Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by collie Wed Feb 16, 2011 4:24 am
Thanks to everyone on this site. :D

You have restored my faith in the human race, males in particular.

The Australian Media are very" interested" in this arsehole and his mates so could end up being quite a big article.
I have to contact the Editor tomorrow 17th Feb to set up a date for the story to be done.

my best friend said" maybe one of those rich philanthropists might see the article and give you some money" :)
That would be very nice indeed but my aim of getting this into the Media is to warn other vulnerable people.

I am not getting involved in any other dating stuff.

My head told me that there were only ever 2 men in my life that I could trust- my late WW2 veteran Dad, Bill, and my best friend's partner( a fellow Collie owner) who came to my aid just after Dad passed in 2009 and my health plummented and I was in hospital for 7 weeks. he just took my 2 Collies to his place and looked after them (wouldn't accept any money for it), took me to and from medical appointments. I call him my "adopted brother" and last Christmas just gone his card read on the cover "Merry Christmas Dear Sister".
I truly believe that my late Dad saw I was in crisis and he sent Scott to me( we hadn't met face to face till I took ill but had chatted a lot on dog email lists and he is definitely the brother I always wanted but never had).
He even did the total makeover of my Cabin,painting,new carpet,etc.

I am so gladI found this site.

The support is wonderful.

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