by Dotti
Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:43 am
I am sorry to have to do this, but I am going to be quite blunt here.
You are doing exactly what this scammer wants, allowing yourself to be manipulated by him. You are not controlling the situation, he is, because he has kept you listening to him. You need to cut off all contact with this scammer NOW! I know you are looking into changing emails, but until then, ignore his emails, and block him from your messenger. If he calls you on the phone, block or refuse to answer his calls. If you accidentally answer, hang up. As long as you are listening to the crap he is feeding you, he is still scamming you. Because you have sent him money, you are a good maga (their word for victim) and he is not going to let go easily.
No, the US army does not freeze soldiers' bank accounts for spending money the wrong way. The US army does not regulate morality, period--if the soldiers have access to bars and want to spend every penny ther, the army does not care, as long as they show up for duty sober and on time. If they don't show up for duty on time, or show up drunk, their bank accounts still won't be frozen--they will face disciplinary action. This is another bizarre fairy tale spun by a scammer who doesn't know or care how the army works. The only reason a soldier's bank account would be frozen is in the case of criminal activity--and the major wouldn't do that, it would go through the military's legal system. Even in this case it is only allowable under certain circumstances.
There are places where webcam use is restricted, but generally in those places, soldiers can't use yahoo or other public chat programs either--they are only allowed to chat through the army's chat system (which is free but for security reasons is generally restricted to family members, so if he really were in a high-security area, he would never have been able to start chatting with you in the first place). If he is somewhere he can use chat, chances are he can use webcam. The reality is, the scammer can't get on webcam because he is not the person in the photos, period.
If he lost a uniform that wasn't due for replacement (the US military has a standard schedule for replacement of uniforms) he would have to buy a new one. He might face minor disciplinary action if he does not have it when he needs it for a specific function, but he's certainly not going to prison for it.
As for the IP thing--he knows you are checking out his story, and invariably the subject of IP will come up, so he is trying to feed you a story to explain it.
There is absolutely no doubt that this is an African scammer. Like all scammers, he will continue to hang on and say anything, tell any lie he can think of, just for the chance to steal more money.