
User name(7:08:55 PM): No, you said you lived in VA when you were young... lived in OH, lived in New Rochelle, and moved around all your life.
User name(7:09:43 PM): All very vague. I would like a resume please. Lol
cdomz66 (7:09:52 PM): lol
User name(7:10:07 PM): Also, why did you copy and paste your job description from that site I sent you?
User name(7:10:30 PM): Now, you understand my lack of trust. I know nothing. You could be a girl for all I know.
User name(7:10:44 PM): I was totally open with you and let you see me on webcam, etc.

I am not sure what you saw but it is possible to record somebody else on webcam and play it pretending that it is you.

User name(7:11:02 PM): You know what you're getting... I unfortunately don't!
cdomz66 (7:11:19 PM): not impossible to do......not from there. I however had too much to write so i sought a seemingly most appropriate description for u.....was that bad of me to do?
User name(7:12:02 PM): I guess not, but with all the added web scam crap... I lost it!
User name(7:12:14 PM): You have to see my side too.
User name(7:13:12 PM): I just wanna be able to trust you, move on and see where this goes. I was really happy with you before all the madness.
cdomz66 (7:13:31 PM): ok
User name(7:14:34 PM): Truce?
cdomz66 (7:15:28 PM): k
User name(7:15:51 PM): I really did miss you.
User name(7:16:06 PM): And the holidays were really crappy.
cdomz66 (7:16:07 PM): how much?
cdomz66 (7:16:14 PM): why were they crappy?
User name(7:16:26 PM): Megatons tripled
User name(7:16:44 PM): We weren't in the holiday spirit and all this stuff with you.
cdomz66 (7:17:03 PM): lol
cdomz66 (7:17:11 PM): megatons tripled sounds good
User name(7:17:16 PM): Was hoping to have been with you already during the holidays.
cdomz66 (7:17:25 PM): yea, i can understand not being in the holiday spirit cos it was same for me!

His English is perhaps certainly very good, “cos” may be a slight slip on his part

cdomz66 (7:17:29 PM): crappier than crappy!!
User name(7:17:31 PM): Now, God knows, when and if I'll see you.
cdomz66 (7:17:39 PM): oh, really?
cdomz66 (7:17:53 PM): You don't know when and if?
User name(7:18:09 PM): Well you probably have a year worth of work to catch up on... so
User name(7:18:24 PM): You may never come here.
cdomz66 (7:19:16 PM): interesting
cdomz66 (7:19:21 PM): did i tell you that though?
User name(7:19:32 PM): No
User name(7:19:41 PM): My assumption again. Lol
cdomz66 (7:20:44 PM): you love making assumptions, don't ya?
User name(7:21:14 PM): haha, guess so. Unfortunately I have to, because you don't tell me much.
User name(7:21:18 PM): Do tell...
cdomz66 (7:24:09 PM): as soon as possible babe. I wish i could give you a definite answer. I could if everything was fine...
cdomz66 (7:24:18 PM): i didn't come here to work indefinitely now, did i?
User name(7:24:40 PM): I know babe, but I'm sure you have to finish the project before you leave.
User name(7:24:56 PM): Stop being so nasty babe.
User name(7:25:27 PM): Don't you think I have a right to know what your plans are?
cdomz66 (7:26:22 PM): yes you do sweetie
cdomz66 (7:26:29 PM): i'm not being nasty sweetpea
User name(7:26:46 PM): Ok
cdomz66 (7:27:49 PM): i love you!!! I want you to trust me completely...i promise to keep you in the loop

The first part is absolute truth, he does want you to trust him completely

cdomz66 (7:27:58 PM): and don't you ever blow me away or say nasty stuff to me again
User name(7:28:23 PM): I'm sorry babe.
User name(7:29:34 PM): You forgive me?
by Ralph Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:36 am
cdomz66 (7:30:29 PM): how much do you do those 3? love, miss and need????
User name(7:30:47 PM): haha too big to explain
User name(7:32:32 PM): By the way, where are you originally from?
cdomz66 (7:32:37 PM): hahahahahahahaha
cdomz66 (7:32:39 PM): joker!!!
cdomz66 (7:32:42 PM): now you ask!?
User name(7:32:50 PM): You never said
User name(7:33:41 PM): Spain, Greece, Netherlands?
cdomz66 (7:34:16 PM): i'm sure i made mention unless of course you never asked
User name(7:34:33 PM): Why is it a secret? Just tell me now.
cdomz66 (7:35:53 PM): it isn't a secret
cdomz66 (7:36:00 PM): i'm surprised it never came up before
User name(7:36:35 PM): Nope. You just mentioned Virginia and Ohio.
cdomz66 (7:36:36 PM): mom's british and dad is part dutch and part Spanish

This is to explain any accent during phone calls

User name(7:36:49 PM): And you were born where?
cdomz66 (7:37:14 PM): in Chelmsford, Essex
User name(7:37:27 PM): Ok, guess that's UK
cdomz66 (7:37:33 PM): yes it is
User name(7:37:48 PM): Have to go find the birth certificate. Lmao
cdomz66 (7:37:59 PM): then do
User name(7:38:07 PM): Just kidding.
User name(7:38:17 PM): Thanks for telling me.
cdomz66 (7:38:40 PM): i swear i told you this before. It surely isn't a big deal
cdomz66 (7:38:44 PM): U? tell me about yours
User name(7:38:49 PM): No you didn't babe.
User name(7:38:54 PM): I told you.
User name(7:39:31 PM): I was born in Algarve, Portugal.
cdomz66 (7:39:41 PM): we're starting afresh love
cdomz66 (7:39:42 PM): so do say
cdomz66 (7:39:48 PM): everything
User name(7:40:26 PM): In time, we will get to know more of one another. What's important is that we both want it and are willing to work at it.
User name(7:41:54 PM): What's my name?
cdomz66 (7:42:34 PM): haha....i dunno
cdomz66 (7:42:35 PM): tell me
User name(7:42:55 PM): Christina
cdomz66 (7:43:19 PM): LOOOOOOOOL
User name(7:43:23 PM): And you are John Smith?
cdomz66 (7:43:30 PM): nope.....Jane Doe
cdomz66 (7:43:31 PM): lol
User name(7:43:46 PM): haha
cdomz66 (7:44:12 PM): and whats your last name?
cdomz66 (7:44:19 PM): ronaldo?
User name(7:44:36 PM): Lmao
User name(7:44:39 PM): Santos
User name(7:45:12 PM): What's your birthdate?
User name(7:47:03 PM): You looking it up on the net? Lol
cdomz66 (7:47:15 PM): ?
cdomz66 (7:47:26 PM): looking what up?
User name(7:47:28 PM): Your birthdate?
cdomz66 (7:48:27 PM): why would i do that?
User name(7:48:40 PM): I asked you and you haven't responded.
cdomz66 (7:48:55 PM): well, yea i am checking it out on the internet
cdomz66 (7:49:04 PM): does that answer your question?
User name(7:49:18 PM): You're too much... whatever!
cdomz66 (7:49:26 PM): i'm too much what?
User name(7:49:44 PM): Smarty pants!
cdomz66 (7:49:54 PM): you intentionally trying to piss me off??
User name(7:50:05 PM): Not!
User name(7:50:22 PM): I asked you when is your birthday? How is that pissing you off?
cdomz66 (7:50:50 PM): and then you think i'll be looking that up?
cdomz66 (7:50:52 PM): how nice
User name(7:50:56 PM): You said we were starting fresh.
cdomz66 (7:52:07 PM): 07-22...babes, you should realise that adding humor to what

Interesting, born in The UK but uses US format for his birth date

we've been thru lately isn't a nice convo
User name(7:52:38 PM): I was joking because you never answered, but you are right. Sort of inappropriate.
cdomz66 (7:53:13 PM): i am sorry but yea you got it there
cdomz66 (7:53:15 PM): what's yours?
User name(7:53:21 PE): Removed
cdomz66 (7:53:54 PM): keep mine on file
User name(7z54:02 PM): haha Got it%
User name(7:54%;A34 PM): Ok'babe, I'm gking to shower abd eat something

User name (7:56:40 PM):
cdomz66 (7:57:33 PM): no more misconception, misconstruing or anything of the sort
cdomz66 (7:57:35 PM): k?
User name (7:58:03 PM): Yes, but please promise me that you will be open with me and remember... trust is earned.
User name (7:59:15 PM): If I have questions, please do your best to answer them. Ok?
cdomz66 (7:59:43 PM): yes boss
User name (7:59:47 PM): Let's be friends, play nice and continue to build this beautiful relationship. I wanna grow old with you.
cdomz66 (7:59:54 PM): friends
cdomz66 (7:59:57 PM): hmmm
cdomz66 (7:59:57 PM): ok
User name (7:59:59 PM): Finally, you got something right! lmao
cdomz66 (8:00:11 PM): same here but i don't want to grow old fighting ma'am
User name (8:00:15 PM): Yes, friends... there is no relationship with friendship
cdomz66 (8:00:22 PM): i love you and i'll speak to you later
User name (8:00:29 PM): Love you too!
cdomz66 (8:00:43 PM): tata
by lionness369 Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:21 am
Hi Ralph - I enjoyed your breakdown of the conversation... really helped put the conversation into perspective. I'm adding another conversation that took place on 12-21-09. Please keep in mind that by now I know he's a scammer, have confronted him, and am just trying to catch him somehow, but still playing the "I love you too" game. Towards the end of the conversation he is also asking me again if I could help him with daughter's surgery bill for $8,500.

cdomz66: here now
User name: Hi there
cdomz66: hey
User name: How was your day babe?
cdomz66: it was ok, tiring but LONG!!
cdomz66: yours? I just saw your text. You're not serious about all of the questions you've asked me, are you?
User name: Just wanted to know some more about you. Feel like we stopped asking questions and I'm curious.
User name: Miss our questions of the day.
User name: How come you appear offline on this thing?
cdomz66: is that so babe. Question of the day...lol....
cdomz66: cos i log on invisible
User name: Why?
cdomz66: curious cat
User name: Yes, very curious.
cdomz66: cos i just come on that way. i am rarely here anyways
User name: Who you hiding from? Lol
cdomz66: tell me what's going on
cdomz66: no-one
cdomz66: who is there to hide from?
User name: Me... haha
cdomz66: why would i want to do that?
User name: Who knows.
User name: So what's new?
cdomz66: tell me whats going on babe.
User name: Nothing hun... why?
User name: You've been acting strange these past few days.
cdomz66: how so?
User name: You keep saying that something is wrong and that I'm being different.
User name: How so? I just feel like I wanna reconnect...know more.
cdomz66: i just feel it babe, i really do!
cdomz66: and yea i do wanna reconnect cos as you say I do feel disconnected! Sorta
User name: Don't feel like that... things are fine on my end.
cdomz66: things aren't fine on my end!!
cdomz66: I'm losing it here!
User name: I know you are and I'm not sure what to do about it.
cdomz66: if you can't withstand this sordid, decrepit version of me then just say. I'm sorry but i feel less of a man right now, i feel like i'm failing someone and not doing enough. I'm totally demoralized and despondent. I don't think i'd be fun for anyone to be around right now. And i know i'm being totally unfair to you right now. I'm sorry. But if at any point you feel this is too much for you, you could always leave. You know that
User name: I've never asked you for anything.
User name: If anything I've always been here for you and I apologize that I can't be here for you monetarily, but I don't have it.
User name: I will always be here for you emotionally, but can't offer you anything else right now.
User name: If you can't deal with that and feel the need to leave, you could always leave as well.
cdomz66: ok, fair enough. Is this why you asked me to come online?
User name: No, I wasn't expecting you to send me such a message, but you feel the way you feel and I can't change that.
cdomz66: to send you what message?
User name: You keep telling me that I could leave... almost as if you want me to.
cdomz66: Is there any need me being here now? online that is? because you clearly are trying hard to get rid of me. Obviously you didn't understand my message but if that interpretation rocks your boat then kewl, no worries!
User name: Whatever! I'm done trying and giving it 100%.
cdomz66: why are you upset?
User name: Because I've done nothing but be here for you and your daughter in your time of need and always feel like it's not good enough.
User name: I don't know what you want or expect of me, but right now I can't give you more.
cdomz66: It is good enough, did i ever say otherwise?
User name: I have my own demons to deal with.
cdomz66: i knoq
cdomz66: i know, I am sorry
cdomz66: i'll back off then
cdomz66: like i said earlier, i am sorry. I do love you. never intended it to happen this way
cdomz66: i hope you find happiness
cdomz66: wherever it is
cdomz66: if you want me, you know how to reach me
User name: Well, thanks for being honest and letting me know how you feel.
cdomz66: you're making it sound really bad
cdomz66: what have i said?
User name: It's not bad babe... I think it's very honorable.
cdomz66: honorable, true. What exactly has happened tonight? Care to elaborate?
User name: I don't know... think you just broke up with me.
cdomz66: I so did not!!
cdomz66: if anything, you kinda did!! It just feels like we're having a massive argument over nothing
User name: I agree!
cdomz66: why did you ask me to come online babe?
User name: Because I wanted to talk to you!
User name: I always want to talk to you.
User name: Why is that so suspicious to you? Don't I always ask you when you can come online?
User name: I don't understand why you're being so hard on me.
User name: And questioning my every move.
cdomz66: i thought you asked me to come just to fight. I don't normally question you like this, do i? can you just ignore my madness for today and start all over ?
User name: You questioned me yesterday too. I understand you're frustrated and going crazy over there, but I come in peace!
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: i in pieces!!
cdomz66: i'm shattered love
User name: I know hun and I figured if you talked about it, you would feel better.
User name: I think it's good that you have someone to talk to.
User name: I just have so many questions and wanted to chit-chat, but I understand it's probably not the right time.
User name: I think it's important that you not worry about me, my emotions, etc. and that you concentrate on getting Jess healthy.
cdomz66: ok
User name: Take some time for you and her... I'll always be here, but I don't want you to feel obligated to reach out to me or come online when I want. I won't ask that of you anymore.
User name: Ok well, I think this conversation has run its course and you don't wanna talk anymore. Have a good night and I hope everything works out for you and Jess. Hugs and kisses.
cdomz66: i am here still babe
User name: Ok
cdomz66: you gone?
User name: Nope, still here.
cdomz66: what are you doing?
User name: Just watching tv.
User name: Why are you still up babe?
cdomz66: cant sleep
User name: Did you resolve anything at the hospital?
cdomz66: like?
User name: You said in your text you were taking care of things at hospital.
cdomz66: i was making sure Jess was fine for the night and the nurses were asking if i was still on course for thursday since they ain't heard anything from me still. i was only trying to explain to them
User name: Ah ok. They don't let you sleep there? Here they do.
User name: Did you try the local banks? Maybe taking out a loan.
cdomz66: i couldn't sleep there. No
User name: Babe I don't understand how a successful family man, doesn't have any money in savings. What did you do with the money you've earned over these past years?
User name: How do you pay your rent in Pleasanton?
cdomz66: hold up
cdomz66: didn't you read what i wrote yesterday?
User name: Yes I did...but what did you do with the money from prior jobs?
User name: You know what? It's really none of my business. I'm sorry for asking.
User name: You still here?
cdomz66: I do have money in savings, i do have most of my funds in stocks and bonds, i've got money in fixed deposits. I didn't say i don't have any funds at all. I just don't have any funds i have access to whilst here, i need to be physically present to have access to these funds. Like i said yesterday love, my initial deposit for the project i'm working on right now I came here with....all of it. How isn't it your business? Sorry i'm watching the news as well as chatting to you so i'm a bit slow...
User name: I just been racking my brain to see how you could get your situation resolved and money/saving/jobs, etc. came to mind.
cdomz66: And also, i've told you several times i've had to relocate like countless times, all of my things are in storage and even when i get back, i'll be at a hotel for a while before deciding where to move to. Reason why i told you i could even move to u asap if you wanted. I've always allowed for flexibility
User name: I didn't know that... thought you had an apartment back home.
User name: I've always needed to be stable.
cdomz66: i told you in the beginning love
User name: I don't remember hun... sorry.
cdomz66: yea, well i've been a constant mover! always traveling for work. If you ever were in my shoes, trust me you'd be like that
cdomz66: it just comes with the job
User name: I guess you get used to it.
cdomz66: especially being freelance, you're uncertain about longevity of certain jobs etc
User name: I believe that.
User name: Especially now since you haven't been able to work.
User name: Where was your last job before this one?
User name: Babe, do you have any more pics of you? I've exhausted the ones you gave me. lol
cdomz66: maybe, not sure. Would let you know if i find any. My last job was in Doha but it was a short stint. After my late wife died, i didn't work for almost 2 years
User name: Where the heck is Doha? lol
cdomz66: Qatar
User name: haha ok, that tells me alot
cdomz66: lol
cdomz66: what does it tell you?
User name: Absolutely nothing. lol
cdomz66: hehehehe, actually it was Qatar but then it meant me finishing off in Kuala lumpur.....
cdomz66: it was a joint project with government of both countries
User name: What? Thailand... hahah
cdomz66: and i still have issues with them
cdomz66: especially since they do owe me tons still
cdomz66: nope, Malaysia
cdomz66: Thailand is Bangkok
User name: Ah ok... that's better. Thank you.
User name: I needed that geographical lesson. :)
cdomz66: i could be your teacher
User name: Love it!
User name: Babe, I'm going to bed... have a major headache.
User name: If we don't IM during the week, hope everything works out for Jess. You're both in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of hugs and kisses.
cdomz66: thanks! I won't hear from you this week, right?
User name: Yes babe. Just not sure if you'll feel up to it.
User name: Don't want you to be stressed with Jess and then also me.
User name: During the week, you usually don't IM with me.
User name: Ok, I'm here for you and love you megatons!
User name: You still here? I'm logging off now.
cdomz66: alrighty then. I get it. Have a goodnight love
cdomz66: nite nite
User name: What do you get? Babe please stop being so testy and miscontruing my words.
User name: I'm not the enemy... I promise.
cdomz66: should i give up on you trying to sort something out for the situation? Although you've said it already, i just need to confirm and yes i get that you're tired....No misinterpretation babe, trust me
cdomz66: i do totally understand!
User name: I have nothing to sort out hun... I don't have any cash or credit right now. I'm completely tapped out and don't know anyone who does. Sorry love.
User name: Emotionally I will always be here, but can't give you something I don't have. :(

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