Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Katharina Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:06 am
Welcome NutcrackerSweet!
There is nothing I could add to your analysis. :=)
Dou you happen to know any other of the scammers' email addresses besides the ones already mentioned here?

by NutcrackerSweet Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:27 am
Thank you, Katharina.

This was more than just an analysis - I was caught in his web as well, just got smart quicker and saw through a lot of the BS. He/they had the nerve to email my kids pretending they were going to have a wonderful new Dad. That's what makes me the angriest.

He/they used to be on WAYN, Que Pasa and also on Facebook, though I believe those three accounts have been closed. Not certain if the Netlog account is still up and runnning, as I never did quite figure out how to navigate that one. Mostly he/they use the yahoo account as Cerwin and then also [email protected] pretending to be General R Williams.

I haven't been getting bothered lately, but then they never got any money from me.
by Justin Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:06 am
Thanks for posting all the info! I'm glad to hear you did not loose any money. As you noted there nothing off limits for these scumbags. They will sink to the lowest levels to try and steal your money.

As a side note on your previous post you mentioned how the man seemed to have two personalities. It may be possible that it is two different scammers as some work in gangs. It may also have been the difference between scripted and offscripted emails. Scammers in general are uncreative and lazy. They use scripted emails to communicate with the victim initially. These emails are not written by the scammer and many differant scammers are using the same script. The scammer usually has 3 to 4 rounds of the script. After that he is on his own. If he was successful this is the point he would receive money. When the scammer has to go offscript you will notice a differant writting style and typically a totally differant personality. You could also notice his grammar and spelling getting worst. These are all warning signs to look for. If your in doubt compare some of the original emails to the current ones and look for the differences.

by NutcrackerSweet Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:21 pm
Thanks Justin,

In this particular case it was a constant switching back and forth between the three distinctive attitudes. Sometimes one attitude would prevail for several encounters then excuse themself to "talk to the boss". Sometimes they would return shortly, but the persona had changed. Other times it could be a day or two, sometimes three before Cerwin would reappear. There was no definite pattern as to which personality would appear at specific times. The most common time I was contacted was in the middle of the night while I was at work, but it varied which Cerwin was online with me. There didn't appear to be much of a script other than constantly saying Honey and I love you.
by ceastep Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:16 pm
Interesting....I think he's trying to hook me too. Glad I did some research. Cerwin Heller (Now using Chris), retired army sgt, living in NC with a 5 yr old daughter.....lousy grammar. Thinks we would be great together, blah, blah, blah....
by Justin Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:54 pm
Hello and welcome!

I'm glad you spotted the scam before getting more involved. Please post his email address as scammers often change them. We want others who search to find the site.


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