by GomerPyle
Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:22 pm
I'm gobsmacked (and many think I should be )
This scammer is like a demented dung beetle who gives new meaning to the expression 'blithering idiot'.
I think he must be suffering from an obsessive compulsive disorder and the self delusion that he's achieving something clever.
It's frightening to try to imagine how much of his output is wasting space on the internet.
Time to take a rest.
I'll have another bash at it tomorrow. There are so many scam websites it's unbelievable. I've even found one selling bicycles - but that's leading me down another path, which doesn't even touch the earth moving machinery he's been offering for sale.
There are some interesting domain names I need to dig into a little deeper.
This scammer is like a demented dung beetle who gives new meaning to the expression 'blithering idiot'.
I think he must be suffering from an obsessive compulsive disorder and the self delusion that he's achieving something clever.
It's frightening to try to imagine how much of his output is wasting space on the internet.
Time to take a rest.
I'll have another bash at it tomorrow. There are so many scam websites it's unbelievable. I've even found one selling bicycles - but that's leading me down another path, which doesn't even touch the earth moving machinery he's been offering for sale.
There are some interesting domain names I need to dig into a little deeper.
Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer