Welcome To Royal Bank of Scotland International [RBS]
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[email protected] ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. (R.B.S)
For your attention,
I'am the Deputy chairman of Foreign Operation/Wire Transfer to write you in respect to your Mail which we have received.
Actually, we have earlier been told about you by the young lady Miss.Lilian Isaaq Deerow. that she wishes you to be her trustee/representative for the claim her late father's deposit with our bank.
Late.Abdallah Isaaq Deerow.is our late customer with account no. RBS-026004093, IBANBIC:RBOSGB2L substantial amount (US$4,600,000.00) of deposit with us.
Hence you have been really appointed as a trustee to represent the next of Kin.How ever before our bank will transact any business concerning the transfer of the fund with you,we will like you to send the followings:
1.A power of attorney and affidavit of oath permitting you to claim and transfer the funds to your bank account on her behalf. This document must be endorsed by a Senegalese resident lawyer which she can help you to get one.
2.The death certificate of late. Abdallah Isaaq Deerow. (Her deceased father) confirming the death.
3.A copy of statement of account of the account issued to late. Abdallah Isaaq Deerow. by our bank.
Note that the above are compulsory, and are needed to protect our interest,yours, the next of kin after the claims.
These shall also ensure that a smooth, quick and successful transfer of the fund is made.
We promise to give our customers the best of our services.
Should you have any question(s), please contact foreign transfer officer
Mr. Stephen Hester
for more directives/ clarifications
Yours Faithfully, chairman Mr. Stephen Hester
Deputy chairman Sir Tom McKillop
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