Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by kemilove Wed May 19, 2010 7:19 pm
I recently applied to a position advertised on Craigslist. The lady has replied back to me however I'm reluctant to reply back. Why would she need my credit score? Is this a Scam? please help!


Human Resources - [Miller Corp & Associates] <[email protected]>
Add to Contacts
To: __
Thank you for sending your resume to me. So the job responsibilities are clear, you will be answering the phone, scheduling meetings, and running company errands such as buying office supplies and making bank deposits, in a company car. When running errands you will be provided with a company credit card to make supply purchases, etc. We have had some bad experiences with prior employees taking advantage of having access to a company credit card in the past, so before we can schedule an interview and to comply with the US Patriot Act, we need you to get a background check. We prefer you use http://www.miller-corp.com/employee to obtain this information as they are reliable. We have also found their reports most accurate. When you submit your information they will send you your credit score. Please email me your credit score, so we can schedule an interview. Please do not email me your credit report, as this may have private information in it. Just send me your credit score. If you have a low credit score, that will not prevent you from having an interview with us, but it does show us that you are trustworthy and responsible. Please send me your schedule with availability for an interview along with your credit score. I am looking forward to your response! :)

Rachel P. Kennedy
Miller Corp & Associates
"To freely bloom - that is my definition of success."

by EPETERSON83 Wed May 19, 2010 7:45 pm
What city was it for? Because I received a similar one today too and I'm in Sacramento, CA. I went to the link and it redirects you to a website called http://www.protectmyid.com and I checked out that site and called their number and is an affiliate with Experian. But when you go to http://www.miller-corp.com everything is under construction for all of their links- ODD. It's odd that the url they give is http://miller-corp.com/employee instead of www.protectmyid.com directly. If your not in Sac like me then it's probably a scam. Please let me know too as I have not completed mine either. Thanks
by kemilove Wed May 19, 2010 7:47 pm
Im in los Anegeles..hmm yes very interesting. I checked the domain of the site and it says it was just created today

strange. Im not buyin it! The whole Credit Score crap is too weird
by EPETERSON83 Wed May 19, 2010 7:50 pm
Yea that doesn't sound legit at all. Most companies can get a credit score when they do your paperwork if it's neccessary and here's the email I got:

Erin Peterson,

Thank you for sending your resume to me. So the job responsibilities are clear, you will be answering the phone, scheduling meetings, and running company errands such as buying office supplies and making bank deposits, in a company car. When running errands you will be provided with a company credit card to make supply purchases, etc. We have had some bad experiences with prior employees taking advantage of having access to a company credit card in the past, so before we can schedule an interview and to comply with the US Patriot Act, we need you to get a background check. We prefer you use http://www.miller-corp.com/employee to obtain this information as they are reliable. We have also found their reports most accurate. When you submit your information they will send you your credit score. Please email me your credit score, so we can schedule an interview. Please do not email me your credit report, as this may have private information in it. Just send me your credit score. If you have a low credit score, that will not prevent you from having an interview with us, but it does show us that you are trustworthy and responsible. Please send me your schedule with availability for an interview along with your credit score. I am looking forward to your response! :)

Maggie J. Davis
Miller Corp & Associates

"When you make a mistake, don't look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power."
by kemilove Wed May 19, 2010 7:53 pm
WoW these people totally suck ass!

And the nerve to put a different quote at the end!
Geez Im so thankful for this site and YOU! lol
I think I'm done with appyling for jobs on craigslist -_- total let down!
by EPETERSON83 Wed May 19, 2010 7:56 pm
I went to the link that you provided to check when it was created and odd how it says Bahamas on it and a phone number with 852 which is Hong Kongs country code
by kemilove Wed May 19, 2010 7:58 pm
YeaH! I noticed that too, I smell Identity theft.

I did a little research on the credit score company http://www.protectmyid.com but couldnt find any dirt
by Dotti Wed May 19, 2010 8:10 pm
You are both accurate in not trusting this. It is not legitimate. Employers do not ask employees to get their own credit scores. Employers who use credit reports in hiring have contracts with legitimate services, and they obtain your report themselves!

Without having checked out the website, I can tell you that this will have one of 2 purposes. We have seen both.

a) Identity theft. In order to get your "credit score" you will need to enter your key information, including social security number, address, etc. That information is enough to steal your identity.

b) to get affiliate fees. This is a big problem with creditreport.com. We have seem multiple scams in which the victim was sent to a site like the one you were sent to, and the site ultimately led to creditreport.com. There the victim is told to order the free credit report, but in signing up for the free report, they are required to provide a credit card number. Of course they are automatically signed up for a monthly credit monitoring service and their credit card is billed automatically if they don't cancel the membership per the site's terms, and many people don't realize until they have already paid. The scammer makes money through the affiliate fees that creditreport.com pays for each new member who is successfully billed--If the scammer gets hundreds of victims to sign up for free credit reports, he can pocket thousands of dollars!

UPDATE: I just checked the site out, and it ultimately leads to creditreport.com So the answer is (b) affiliate scam.

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by kemilove Wed May 19, 2010 8:28 pm
Thats absolutely ridiculous.
The things people will do for money!
Thanks for the help Dotti!
by EPETERSON83 Wed May 19, 2010 8:48 pm
i have found legit jobs on craigslist. What caught my attention was the reply email didn't even include the original I sent them. its sad how low these people will go.

so im assuming the link they sent even though it goes to another site is able to capture everything you enter as far as your info goes and thats how the identy is stolen.
by EPETERSON83 Wed May 19, 2010 8:51 pm
I applied for so many jobs I don't even know which one it was in response to since the original I sent them is missing. But I never sent one to a miller-corp.com domain.
by kemilove Wed May 19, 2010 10:34 pm
yeah same here! And sometimes it's hard to determine which are legit
by Jillian Wed May 19, 2010 11:19 pm
Welcome to those of you posting on this thread. As always, Dotti's advice is wonderful.

kemilove wrote: sometimes it's hard to determine which are legit

Yes, it can be difficult! The best defense is to arm yourself with information to familiarize yourself with the scams so they are easier to spot. Please read the information here on our forum and feel free to post anything that you're suspicious of, we're glad to take a look and advise you. :D

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

Follow ScamWarners on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ScamWarners
by Michael Thu May 20, 2010 2:21 am
kemilove, can you give me the headers of the first mail you posted? miller-corp.com was created yesterday and they're still building the site - I'll try to get it down asap. If you are unsure how to retrieve headers, just tell me what mail provider you are using and I'll guide you. I'll need those for additional evidence :)

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