Allow me to educate you scammer (you appear in desperate need

Only life's failures feel the overwhelming need to broadcast their imagined success.
Scammers are habitual liars and can't even tell themselves the truth.
Scammers are as detested in Africa as they are anywhere else in the world.
Scammers who spend time having arguments on scam sites are abject failures who come to us for the only attention anyone gives them.
Welcome back 'house pet'. You still use the lame trunk box scam ? The world has moved on and so should you. I hope it takes you a lot longer to make up your next story before you come back and visit us again.

So as not to allow your current visit to have been a complete waste of time allow me to provide a psychological profile for you :-
You're a loner, as everyone you meet is a potential victim and 'meal ticket', and you don't hold on to friends long because of that. You only mix with other scammers and they treat you the same way, so any time you have money or valuables you're nervous and anxious.
You live in a world of shadows and fear, not sure when the police or a victim will catch up with you, so you have no long term friends or relationships, just a network of like minded sewer rats.
Your education was poor and short, and any job you've ever held has been menial and not lasted long. You walk around with a massve chip on your shoulder resentful of everyone else who has what you don't, and if you can't have what they do, you prefer to steal or destroy it.
You must be in a very low state if this is the only place you can find a platform for your untrue boasts.
No charge.