Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Julia Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:52 pm
It sure does show how low a scammer will go in his attempt to steal from innocent victims, but hell that was funny! :laugh-s:

Administrative Team

by Tom Sanders Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:44 pm
Adequate attention will be paid to this matter soonest.

I wait with baited breath.
by Jackie Davies Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:47 am
Now that's funny :lol: I thought I'd seen it all, but that's an extra-specially dumb thing to do. This bungling thieving idiot deserves the clap. :=)
by GomerPyle Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:20 pm
Adequate attention will be paid to this matter soonest.

Administrative Team

Can I have compensation too please ? :D

If only the scammer knew the millions that come rolling in because of the crap produced by numbskulls like him. :mrgreen:

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Ralph Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:04 pm
I almost wish he could see this and know we are taunting his stupidity at thinking he could get away with convincing a site full of scam advisers that it is not a scam, we have some of the most experienced scam advisors from around the world here, how dumb does he think we are.

It does show how they believe they are so much smarter than everybody else in the world for having learnt how to steal using the internet, that skill doesn't make you smart, it makes you the lowest scum on earth.

Ralph Warner
Support Team Member
And I have the badge to prove it :lol:
by Site_Admin1 Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:25 am
Hello everyone

I now you all have been waiting to meet me. Let me tell you the reason for my previous post on this thread. i was working on a victim and he went ahead and googled my name and came across your page. He then contatcted me saying he has found out what a scammer I am. I was so downcast and didn't know what to do. Then after hours of deep thinking, a brilliant idea sprung up. I simply registered here with the username site_admin and made that post. After making the post. i immediately told him to visi this thread again and see whats on there. I made him believe the site admin had apologised for their erroneous posting of my name and organisation as a scam.

The stupid man from texas believed me. He goes by the name of Gerald Blundell. He paid out several sums in dollars to me and mind you its not always by western union. The first payment was in amount of $7100, the second was $25,000 and the third was $158,000. You know how we do, the amount keeps rising till you dumb fucks can pay no more.

Wll I'm living good now. I have invested wisely and you know down here in Africa... all that money is a whole lot. The victim is still intact now as he is looking for more money so as to pay another charge. He believes me so much and why not. I have so many documents to back my claims up. He is hoping to receive the sum of $11,000,000.00

Bye now all and have a graceful day ahead.

by Arnold Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:26 am
Brilliant? I labelled you as the scammer within 17 minutes, not that it wasn't obvious to everyone.
If you are the same person as "Site_admin" that is. Which I doubt.

by GomerPyle Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:29 am
Allow me to educate you scammer (you appear in desperate need :D )

Only life's failures feel the overwhelming need to broadcast their imagined success.

Scammers are habitual liars and can't even tell themselves the truth.

Scammers are as detested in Africa as they are anywhere else in the world.

Scammers who spend time having arguments on scam sites are abject failures who come to us for the only attention anyone gives them.

Welcome back 'house pet'. You still use the lame trunk box scam ? The world has moved on and so should you. I hope it takes you a lot longer to make up your next story before you come back and visit us again. :D

So as not to allow your current visit to have been a complete waste of time allow me to provide a psychological profile for you :-

You're a loner, as everyone you meet is a potential victim and 'meal ticket', and you don't hold on to friends long because of that. You only mix with other scammers and they treat you the same way, so any time you have money or valuables you're nervous and anxious.

You live in a world of shadows and fear, not sure when the police or a victim will catch up with you, so you have no long term friends or relationships, just a network of like minded sewer rats.

Your education was poor and short, and any job you've ever held has been menial and not lasted long. You walk around with a massve chip on your shoulder resentful of everyone else who has what you don't, and if you can't have what they do, you prefer to steal or destroy it.

You must be in a very low state if this is the only place you can find a platform for your untrue boasts.

No charge.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by ChrisSmith Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:01 am
LMAO!! Great to see that we hurt scammers so much, they now feel the need to sign up here to try to get revenge. :evil:

Hey SiteAdmin1!! What's it like to have all your magas taken away from you by us? No jobs for you small boi. Better give up the Yahoo Yahoo and go work in a Pepper Soup Joint. You'll make more money than you do now.

And just to let you know, we now have you IP address as well. We're going to be sending that onto the police/EFCC along with your email address, but more importantly, we're going to continue screwing up your jobs so every time you think you're going to get a payment, you'll end up with nothing but dust.
Heh. A poor fool like you won't even be fit to work Lottery scams by the time we're finished with you. :lol:

You're going to be a poverty stricken mugu for the rest of your life!!! :beer:
by GomerPyle Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:52 am
I can confirm that the person the scammer claims to be obtaining money from either doesn't exist or isn't paying him any money. Anyone of that wealth is easily checked.

He paid out several sums in dollars to me and mind you its not always by western union.

As an afterthought the scammer realised he must add an alternative to Western Union, as they operate floor limits on amounts that can be sent to different parts of the world, which then suggests that our pal has never received any large amount from any victim.

Keep talking.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Bubbles Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:48 am
Wow, almost two years between site_admin's post and site_admin1's post. That is quite a while to keep a grudge Mr. Scammer.

We are actually glad that you surfaced again because we have some questions for you. My first question is: How is Nigeria this time of the year?

I hope you will visit again because the real care takers of this site need something to do, and we are good at what we do.

Maybe you should be calling yourself "Dreamer1". :yikes:

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by ChrisSmith Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:05 pm
The problem Lakesyd has is that he thinks he's posting anonymously. What he doesn't realise is that we're experts at tracking down scammers - it's what we do. Not only that, but we gather every last detail about them.

Lakesyd was too dumb to think about that and now he's on our radar. But then Arsenal supporters have never been very bright. :lol:

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