Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by GomerPyle Sat May 02, 2009 9:39 pm
Two other points to note.

Banks don't make transfers by Western Union or MoneyGram. Undoubtedly that's how the scammer will ask you to transfer the fees, but no bank on planet earth will ask you to use that method to make a payment to them. For that matter no company uses them either, for the simple reason that a company, as such, cannot go and collect cash, they are services purely for use by private individuals.

In the event they give you a bank account to use it would also be in the name of a private individual and no honest bank official receives bank fees into any account other than one in their bank's name. This person is not only dishonest, but is also not a bank official.

The scammer hopes that by the time this is revealed to you, you are fully hooked and not paying proper attention to these facts.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

by Jillian Sun May 03, 2009 11:08 am
Another point is that sometimes the scammer will provide fake evidence to try to convince a victim that the fund exists, beyond just his word. Scammers can and do make fraudulent websites including log in information that they send to the victim. The victim logs into what they believe to be a legitimate bank website and see what appears to be evidence of the fund. Be very wary of websites that you are pointed toward and when in doubt, ask here. We are glad to investigate websites and can have them terminated if fraudulent.

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

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